Ostr. Berlin P. 4168   (More information about the Object)
Publication No. O.Wilck. 296
Modern Title Receipt for Behen nuts
Summary Receipt of Ulpius Cerealis and Domitius, son of Domitius, tax farmers of the Sacred Gate of Syene, through the assistant Minucius Niger, for the third of behen-nuts, delivered (in kind: matia) by Tametis, in year 18 of Commodus.


1Οὔλπιος Κερεᾶλις καὶ Δομίτιος
2Δομιτίου μισθωταὶ ἱερᾶς πύλ(ης) Σοή(νης) διὰ
3Μινουκίου Νίγερος βοη̣θ̣οῦ. ἐμέτρησεν
4Ταμῆτις 1ed. Ταμῦτις ὑπὲρ τρίτη̣ς̣ νομ(οῦ) μυρο(βαλάνου) 2ed. τρίτω[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
5γενήματος ιζ (ἔτους) ὀνόματος Π ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
6ματίου ἕκτον δωδέκατον (γίνονται)
7ματίου ϛ´ ιβ´. (ἔτους) ιη Ἀντωνίνου
8Μεσορὴ ἐπαγομένων ̣.

1 ed. Ταμῦτις
2 ed. τρίτω[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]


1Ulpius Cerealis and Domitius,
2Domitius, tax farmers of the Sacred Gate of Syene, through
3Minucius Niger, assistant. Thus has delivered
4Tametis, for the third of the nome for behen-nuts
5of the harvest of year 17, on account of P---
6one sixth and one thwelfth of a mation, =
71/6 1/12 mat. Year 18 of Antoninus,
8Mesore epagomene ?.
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