Pap. Cairo EM JdE 43493   (More information about the Object)
Publication No. TAD A.3.1
Modern Title Exchange of Letters re 10 Asses
Summary Two letters are written on this one object. The first letter is written parallel to the fibers and to the join, containing 7 lines of text on what is often called the recto of this piece. The second letter is written starting with 6 lines of text on the verso, and continuing on the recto with one line in the right margin and one in the left margin. The 2 lines of the second letter that are on the recto are written from the bottom line of the first letter towards the top line of the first letter, so that the writing in the margins was inscribed after the recto was held right-side up for the first letter, and then rotated 90 degrees to the left. The first letter is an instruction regarding 10 asses, and the second letter is a response to the first letter.


2הא שלחת
4הנ אית לכ
5חמרנ 10
6ישבקונ המו
vso1אל מראי עבדכ1Reconstruction according to Porten, TAD A3.1שזבנבו שלמ מראי
vso2אלהיא ישאלו בכל עדנ2Reconstruction according to Porten, TAD A3.1 כעת הו לי חמרנ 10
vso3ל א אלכי י ה ש ר ד ת
vso4מר נבונתנ באבט
vso5למהכ מנ קדמ רבחילא
vso6שלחו לנבונתנ וישבק

1 Reconstruction according to Porten, TAD A3.1
2 Reconstruction according to Porten, TAD A3.1
1Lines 8 and 9 on the recto are the continuation of Letter 2, which begins on the verso. Both lines run perpendicular, rotated in a clockwise direction, relative to Letter 1, which is written on the recto. Line 8 is in the right hand margin of the recto, and line 9 is in the left hand margin of the recto.
8 ר ד י תנה כדנה שגא
9עבדו נשזבנכ

1 Lines 8 and 9 on the recto are the continuation of Letter 2, which begins on the verso. Both lines run perpendicular, rotated in a clockwise direction, relative to Letter 1, which is written on the recto. Line 8 is in the right hand margin of the recto, and line 9 is in the left hand margin of the recto.


1 Servant of He did
2Behold, I sent (word)
3to Nabunathan:
4If you have
510 asses
6let them release them.
7 not
vso1To my lord PN, your servant,1Reconstruction according to Porten, TAD A3.1 Shezinabu. The welfare of my lord
vso2may the gods seek after it at all times2Reconstruction according to Porten, TAD A3.1 now, I have 10 asses
vso3 those that I sent
vso4 Nabunathan at Abydos
vso5 to go from before the garrison commander
vso6 send (word) to Nabunathan that he release

1 Reconstruction according to Porten, TAD A3.1
2 Reconstruction according to Porten, TAD A3.1
8 here like this very much
9 do make . We shall save you.