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1 | | Ḥr-pa-ꜣs.t sꜣ Pꜣ-wp.ṱ
Ns-pꜣ-mtr sꜣ Ḏḥwtı͗-mꜣꜥ
Pa-rṱ sꜣ Pa-ḥr r s 3 nꜣ nty ḏd n wꜥ rꜣ Lit.: „with one mouth“.
2 | | tw=n ı͗r ꜥnḫ m-bꜣḥ pr-ꜥꜣ
Ptrwmys sꜣ Ptrwmys ı͗rm ꜣrsn |
3 | | tꜣ mr sn
The real mother of Ptolemaios III. was Arsinoe I., not Arsinoe II. Philadelpha. But due to the banishment of the first, Ptolemaios III. used to name Arsinoe II. as his mother.
nꜣ nṯr(.w) nꜣy=f sn.w
nꜣ nṯr.w mnḫ.w
tꜣ pr-ꜥꜣ.t
For this title cf. also Moje, Herrscherfrauen (2013), with further literature.
ꜣbrnge tꜣy=f sn.t tꜣy=f ḥm.t |
4 | | ı͗rm nꜣ nṯr.w nꜣy=f sn.w nꜣ nṯr.w mnḫ.w ı͗rm ꜣs.t ı͗rm Wsı͗r ı͗rm nꜣ nṯr.w Kmy ḏr=w |
5 | | ı͗w=n (r) šd nꜣ ḥḏ.w ḥmꜣ nꜣ ḥḏ.w ı͗n.nw Hitherto read incorrectly as ı͗n-šn (Erichsen, Demotisches Glossar (1954), 34). Alongside Brautschleier “bridat veil” it can (better) be read as Wolle “wool”, cf. Demotische Wortliste online, s. v. ı͗n-šn. n tꜣ sḫ.t Yb n pꜣ ḥtr n ḥsb.t 11 |
6 | | n pꜣ s 3 r-ẖ pꜣ nty ı͗w=w (r) ı͗p ı͗rm=n n nꜣ ꜥ.wy.w (n) sẖ n pr-ꜥꜣ ı͗w bn-pw rmṯ ḏd mḏ(.t) ꜥḏ |
7 | | (n) pꜣy=f ı͗ry n.ı͗m=n n pꜣ s 3 mtw=w wṱ=w r nꜣ sḫn.w n pr-ꜥꜣ šꜥ-tw=n mḥ.ṱ=w |
8 | | mtw=n ı͗r pꜣ hy pꜣ ꜣs wṱ=n Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 52.n pꜣ s 3 pꜣ nkt nty ı͗w=f (r) ḫpr n ḥw mtw=n |
9 | | pš=f r-ḥr=n n pꜣ s 3 ı͗w mn mḏ(.t) ꜥḏ (n) pꜣ ꜥnḫ mtw=n sẖ nꜣ ḥḏ.w nty ı͗w=w (r) ı͗r ı͗w |
10 | | r-ḏr.t.ṱ=n n pꜣ s 3 ı͗rm n pꜣ he nty ı͗w=f (r) ḫpr n.ı͗m=w r pꜣ ḏmꜥ mtw=n ḏbꜥ=f pꜣ nty ı͗w=f sṯꜣ.ṱ=f r ı͗r r-ẖ mḏ(t.) nb nty ḥry ı͗w=f (r) ḏı͗.t ḥḏ (dbn) 5 |
11 | | (n) pꜣy=f ı͗ry n.ı͗m=n n-ḏr.t Pa-rṱ sꜣ Pa-ḥr r ḫrw=w n pꜣ s 3 n ḥsb.t 11 ı͗bd 2 šmw n pr-ꜥꜣ n
Ptrwmys ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb |
12 | | sꜣ Ptrwmys ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb sẖ Ns-pꜣ-mtr sꜣ Ḏḥwtı͗-mꜣꜥ r ı͗r r-ẖ mḏ(.t) nb nty ḥry |
13 | | n nꜣ ssw Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 25. nty ḥry sẖ Ḥr-pa-ꜣs.t In line 1 and 14 the name of this person is given as Harpaesis. sꜣ Pꜣ-wp.ṱ ḏd ı͗w=y (r) ı͗r r-ẖ mḏ(.t) nb nty sẖ ḥry n nꜣ ssw.w nty ḥry |
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14 | | Ḥr-pa-ꜣs.t sꜣ Pꜣ-wp.ṱ
Ns-pꜣ-mtr sꜣ Ḏḥwtı͗-mꜣꜥ
Pa-rṱ sꜣ Pa-ḥr r s 3 nꜣ nty ḏd (n) wꜥ rꜣ tw=n
1 Lit.: „with one mouth“. 2 The real mother of Ptolemaios III. was Arsinoe I., not Arsinoe II. Philadelpha. But due to the banishment of the first, Ptolemaios III. used to name Arsinoe II. as his mother. 3 For this title cf. also Moje, Herrscherfrauen (2013), with further literature. 4 Hitherto read incorrectly as ı͗n-šn (Erichsen, Demotisches Glossar (1954), 34). Alongside Brautschleier “bridat veil” it can (better) be read as Wolle “wool”, cf. Demotische Wortliste online, s. v. ı͗n-šn. 5 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 52. 6 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 25. 7 In line 1 and 14 the name of this person is given as Harpaesis.
1 | | Harpaesis, son of Pouoptis, Espmetis, son of Thotomous, (and) Parates, son of Payris – yields 3 people – are the one who say unanimously: |
2 | | We take an oath before Pharaoh Ptolemaios (III.), son of Ptolemaios (II.) and Arsinoë (II.) |
3 | | Philadelpha, {and} the gods Adelphoi, and the gods Euergetai, {and} the Female Pharaoh Berenike (II.), his sister, his wife |
4 | | {and the gods Adelphoi, the gods Euergetai} and Isis and Osiris and all the gods of Egypt. |
5 | | We will collect the amounts of money of the salt tax and the amounts of money of the wool tax of the district of Elephantine, for the tax of the 11th regnal year, |
6 | | the 3 people in accordance with that which will be accounted for us in the houses of writing of Pharaoh, without any men saying something wrong |
7 | | to his companion among us, the 3 people. And they shall be paid to the banks of Pharaoh until we have paid them in full. |
8 | | And we will bear the allowance and the loss between us, the 3 people. That which shall arise as profit, we will |
9 | | divide it among us, the 3 people, so that there is no falsehood n the oath. And we will write the money which shall be paid |
10 | | to us, the 3 people, `and´ the expense which shall arise therein, `in a papyrus roll and we will seal it´. The one who will withdraw from it according with everything mentioned above, he should pay 5 silver (deben) |
11 | | (to) his companion among us. Issued by Parates, son of Payris, on declaration of the three men, in the 11th regnal year, Payni of Pharaoh Ptolemaios (III.) LPH, |
12 | | son of Ptolemaios (II.) LPH. [_] Countersigned by Espmetis, son of Thotomous, to act in accordance with everything mentioned above, |
13 | | in the times mentioned above. [_] Countersigned by Harsiesis, son of Pouoptis: I will act in accordance with everything written above, in the times mentioned above. |
14 | | Harpaesis, son of Pouoptis, Espmetis, son of Thotomous, (and) Parates, son of Payris – yields 3 people – are the one who say unanimously: ⸢We⸣ [///]
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