Palm. Berlin P. 23702   (More information about the Object)
Publication No.
Modern Title supporting letter connected with deliveries of wine
Summary Supporting letter connected with deliveries of wine by two men to an attorney of Satis.


1n-ı͗.ı͗r-ḥr Pꜣ-šr-pꜣ-wr pꜣ rd Spd.t n nty ḫfṱḥ Spd.t nb .t ẖrk.w n-ḏr.t Pꜣ-ḏı͗-ꜣs.t Pꜣ-ḏı͗-nfr-ḥtp ı͗rp qws 2 sw 8 n-ḏr.t Pa-H̱nm qws 1 lq 1


1To Psenporis, the attorney of Satis, concerning that what is in front of Satet-mistress-of-jewellery, by Peteesis, (son) of Petenephotes: Wine: 2 qus quantity, at the 8th day; (and) by Pachnpumis: 1 qus quantity and 1 leq quantity.