1 | | ḥsb.t 18 ı͗bd 1 šmw sw 12 ı͗p ı͗rp |
2 | | sw 2 (n) Swn
A version with silver determinative is attested, although this is not the regular writing. Information on this writing due to K.-Th. ZAUZICH, Email 14.01.2020. n-ḏr.t The reading of this lemma by ZAUZICH is cited in DE CENIVAL 1984 III, 23 sub 4,2.
I͗y-m-ḥtp (sꜣ) Glgl
This name of possible Semitic origin (cf. VITTMANN 1996, 445 subb glg) is currently attested once only in the literature, on a camel bone from the Bahariyqa Oasis from BCE 138: E: BRESCIANI, „Ostraka demotici da Ossirinco”, in: SCO 27 (1977), 14 – 15 no. 1.
3 | | sw 7 n Snı͗
For this toponym see DBL 2005, 833 § 54. Cf. otherwise QUACK in Enchoria 24 (1997/8), 47 with further literature. n-ḏr.t According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL, 18.
Nḫṱ- (qws)
4 | | sw 9 (n) Gbṱ n-ḏr.t Prtrqws
5 | | ı͗rp H̱r |
6 | | sw 15 n Pꜣ-sy
7 | | n-ḏr.t n nꜣ rmṯ.w n Nꜣy.w-t(ꜣ)-ḥ.wt
8 | | sw 25 (n) Ḫmnw
9 | | Wn-nfr pꜣ ḥm-nṯr I͗mn
ı͗rp H̱r (qws)
10 | | nꜣ rmṯ.w (n) tmy
11 | | Pꜣ-ḏı͗-I͗mn
pꜣ ḥm-nṯr ꜣs.t
12 | | r ı͗rp 8 (qws) wp. t H̱r 2
1 A version with silver determinative is attested, although this is not the regular writing. Information on this writing due to K.-Th. ZAUZICH, Email 14.01.2020. 2 The reading of this lemma by ZAUZICH is cited in DE CENIVAL 1984 III, 23 sub 4,2. 3 This name of possible Semitic origin (cf. VITTMANN 1996, 445 subb glg) is currently attested once only in the literature, on a camel bone from the Bahariyqa Oasis from BCE 138: E: BRESCIANI, „Ostraka demotici da Ossirinco”, in: SCO 27 (1977), 14 – 15 no. 1. 4 For this toponym see DBL 2005, 833 § 54. Cf. otherwise QUACK in Enchoria 24 (1997/8), 47 with further literature. 5 According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL, 18.
1 | | 18th regnal year, 12 of Pachons. Account of (scil. Egyptian) wine |
2 | | 2nd day, (from) Syene, by Imouthes, son of Gelgel: [/// (qus)]. |
3 | | 7th day, from Esna, by Nakht[/// (qus)]. |
4 | | 9th day, (from) Coptos, by Protarchos: [/// (qus)]. |
5 | | Syrian wine: |
6 | | 15th day, from Ptolemais, |
7 | | by the men from Natho: [_] [Syrian] wine [/// (qus)]. |
8 | | 25th day, (from) Hermopolis, (by) |
9 | | Onnophris, the priest of Amun: [_] Syrian wine [/// (qus)]. |
10 | | (and by) the men (from) the settlement: [_] [Syrian] wine [/// (qus)]. |
11 | | (and by) Petamounis, the priest of Isis: [_] [Syrian] wine [/// (qus)]. |
12 | | Yields wine 8 (qus). Specification: Syrian (scil. wine): 2 (qus).
| |
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