Ostr. Cambridge, Harvard University, Houghton Library 3157   (More information about the Object)
Publication No. SB I 4354
Modern Title Receipt for contribution for river police boats (merismos potamophylakidon)
Summary Receipt of praktor Didymion with signature of scribe Didymion, for the contribution of river police boats of year 19 of Trajan. Receipt?, 0115-0116. In Greek. 7 x 7 cm.


1Διδυμίων πράκ(τωρ).
2διέγραψεν -?-
3μητρὸς Τισᾶτις 1ed. Τηπάνιο̣[ςὑπ(ὲρ) ὀψωνίου 2ed. [μερισμ(οῦ)]
4ποταμοφυ̣λακίδος ιθ (ἔτους) Τραιανοῦ
5Ἀρίστου τοῦ κυρίου (δραχμὴν) α (τριώβολον) -?- 3ed. κυρίου. [ -?- ]
6δι Σαραπίωνος̣ (δραχμὴν) α̣ (τριώβολον) -?- 4ed. ̣ ̣[ -?- ]

1 ed. Τηπάνιο̣[ς
2 ed. [μερισμ(οῦ)]
3 ed. κυρίου. [ -?- ]
4 ed. ̣ ̣[ -?- ]


1Didymion, tax collector.
2Thus has paid NN, son of NN
3and the mother Tisatis, for the wages
4of river police boats of year 19 of Traianus
5Optimus the lord, 1 dr. 3 ob. ---
6Through Sarapion, 1 dr. 3 ob.
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