Ostr. London, British Library 13998   (More information about the Object)
Publication No. O.Wilck. 270
Modern Title Receipt for poll tax (laographia) and contribution for the men who have fled (merismos andron anakechorekoton)
Summary receipt for laographia of year 16 of Marcus Aurelius and for merismos (andron anakechorekoton) of year 15, written and given out by Serenos boethos.


1ιϛ (ἔτους) Αὐρηλίου Ἀντωνίνου Καίσαρος 1ed. Κα[ίσαρος]
2τοῦ κυρίου Μεσορὴ ι̅ζ̅. διέγραψαν Σω ̣ ̣ ̣ ?
3καὶ Σεραπίων ἀμφότεροι Ἁτπήους (μητρὸς) 2ed. ο( ) Θιν ̣ ̣ ̣ ? ὑπ(ὲρ)
4λαογραφίας ιϛ (ἔτους) ἕκαστος (δραχμὰς) ιζ (ὀβολόν) 3ed. ἐκ (δραχμῶν) ιζ, καὶ ὑπὲρ μερισμοῦ ἀνδ(ρῶν) ἀνακεχ(ωρηκότων) 4ed. μερισμ[ῶν ἀπὸ]
5λήμματος ιε (ἔτους) ἕκαστος (δραχμὰς) β (ὀβολόν) 5ed. ἐκ (δραχμῶν) β (ὀβολοῦ). διὰ Σερήνου βοη(θοῦ). 6ed. Σε[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]

1 ed. Κα[ίσαρος]
2 ed. ο( )
3 ed. ἐκ (δραχμῶν) ιζ
4 ed. μερισμ[ῶν ἀπὸ]
5 ed. ἐκ (δραχμῶν) β (ὀβολοῦ)
6 ed. Σε[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]


1Year 16 of Aurelius Antoninus Caesar
2the lord, Mesore 17. Thus have paid So---
3and Sarapion, both sons of Hatpes and the mother Thin---, for
4poll tax of year 16, each 17 dr. 1 ob., and for the contribution of the men who have fled
5for the accounting of year 15, each 2 dr. 1 ob. Through Serenus, assistant.
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