1 | | ḥsb.t 3.t ı͗bd 1 ꜣḫ.t n pr-ꜥꜣ
Ptwrms sꜣ Ptwrms sꜣ Ptwrms ı͗rm tꜣ pr-ꜥꜣ.t
tꜣ sṯꜣ.ṱ s:ḥḏ
This interprataion of the title as „hauler (of) light“ as a hapax according to Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C31. This passage is given by him in ⸢ ⸣, but is is preserved completely on the papyrus. ḏd tꜣ s.ḥm.t Ta-ḥp The reading of the name as Ta-Spd.t instead of a Ta-ḥpy expected with regard to the Greek text, according to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203 could not be verified by consultation of the original. ta Krrws
Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203. mw.t=s S
Cf. also Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203, contra the reading of Kurt Sethe „-mont“.
2 | | n s:ḥm.t Ta-sty ta Ḥr-Wn-nfr
Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203, instead of Ḥr-m-ꜣḫ.t „Harmachis“. mw.t=s ꜣs.t-wr.t ḏd=y qnb.t ı͗rm=ṯ Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 2203. ı͗w ı͗r ḥr nꜣ wpṱy.w (r-)dbꜣ pꜣy ꜥ.wy nty n tꜣ ı͗wy.t ḥry-ı͗b m Yb ḥnꜥ nꜣy nk.t-ry.t pꜣy qrr n ḥḏ |
3 | | ḏı͗ nꜣ wpṱy.w mꜣꜥ.t r.ḥr=y n.ı͗m=w ḏı͗=y wy=ṯ r ḥr=ṯ n pꜣ ꜥ.wy nty ḥry ḏı͗.w (r) dbꜣ-ḥḏ s:ḥm.t Tꜣy-gꜣ This reading instead of Tꜣy-smꜣ-tꜣ „Tisemteus“ by Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), gives here Tꜣy-? ta smꜣ-tꜣ.wı͗. ḥnꜥ nꜣy nk.t-ry.t pꜣ qrr mn mtw=y md(.t) nb(.t) |
4 | | n pꜣ tꜣ ı͗w ı͗r n=ṯ n rn=w n-ṯꜣy (n) pꜣ hrw r-ḥry rnp.t nb.t šꜥ ḏ.t pꜣ nty ı͗w=f r ı͗y r
ḥr=ṯ r-dbꜣ=w n rn=y n rn rmṯ nb n pꜣ tꜣ n rn pꜣ ꜥš r.ı͗r=ṯ r pꜣ sẖ r.ı͗r=w n Tꜣy-gꜣ
This reading instead of Tꜣy-smꜣ-tꜣ „Tisemteus“ by Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. pꜣ ꜥ.wı͗ |
5 | | rn=f ı͗w=y ḏı͗ wy=f r.ḥr=ṯ ḥnꜥ pꜣ qrr nꜣ nk.t-ry.t ı͗r=ṯ n=y pꜣy=w hp pꜣy=w wp pꜣy=w ꜥnḫ |
6 | | m-bꜣḥ H̱nm mn mtw=y md(.t) nb(.t) n pꜣ tꜣ ı͗w ı͗r n=ṯ n rn=w pꜣy=ṯ rd pꜣ nty ḏı͗ ḥtr n md(.t) nb(.t) nty ı͗w=f ḏd.ṱ=w ı͗rm=y n rn md(.t) nb(.t) nty ḥry mtw=y ı͗r=w r ḫrw=f n ḥtr |
7 | | ı͗wtı͗ mn ı͗wtı͗ sẖ nb ı͗w=ı͗ ı͗r s.ḥm.t Tꜣy-gꜣ This reading of Tꜣy-smꜣ-tꜣ „Tisemteus“ by Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. ta Pa-tꜣ.wı͗
Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. r ḏı͗.w n=s pꜣy ꜥ.wy nty ḥry ḫpr m-sꜣ Ta-sty ta Ḥr-Wn-nfr
Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203, instead of Ḥr-m-ꜣḫ.t „Harmachis“. This text passage is also mentioned in Lüddeckens, Demotisches Namenbuch (1979-2000), 795 Nr. 5. r-dbꜣ sẖ dbꜣ-ḥḏ sẖ wy r ḏd Ta-sty |
8 | | ı͗w=y (r) ḏı͗.t ı͗r=s Ta-ḥp ta Krrws ı͗w=y r ı͗r=w n s.ḥm.t Tꜣy-gwꜣ This reading of Tꜣy-smꜣ-tꜣ „Tisemteus“ by Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. ta Pa-tꜣ.wı͗
Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005),204. sẖ ı͗rı͗-ꜥꜣ n I͗mn
I͗y-m-ḥtp (sꜣ) I͗mn-ḥtp
1 This interprataion of the title as „hauler (of) light“ as a hapax according to Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C31. This passage is given by him in ⸢ ⸣, but is is preserved completely on the papyrus. 2 The reading of the name as Ta-Spd.t instead of a Ta-ḥpy expected with regard to the Greek text, according to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203 could not be verified by consultation of the original. 3 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203. 4 Cf. also Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203, contra the reading of Kurt Sethe „-mont“. 5 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203, instead of Ḥr-m-ꜣḫ.t „Harmachis“. 6 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 2203. 7 This reading instead of Tꜣy-smꜣ-tꜣ „Tisemteus“ by Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), gives here Tꜣy-? ta smꜣ-tꜣ.wı͗. 8 This reading instead of Tꜣy-smꜣ-tꜣ „Tisemteus“ by Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. 9 This reading of Tꜣy-smꜣ-tꜣ „Tisemteus“ by Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. 10 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. 11 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203, instead of Ḥr-m-ꜣḫ.t „Harmachis“. This text passage is also mentioned in Lüddeckens, Demotisches Namenbuch (1979-2000), 795 Nr. 5. 12 This reading of Tꜣy-smꜣ-tꜣ „Tisemteus“ by Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. 13 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005),204.
9 | | ∟ γ Θῶυτ συνγραφὴ |
10 | | ἣν ἐποιήσατο Κᾶπις
11 | | Ταστίτι ἀποστασίου
12 | | περὶ ὧν ἐνεκάλει αὐτῆι
vso 1 | | Llw sꜣ Ḥr
vso 2 | | Pa-ꜥw sꜣ Ḥr-sꜣ-ꜣs.t
vso 3 | | P3-šr-Ḫnsw sꜣ Ns-pꜣ-mtr
vso 4 | | Ḥr sꜣ Ḥr sꜣ Ḥr-wḏꜣ
Spiegelberg, P. Eleph., no. 12 reads doubting Ḥr-ı͗r-ḏı͗-(?). Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C 31 considers also Ḥr sꜣ Ḥr-sꜣ-ꜣs.t sꜣ -Ḥr.|
vso 5 | | Pꜣ-s-n-mtk-sꜣ-Nı͗.t Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. sꜣ wꜣḥ-mw Sꜣ-Nı͗.t
vso 6 | | Pa-H̱nm sꜣ Pꜣ-ḏı͗-I͗ry-ḥms-nfr
vso 7 | | I͗y-m-ḥtp (sꜣ) Br
J. Moje, same in Martin, Demotic Texts (1996). In contrast, Spiegelberg, P. Eleph. 12 reads Pe-bal(?)“.
vso 8 | | Pa-tꜣ.wı͗ sꜣ Ḥr
vso 9 | | Pꜣ-ḏı͗-I͗ry-ḥms-nfr sꜣ Pꜣ-mr-ı͗ḥ.t
Reading variant according to Martin in Martin, Demotic Texts (1996) C31. Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920) has read Pꜣ-šr-pꜣ-mr-ı͗ḥ.
vso 10 | | Pa-ꜣs.t sꜣ Pa-sny
Suggestion J. Moje, in detailed writing after Lüddeckens, Demotisches Namenbuch (1979-2000), 415). Subsequent confirmed by Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204.
vso 11 | | Pꜣ-šr-pꜣ-wr sꜣ Pꜣ-ḏı͗-Ḥr
vso 12 | | Ḥm-nṯr sꜣ Ḥr-ꜥꜣm
Reading variant according to Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C31. Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920) has read -?- sꜣ Ḥr-šmꜥ(?).
vso 13 | | ꜥnḫ-mr-wr sꜣ
Reading variant according to Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C31. Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920) has read ꜥnḫ sꜣ [///].
vso 14 | | Ns-pꜣ-mtr sꜣ Pꜣ-mr-ı͗ḥ
vso 15 | | Pꜣ-ḏı͗-I͗ry-ḥms-nfr sꜣ Pꜣ-wp.ṱ
Reading variant according to Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C31. Spiegelberg, P. Eleph. 11 translated doubtfully „Paubastis“. For writings of this name cf. Zauzich, Herkunft (1973).
vso 16 | | Ḏḥwtı͗-sḏm sꜣ Pꜣ-ḏı͗-Wsı͗r
Here Spiegelberg, P. Eleph. 12 has read „Petisis“. Cf. Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C 31.
1 Spiegelberg, P. Eleph., no. 12 reads doubting Ḥr-ı͗r-ḏı͗-(?). Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C 31 considers also Ḥr sꜣ Ḥr-sꜣ-ꜣs.t sꜣ -Ḥr. 2 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. 3 J. Moje, same in Martin, Demotic Texts (1996). In contrast, Spiegelberg, P. Eleph. 12 reads Pe-bal(?)“. 4 Reading variant according to Martin in Martin, Demotic Texts (1996) C31. Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920) has read Pꜣ-šr-pꜣ-mr-ı͗ḥ. 5 Suggestion J. Moje, in detailed writing after Lüddeckens, Demotisches Namenbuch (1979-2000), 415). Subsequent confirmed by Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. 6 Reading variant according to Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C31. Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920) has read -?- sꜣ Ḥr-šmꜥ(?). 7 Reading variant according to Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C31. Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920) has read ꜥnḫ sꜣ [///]. 8 Reading variant according to Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C31. Spiegelberg, P. Eleph. 11 translated doubtfully „Paubastis“. For writings of this name cf. Zauzich, Herkunft (1973). 9 Here Spiegelberg, P. Eleph. 12 has read „Petisis“. Cf. Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C 31.
1 | | 3rd regnal year, Thoth, of Pharaoh Ptolemaios - son of Ptolemaios, son of P[tolemaios - and of the Female Pharaoh For this title cf. also Moje, Herrscherfrauen (2013), with further literature. Berenike, the hauler of light. Thus has spoken the lady Tahapis, daughter of Kellos and her mother ..?.., |
2 | | to the lady Tastis, daughter of Haronnophris and her mother Esoeris: I have taken a lawsuit against you before the judges on account of this house, which is situated in the central quarter of Elephantine, and (on account of) these household effects, and (on account of) this necklace from silver. |
3 | | The judges have ruled against me concerning them For the translation cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203.. I have withdrawn from you concerning the house mentioned above, which was given against repayment to the lady Tayga, and (concerning to) these household effects (and) the necklace. I have nothing |
4 | | in the world against you in their name as of today, in every year forever. The one who will come [against you Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. „zu dir“.] concerning them in my name, in the name of any man on earth (or) in the name of the consent which you made Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204 after Sethe: „im Namen des Rufens, das du getan hast“. regarding the document which was issued to Tayga (concerning) the mentioned house Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920): „in seinem (Scil. des Hauses) Namen“., |
5 | | I will cause him to withdraw from you, the necklace and the household effects ..?.. The version of Sethe „die sie gegeben hat für ihren [Anteil] am Begräbnis der Böcke“ is doubted in Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204, as well as the reading of Spiegelberg „[welches] sie als meinen Begräbnisanteil…“. Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C 31 gives no translation.. You have executed their law, their judgment, their oath for me |
6 | | before Chnoum. I have nothing in the world against you in their name Scil. „of the house and the property“.. Your attorney is the one who is to be entrusted concerning everything about which he shall speak with me in the name of everything mentioned above. I am doing them at his behest with necessity and |
7 | | without delay, without any malice. The lady Tayga, daughter of [Pa]tus, to whom the above mentioned house was given, shall be behind Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204.Tastis, daughter of Haronnophris, on account of the document-of-sale and the document-of-withdrawal, of which Tastis said: |
8 | | ‘I will cause Tahapis, daughter of Kellos Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203., to issue Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. them, and I will issue them to the lady Tayga, daughter of Patus.’ According to Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C 31. Written by the pastophor of Amun, Imouthes, son of Amenothes. |
9 | | 3rd regnal year, Thoth. Document-of-withdrawal |
10 | | which Kapis issued |
11 | | to Tastis |
12 | | on account of the lawsuit. |
vso 1 | | Lilos, son of Hor; |
vso 2 | | Paous, son of Harsiesis; |
vso 3 | | Psenchonsis, son of Espmetis; |
vso 4 | | Horos, son of Horos, son of Haryotes; |
vso 5 | | Psammetichos-sa-Neith, son of the choachyt Saneith; |
vso 6 | | Pachnoumis, son of Petearensnouphis; |
vso 7 | | Imouthes, son of Belles; |
vso 8 | | Patous, son of Hor; |
vso 9 | | Petearensnouphis, son of Pelaias; |
vso 10 | | Paesis, son of Pasenis; |
vso 11 | | Psenpoeris, son of Peteyris; |
vso 12 | | Phomtis, son of Horaam; |
vso 13 | | Anch-mer-wer, [son] of Psenhapis; |
vso 14 | | Espmetis, son of Pelaias; |
vso 15 | | Petearensnouphis, son of Pouoptis; |
vso 16 | | Thotsytmis, son of Petosiris.
1 For this title cf. also Moje, Herrscherfrauen (2013), with further literature. 2 For the translation cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203. 3 Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. „zu dir“. 4 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204 after Sethe: „im Namen des Rufens, das du getan hast“. 5 Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920): „in seinem (Scil. des Hauses) Namen“. 6 The version of Sethe „die sie gegeben hat für ihren [Anteil] am Begräbnis der Böcke“ is doubted in Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204, as well as the reading of Spiegelberg „[welches] sie als meinen Begräbnisanteil…“. Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C 31 gives no translation. 7 Scil. „of the house and the property“. 8 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. 9 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 203. 10 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 204. 11 According to Martin, Demotic Texts (1996), no. C 31.
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