Pap. Moskva, Pushkinskij muzej I.1.d. 135   (More information about the Object)
Publication No.
Modern Title sale contract for income of liturgical offices - document of transfer
Summary The sisters Tetichnoumis and Tasenis yield the income of nine priestly offices connected with the Chnoum tempe of Elephantine to their half-brother Chnoummachis. The offices were inherited from their mother and being in the hand of this family since four generations. On the other hand, they ensure with this contract the ownership of the house of their great-grandfather Petosiris, over which Chnoummachis should have no control. The main text is repeated four times, each introduced by another witness.


Text A
A1 ḥsb.t 12 ı͗bd 3 (ı͗bd 4?) šmw n pr-ꜥꜣ Nḫt-Ḥr-m-ḥb ḏd s:ḥm.t Tꜣ-ḏı͗-H̱nm ta ı͗ry-ꜥꜣ (n) H̱nm Ns-H̱nm mw.t=s Ta-ršy ḥnꜥ my-nn Ta-sny ta Ns-H̱nm mw.t=s Ta-ršy dmḏ s 2 ı͗w=w ḏd (n) wꜥ rꜣ n ı͗my-wnw.t H̱nm H̱nm-m-ꜣḫ.t sꜣ ꜥnḫ-Ḥp mw.t=f Ta-ršy ḏı͗=k mty ḥꜣ.ṱ=n n pꜣ ḥḏ swn nty nb nty mtw=n (n) rn s:ḥm.t Ta-ršy ta ı͗my-wnw.t (n) H̱nm Pꜣ-ẖl-Ḫnsw pꜣy=w wn
A2 nꜣ h(r)w n ı͗my-wnw.t nty mtw=s (n) rn Pꜣ-ẖl-Ḫnsw sꜣ Pꜣ-ḏı͗-Wsı͗r pꜣy=s ı͗t n ḥ.t-nṯr (n) Yb ḥnꜥ pꜣy=s ı͗rpy ḥnꜥ tꜣy=f dnı͗.t n nꜣ ı͗bd.w H̱nm-I͗ry-šꜥ-nfr-n-pꜣ-ẖry ḥnꜥ tꜣy=f dnı͗.t (n) tꜣ ı͗ꜣw.t ḫꜣy-nꜣ-šnw(.t) ḥnꜥ tꜣy=f dnı͗.t (n tꜣ ı͗ꜣw.t) ḫꜣy-sḫt-n- ḥ.t-nṯr (n) Yb ḥnꜥ tꜣy=f dnı͗.t (n) nꜣ h(r)w gwṱ nꜣ h(r)w ı͗ry-ꜥꜣ wrš.w ṯꜣy-šnby šmꜥ-wdḥ nty mtw=f (n) rn s:ḥm.t Tꜣ-rmṯ.t-Bꜣst.t ta Ns-H̱nm tꜣy=f mw.t
A3 mtw=k st tꜣy=f dnı͗ s:ꜥnḫ nb mn.t nmḥ nb nty mtw=f n ḥ.t-nṯr (n) Yb (n) rn Pꜣ-ḏı͗-Wsı͗r sꜣ Ns-pꜣ-mty pꜣy=f ı͗t tꜣy pꜣ h(r)w r ḥry ḥnꜥ nꜣy=w ı͗ny.w ḥnꜥ nꜣy=w ꜣḫy(.w) ḥnꜣ nty nb pry n.ı͗m=w ḥnꜥ nꜣ nty ı͗w=w r wḥ r.r=w sḫt ḥ.t-nṯr pꜣ dmy bn ı͗w rḫ rmṯ nb n pꜣ tꜣ ı͗w=n mı͗t.t ı͗r sḫy n.ı͗m=w bnr=k pꜣ nty ı͗w=f (r) ı͗y r.r=k r-dbꜣ=w r ṯꜣy=w mtw=k ı͗w=n (r) ḏı͗.t wy=f r.r=k mtw=n (r) wꜥb=w n=k
A4 r qnb.t nb md.t nb n pꜣ tꜣ mtw=k sẖ nb r.ı͗r=w r.r=w ḥnꜥ sẖ nb ı͗.ı͗r=w n=n r.r=w ḥnꜥ sẖ nb nty ı͗w=n mꜣꜥ n.ı͗m=w (n) rn=w pꜣ ꜥnḫ pꜣ ꜥḥꜥ-rd nty ı͗w=w ḏı͗.t st m-sꜣ=k r ḏı͗.t ı͗r=k st (n) rn pꜣ sẖ nty ḥry ı͗w=n (r) ı͗r=f ı͗w=n m-sꜣ=k tꜣy=f dnı͗.t n pr Pꜣ-ḏı͗-Wsı͗r sꜣ Ns-pꜣ-mty nty (m) tꜣ ı͗w(y.t) mḥ n Yb nty hn r Pꜣ-sb.t-pr-ꜥꜣ r pr-mḥy n-ḏr.t Pa-sny sꜣ Ns-nb-ꜥnḫ
Text B
B1-4 NN sꜣ NN ı͗w=f mtr (full text of contract again) sẖ nꜣy
Text C
C1-4 NN sꜣ NN ı͗w=f mtr (full text of contract again) sẖ nꜣy
Text D
D1-4 Wsı͗r-wr sꜣ Ḥr ı͗w=f mtr (full text of contract again) sẖ nꜣy
Text E
E1-4 Ḥr-nfr sꜣ Ns-Ḥr ı͗w=f mtr (full text of contract again) sẖ nꜣy


Text A
A1 12th regnal year, Epeiph (Mesore?) of pharaoh Nectanebos. The lady Tetchnoumis, daughter of the pastophoros of Chnoum Eschnoumis and her mother Tareshy, has spoken together with the likewise entitled Tasenis, daughter of Eschnoumis and her mother Tareshy – total: 2 persons – who speak with one mouth, to the astronomer of Chnoum, Chnoummachis, son of Achoapis and his mother Tareshy: You have satisfied our hearts with the money for the value of everything which is ours, inherited from the lady Tareshy, daughter of the astronomer of Chnoum Pachelchonsis. Their inventory:
A2 (1.) The days (of service) of astronomer which were hers inherited from Pachelchonsis, son of Petosiris, her (scil. Tareshy’s) father, in the temple domain (of) Elephantine together with its temple; (2.) together with its share (of) the months (of service) of Chnoum-Arensnouphis-on-the-road; (3.) together with his share (of) the office (of) measurer-of-the-granary; (4.) together with his share (of the office of) measurer-of-the-temple-fields (of) Elephantine; (5.) together with his share (of) the days (of service) of bearer; (6.-9.) (and) the days (of service) of pastophoros, guard, trumpet-player, (and) cymbal-player NOTE, which were his inherited from the lady Tarembastis, daughter of Eschnoumis, his (scil. Pachelchonsis’) mother.
A3 Yours are (1.) his share (of) every endowment (and) everything (of) free men, which were his in the temple (of) Elephantine inherited from Petosiris, son of Espmetis, his (scil. Pachelchonsis’) father, from today henceforth, (2.) together with their income, (3.) together with their revenue, (4.) together with everything which comes from them, (5.-7.) together with that which will be added to them (from) the field, (from) the temple (and from) the town. No man in the world, ourselves likewise, will be able to exercise control over them apart from you. The one who will come against you concerning them to take them away from you, we will cause him to withdraw from you, and we will cause them to be clear for you
A4 from every title deed (and) every word in the world. Yours is every writing which has been made concerning them, together with writing which has been made for us concerning them, together with every writing by which we have rights (in) their name. The oath (or) the provision of proof which will be placed on you to cause you to do them (in the) name (of) the writing mentioned above, we will do it. We are still behind you (concerning) his share of (the) house of Petosiris, son of Espmetis, which (is in) the northern quarter of Elephantine (and) which borders on the Wall-of-pharaoh to the north. Issued by Pasenis, son of Esnebonychos.
Text B
B1-4 [NN, son of NN, who witnesses:] (full text of contract again) [countersigned this.]
Text C
C1-4 [NN, son of NN, who witnesses:] (full text of contract again) [countersigned this.]
Text D
D1-4 Osoroeris, son of Horos, who witnesses: (full text of contract again) countersigned this.
Text E
E1-4 Harnouphis, son of Esyris, who witnesses: (full text of contract again) countersigned this.