1 | |
2 | | ꜥꜣ |
3 | |
n=k ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb ḏı͗.n|
4 | |
pr-ꜥꜣ ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb|
5 | |
šꜣwꜣ.w nꜣ ḏsr.w|
6 | |
nꜣ sḥḏ.w n(.j)(?) nswt|
7 | |
pꜣy=n |
8 | |
pꜣ qꜣy|
9 | |
pꜣ qꜣy n j.ḏı͗.t(w)|
10 | |
The rest of a cartouche is preserved so that the name of a king is missing. According to Burkard - Fischer-Elfert, VOHD 19,4 (1994), 108.
1 The rest of a cartouche is preserved so that the name of a king is missing. According to Burkard - Fischer-Elfert, VOHD 19,4 (1994), 108.
vs. 1 | | šꜣwꜣ Reading according to Burkard - Fischer-Elfert, VOHD 19,4 (1994), 108.
j.jry jw ḫr
vs. 2 | | r It is likely that the word starts at the end of line vs. 2. The Gardiner Signs E23, M17(?), D56 and D54 are preserved. pꜣ |
vs. 3 | | bn j.ḏỉ.t(w)
vs. 4 | | pꜣ-Rꜥ wn
vs. 5 | | mdw.w nb(.w) j.
vs. 6 | | rnp.t-sp 12.t ꜣbd 4
1 Reading according to Burkard - Fischer-Elfert, VOHD 19,4 (1994), 108. 2 It is likely that the word starts at the end of line vs. 2. The Gardiner Signs E23, M17(?), D56 and D54 are preserved.
1 | | [///] Horwedja |
2 | | [///] large [///]|
3 | | [///] for you, life, prosperity, (and) health. [///] gave|
4 | | [///] Pharaoh, life, prosperity, (and) health.|
5 | | [///] šꜣwꜣ(?). The splendor|
6 | | [///] the ...? inspectors of the king|
7 | | [///] our ...?|
8 | | [///] the nature|
9 | | [///] the nature of that what has been given(?)|
10 | | [///]
vs. 1 | | made šꜣwꜣ(?) while [///] says [///]|
vs. 2 | | [///]|
vs. 3 | | What has been given is not there [///]|
vs. 4 | | Pre [///]|
vs. 5 | | all words that [///] |
vs. 6 | | regnal year 12, fourth month [///]
| |
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