Papr. Rome, Private Collection Monneret de Villard X   (More information about the Object)
Publication No. P.MargoliouthMonneret I 3 recto
Modern Title Alchemical prescription
Summary Medicine prescription about how to make a medication using white sulphur, shellby of eggs and other things, by mixed, pulverize on a stoneand, cook it with oil, and but them on fire.


1 بسم الله الروف الروحمن‬‬ الرحيم
2يوخذ على بركة الله وعــونه ‏
3الكبريت الابيض ويصحن معه قشر
4البيض ويلت بزيبق البيض
5‮ تلت جيد ويكون معه متل وزنه
6من الملح الطييب وترميه للنار القوية
7تم تخرجه تجده اسود تعيد عليه
8العمل كالاول وترميه النار ايضا
9وتخرجه تجده اغبر افعل به متل
10الاول تلت دفاع فانه فى التالت
11يخرج ابيض متل الجير فقد صح
12والله الموفق
13فاذا كذلك فخذ الابق وتسحقه على صلاية
14بالماء والملح حتى ينقى من اوساخه تم يضبخه بزيت
15 يوم ان كامل تم تغسله بنطرون وملح متل
16الاول تم تانية بالمقلى تم تلحف بالدواء
17الاول ويشد وصله في بودقة او في
18مكحلة ويودع نار الدمس ليلته
19يوخذ باكر سبيكه تنكسر يلقى درهم
20على عشرة من اي جسد ان اجتمعت تغير ‬‬


1In the name of God, the Gentle, the Merciful
2Let there be taken with the blessing of God and His help
3white sulphur and let it be pounded with [shell]
4of eggs and be mixed with mercury of eggs
5well mixed and there shall be there with the same weight
6of pure salt. You shall expose it to a fierce fire
7Then take it out, when you will find it black. You shall repeat
8the operation as before and again expose it to the fire
9taking it out you will find it ashen. Do again as
10before three times, for at the third time
11It will come out white like chalk and will be correct.
12And God is the guide
13And when it is so take the mercury and pulverize it on a stone
14with water and salt till it be freed from impurities, then cook it with oil
15a whole day, then wash it with natron and salt as
16before, then cook it a second time in the frying-pan, then cover with
17the first drug, and seal seal it up firmly in a pot or
18kuḥl-box, and let it be set for the night on a slow fire.
19Next morning there will be found an ingot, brittle, of which on drachm [should be projected upon]
2010 of any metallic body. If they come together the change will ensue