I | | |
x+6 | | mj.tj n snn jnı͗.t n=f m jnı͗.yt m mn.w n ꜣbw
m ḏḏ mn.w
x+7 | | swḏꜣ jb=k snb.t
ꜥnḫ.tj r-n.tt mḏꜣ.y 2 mḏꜣ.yt 3 ḥr.j-ꜥ 2
x+8 | | hꜣ
ḥr ḫꜣs.t m rnp.t-sp 3 ꜣbd 3 pr.t
27 ḏd.n=sn jy.n=n r
x+9 | | n pr Pr-ꜥꜣ ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb wšd ḥr sḫr
ḫꜣs.t ꜥḥꜥ.n ḏd.n=sn n sḏm=n
ḫ.wt nb.
x+10 | | jw tꜣ ḫꜣs.t ḥr mw.t m-ꜥ ḥqr ḫr=fj st
ꜥḥꜥ.n rḏı͗.n bꜣk-jm ḫd=tw
r ḫꜣs.t=sn
x+11 | | m hrw pn ꜥḥꜥ.n ḏd.n wꜥ.t m nꜣ-n mḏꜣ.yt ḥꜣ rḏı͗.tw n=j Smither, The Semnah Dispatches (1945), 9, reads: rḏı͗.tw.n=j "O let me be given"
1 Smither, The Semnah Dispatches (1945), 9, reads: rḏı͗.tw.n=j "O let me be given"
x+12 | | pꜣy=j mḏꜣ.y m tn ꜥḥꜥ.n ḏd.n pꜣ mḏꜣ.y jn jnı͗ sw swn
I | | |
x+6 | | The copy of a record which was brought to him which was brought from the fortress of Elephantine as (something) sent by a fortress [to] (another) fortress.
x+7 | | Be informed Lit. "Gladdening of your heart“, if you please Lit.: "may you be healthy and living“, as follows: Two Medja-men, three Medja-women and two infants
1 Lit. "Gladdening of your heart“ 2 Lit.: "may you be healthy and living“
x+8 | | descended from the desert in the regnal year 3, month 3 of the peret-season, [day] 27. They said: "We come in order to serve
x+9 | | the Palace, life, health, and prosperity.“ It was asked about the condition of the desert. Then they said: "We did not hear anything,
x+10 | | (but) the desert is dying of hunger:“, so they said. Then the servant-there caused that (they) dismissed to their desert
x+11 | | on this day. Then one of these Medja-women said: "Would that be given to me
x+12 | | my Medja-man in [///]" Then the Medja-man [said]: "It is (only) the one who has brought himself who (is able to) barter.“ According to Vittmann, Hieratic texts (1996), 42 n. 15. The translation of this passage is unclear, because it is unsure if there is text loss. Hafemann, pBM 10752, reads this sentence as a question: „Ist nur der, der sich darbringt einer, der Handel treiben (darf?)…?“ Smither, The Semnah Dispatches (1945), 9, translates: "Does one who trades bring himself?’(?)“
1 According to Vittmann, Hieratic texts (1996), 42 n. 15. The translation of this passage is unclear, because it is unsure if there is text loss. Hafemann, pBM 10752, reads this sentence as a question: „Ist nur der, der sich darbringt einer, der Handel treiben (darf?)…?“ Smither, The Semnah Dispatches (1945), 9, translates: "Does one who trades bring himself?’(?)“
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