Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale 7192, lot 21, loubat 146, 147, 148, and 153   (More information about the Object)
Publication No. Déroche, Catalogue des manuscrits arabes, 282
Modern Title Fragments of the Qurʾān (sūra Hūd, and Sūra Yūsuf).
Summary Fragments of the Qurʾān, Sūra Hūd and Sūra Yūsuf. The text is about Joseph's story with his brothers, and what happened to him in Egypt.


1الا مــن رحم ربكـ ولــذلكـ خلقـــهم وتمت كلمة ربكـ لاملان جهنم من الجنة
2والناس اجمعين وكــلا نقص عليكـ من انبا الرسل ما نثبت به فوادكـ وجاكـ فى هذه
3الحق وموعظـة وذكرى للمومنين وقل للذين لا يومنون اعملوا علــى مكانتكم انا
4عاملون وانتظرو انا منتظرون ولله غيب السموت والارض واليه يرجع الامر كله
5فاعبده وتوكل عليه وما ربكـ بغــفل عما تعملون بسم الله الرحمن
6الرحيم الــر تلكـ ايات الكتب المبين انا انزلنه قرن عــربيا لعلكم تعقلون نحن نقص
7عليكـ احسن الــقصص بما اوحينا اليكـ هذا القر ن وان كنت من قبله لمن الغفلين
8اذ قال يوســـف لابيه يا ابت اني ريت احد عشر كوكبا والشمس والقمر1Q 11:119-123; Q 12:1-4

1 Q 11:119-123; Q 12:1-4
1ابرهيم واسحق ان ربكـ عليم حكيم لقد كان في يوسف واخوته ايت
2للسالين اذ قالو لــيوسف واخوه احب الى ابينا مـــنا ونحن عصبة ان
3ابانا لفي ضلال مبين اقتلوا يوسف او اطـــرحوه ارضا يـــخل لكم وجه
4ابيكم وتكــونوا من بعده قوما صلحين قل قيل منهــم لا تقتلوا يوسف
5والقوه في غيبت الجب يلتقــــطه بعض السيرة ان كــنتم فعلين
6قالوا يا ابانا مالكـ لا تـــمنا على يوسف وانــا له لنصحون ارسله معنا غدا
7يرتع ويلعب وانا له لحفظون قال انــي ليحزنني ان تذهبوا به واخف ان
8ياكله الذيب وانتم عنه غفلون قالوا لين اكـــله الذيب ونحن عصبة 1Q 12: 6-14

1 Q 12: 6-14
1لنا ولـــو كنا صدقين وجاو على قميصه بدم كذب قل بل سولت
2لكم انفسكــم امرا فصبر جميل والله المستعن على ما تصـــفون وجات
3سيارة فارسلوا وردهم فادلى دلوه قل يبشرى هذا غلم واسروه بضعه
4والله عليم بما يعملون وشروه بثمن بخس درهم معدودة وكانوا
5فيـــه من الزهدين وقل الـــذي اشتره من مصر لامراته اكرمي مثواه عسى
6اں ينفعنا او نتـخذه ولدا وكذلكـ مكنا لــيوســـفـــ في الارض ولنعلمه من
7تاويل الاحديث والله غلب على امره ولكــن اكثر الناس لا يعلمون ولما بلغ
8اشده اتيناه حــكماوعلما وكذلك نجزي المحسنين 1Q 12:17-21

1 Q 12:17-21
1عبادنا المخلصــين واستبقا الباب وقدت قــمـــيصه مں دبر والفيا سيدها لدا الباب قالت ما جزا من اراد
2باهلكـ سو الا ان يسجن او عذب اليم قال هي رودتنى عن نفسى وشهد شاهد من اهلها ان كن قميصه قد
3مــن قبل فصدقت وهو من الكذبين وان كن قميصه قد من دبر فكذبــت وهو من الصدقين
4فـــلما راى قميصه قد مں دبر قل انه مں كيدكن ان كيدكن عظيم يوسف اعرض عن
5هذا واستغفري لذنبكـ انكـ كنتي من الخطين وقل نســوة في المدينة امرة العزيز ترود فتها
6عن نفسه قـــد شغـــفهــا حبا انا لنرها في ضلال مبين فلما ســـمعت بمــكرهن ارسلت اليهن واعتدت
7لهن متكا واتت كل واحدة منهن سكـــينا وقالت اخرج عليهن فلما رينه اكبرنه وقطعن ايديهن1Q 12:24-31

1 Q 12:24-31
1ليسجننه حتى حين ودخل معه السجن فتيان قال احدهما اني ارني اعصر خمرا وقل
2الاخر اني ارنى احمل فوق رسي خبزا تاكل الطير منه نبينا بتاويله انا نريكـ مں المحــسنين قال لا ياتيكما
3طعام ترزقنه الا نبــتكما بتويلـــه قبل ان ياتيكما ذلكما مما علمني ربي اني تركت ملة قوم لا يومنون
4بـالله وهم بالاخرة هم كفرون واتبعت ملة ابائى ابرهيم واسحق ويعقوب ما كان لنا ان
5نشركـ بــالله من شي ذلكـ من فضل الله علينا وعلى الناس ولكن اكثر النــاس لا يشكرون يا صحبي السجن
6اربب متفرقون خير ام الله الواحد القهار ما تعبدون من دونه الااسما سمـــيتموها انتم واباوكم
7ما انـزل الله بها من سلطان ان الحكم الا لله امر الا تعبدوا الا ايـــه ذلكـ الـــدين القيم ولكن اكثر الناس لا يعلمون
8يا صحبي الســجن اما احدكـــما فيســـقي ربه خمرا واما الاخر فيصلب فتاكل الطير من راسه قضي الامر الذي فيه تستفتيان1Q 12:36-41

1 Q 12:36-41
1للرويا تعبرون قالوا اضغث احلم وما نحن بتويل الاحلم بعــلمين وقل الذي نجا
2منهما واذكـــر بعد امة انا انبيكم بتاويله فارسلون يوســف ايها الصديق
3افتنا فــي سبع بقـــرت سمن يـاكلهن سبع عجاف وســـبع سنبلـــت خضر واخر يبست
4لعلي ارجع الى الناس لعلهم يعلمــون ڡال تزرعون سبع سنين دبا فما حصدتم
5فذروه ڡى سنبله الا قليلا مما تاكلون ثم ياتي من بعد ذلكـ سبع شـــداد ياكلن
6ما قدمتم لهن الا قليلا مما تحـــصنون ثم ياتي من بعد ذلكـ عام فيه يغاث الناس
7وفيه يعصرون وقال الـــملكـ اتونى بــه فلما جاه الرسول قال ارجع الى ربكـ فاساله
8ما بال النسوة اللاتي قطعن ايديهن ان ربي بكيدهن عـــليم قال ما خطبكن اذ 1Q 12:43-51

1 Q 12:43-51


1[(119) except wh]om your Lord has given mercy, and for [that He created] them But [the word of your Lord is to be fulfilled that, "I will surely fill Hell with jinn]
2[And men all together (120) and ea]ch we relate to you from the news of the messengers is that by which we make firm your he[art. And there has come to you, in this]
3[the truth and an instruc]tion and a reminder for the believers (121) and say to those who do not believe, "Work accor[ding to your position; indeed, we]
4[are working. (122) and wa]it, indeed, we are waiting." (123) and to God belong the unseen of the heavens and the ea[rth and to Him will be returned the matter, all of it]
5[so worship] Him [and rely upon Him. And your Lord is not una]ware of that which you do. [In the name of God the Merciful]
6[The Compassionate (1) Alif, Lam,] Ra. These are the verses of the clear Book. (2) Indeed, We have sent it down as an Ar[abic Qur'an that you might understand. (3) We relate to you,]
7[The best of] stories in what we have revealed to you of this Qur'[an although you were, before it, among the unaware]
8[ (4) when Jose]ph said to his [father, "O my father, indeed I have seen eleven stars and the sun and the moon]
1[Abraham and Isaac Indeed,] your Lord is knowing [and Wise (7) certainly were there in Joseph and his brothers signs]
2[for those who ask,] (8) when they said, "Joseph and his brother are more beloved to our father [than we, while we are a clan, Indeed]
3[our father is in] clear error (9) Kill Joseph or ca[st] him out to land; will be [only for you the countenance of your]
4[father and you will] be after that [a righteous people (10) Said] a speaker am[ong them, "Do not kill Joseph]
5[but throw him into] the bottom of the well; some travelers will pi[ck] him up - if yo[u would do]
6[ (11) they said, "O our father, why do you not ent]rust us with Joseph while indeed, w[e are to him] sincere counselors 12) Send him [with us tomorrow]
7[that he may eat well and play, and indeed, we will be his guardians] Said, "Indeed, it saddens m[e] that you should take him, and I [fear that]
8[a wolf would eat him while you are of him unaware. (14) They said, "If a wolf should e]at him while [we are a clan, indeed]
1[Us, even] if we were truthful (18) and they brought upon his shirt fa[lse blood. He said, "Rather, your souls have]
2[Enticed yo]u to something, so patience is most fitting. And God is the one sought for help against that which you des[cribe." (19) And there came]
3[A company] of travelers; then they sent their water drawer, and he let down his bucket. He said, "Good news! Here is a boy." And [they concealed him, [taking him] as merchandise;]
4And God was knowing of what they did. (20) And they sold him for a red[uced price - a few dirhams - and they were,]
5[Concerning] him, of those content with little. (21) And the o[ne] from Egypt who bought him said to his wife, ["Make his residence comfortable. Perhaps]
6[He will benefit us, or we will ado]pt him as a s[on]." And thus, we established Jos[eph in the land that we might teach him]
7[The interpretation of events] And God is predominant over His affair, b[ut most of the people do not know. (22) And when Joseph reached]
8[Maturity, We gave him jud]gment [and knowledge. And thus we reward the doers of good.]
1[chosen serva]nts. (25) and they both raced to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back, and they found her master a[t the door. She said, What is the recompense of one who intended]
2[evil for your wife] but that he be imprisoned or a painful punishment (26) said, "It was she who sought to seduce me." And a [witness from her family testified. "If his shirt is torn]
3[fr]om the front, then she has told the truth, and he is of the liars (27) but if his shirt is torn from the back, then she has li[ed, and he is of the truthful."]
4[ (28) so] when her husband saw his shirt torn from the back, he said, "Indeed, it is of the women's plan. Indeed, your plan is great. (29) Joseph, ig[nore]
5[this. A]nd, ask forgiveness for your sin. Indeed, you were of the sinful." (30) And wo[men] in the city said, "The wife [of al-'Azeez is seeking to seduce]
6[her slave boy; he] has impas[sioned] her with love. Indeed, we see her in clear error." 31) [So when she he]ard of their scheming, she sent for them and prepared]
7[for them a banquet and gave each] one of them a kn[ife] and said ["Come out before them." And when they saw him, they greatly admired him and cut their hands]
1[Should imprison him for a time] and there entered the prison with him two young men. One of them said, "Indeed, I have seen myself -in a dream- [pressing wine." ]
2[the other said, "Indeed, I have seen myself carrying upo]n my head [some] bread, from which the birds were eating. Inform us of its interpretation; indeed, we see you to be of those who do go[od. He said, "You will not receive]
3[food that is provided to you except that I will info]rm you of its interpret[ation before i]t comes to you. That is [from what my Lord has taught me.] Indeed, I have left the [religion of a people who do not believe]
4[in God, and they, in the Here] after, are disbelievers. (38) And I have followed the religion of my fat[hers, Abraham,] Isaac and Jacob. And it was [not for us to]
5[associate anything w]ith God. That is from the favor of God upon us and upon the people, but [most of the peo]ple are not grateful. [ (39) O [my] two companions of prison]
6[are sepa]rate lords better or God, the One, the Prevailing? (40) You wors[hip not besid]es Him [except] names you have na[med them, you and your fathers, ]
7[for which] God has sent down no authority Legislation is not but for God. [He has commanded that you worship not except] Him. That is the correct reli[gion, but most of the people do not know.]
8[ (41) O two companions of pri]son, as for on[e of you], he will give dri[nk to his master of wine; but as for the other, he will be crucified, and the birds will eat from his head. The matter has been decreed about which you both inquire."]
11. [interprets visi]ons. They said, "a mixture of false dreams, and we are not lear[ned in the interpretation of dreams." (45) But the one who was freed]
2[and remem]bered after a time said, "I will inform you of its interpretation, so send me forth." (46) "Jos[eph, O man of truth,]
3[explain to us abo]ut seven co[ws fat eat]en by seven le[an, and sev]en green spi[kes and others dry]
4[that I may] return to the pe[ople; perhaps they will kn]ow" said, "You will plant for seven years [consecutively; and what you harvest]
5[(47) lea]ve in its spikes, except [a little from which] you will eat. (48) Then will come after that seven diffi[cult which will consume]
6[what you saved] for them, [except a little from which you will s]tore. (49) Then will come after that a year in which rain will be given to [the people]
7[and in which they will press.] (50) And the [king said, "Bring hi]m to me." But when the messenger came to him, he said, "Return [to your master and ask him]
8[what is the case of the women who cut their hands. Indeed, my Lord is] know[ing of their plan." (51) Said -the king- to the women, "What was your condition when]