Ostr. London, British Library 14000 (5791h)   (More information about the Object)
Publication No. O.Wilck. 116
Modern Title Receipt for poll tax ( laographia) and prison guards (desmophylakon)
Summary receipt of misthotes Valerion and his associate tax farmer through the scribe Sarapion for laographia and desmophylakon, paid by Pachnoubis, son of Phanophis and Tachomtbekis (archive).


1Οὐαλερίων καὶ οἱ λοιπ(οὶ) μισθ(ωταὶ) ἱερᾶς
2πύλης Σοήνης δι Σαραπ(ίωνος) γρ(αμματέως).
3διέγραψεν Παχνοῦβις Φανώ-
4φεως μητρὸς Ταχομτβῆκις λαογ(ραφίας)
5τετάρτου ἔτους Ἁδριανοῦ
6τοῦ κυρίου δραχμὰς ὀκτὼ (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) η
7Παῦνι ι̅ϛ̅. Μεσορὴ ̣ ̣ τὰς
8ἄλλας δραχμὰς ἐννέα (ἡμιωβέλιον),
9δεσμοοφυλάκων (ἡμιωβέλιον) (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) θ (ὀβολὸς) (γίνονται) ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ (δραχμαὶ) ιζ (ὀβολὸς).


1Valerion and the other tax farmers of the Sacred
2Gate of Syene through Sarapion, scribe.
3Thus has paid Pachnoubis, son of Phanophis
4and the mother Tachomtbekis, for poll tax
5of the fourth year of Hadrian
6the lord eight drachmae, = 8 dr.,
7Payni 16. Mesore ?, the
8remaining nine drachmae 0,5 ob.,
9for prison guards 0,5 ob., = 9 dr. 1 ob., in total 17 dr. 1 ob.
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