Papr. Rome, Private Collection Monneret de Villard X   (More information about the Object)
Publication No. P.MargoliouthMonneret I 2 verso
Modern Title List of Coptic months
Summary List of Coptic months.


1توت قاعته تلاتة بيابه قاعته خمسة هتور قاعته سبعة كيهك قاعته اتنين طوبه قاعته اربعة
2امشير قاعته ستة برمهات قاعته واحد برموده تلاتة بشانس قاعته خمسة
3بونه قاعته سبعة ابيب قاعته اتنين موايسرى قاعته اربعة


1Thout his hall is three, Paopi his hall is five, Hathor his hall is seven, Koiak his hall is two, Tobi his hall is four.
2Meshir his hall is six, Paremhat his hall is one, Parmouti three, Pashons his hall is five.
3Paoni his hall is seven, Epip his hall is two, Mesori his hall is four.