Pap. Berlin P. B/H x 975   (More information about the Object)
Publication No.
Modern Title Fragmentary text with uncertain content, concerning the well-being of Egypt, mentioning Thoth, Geb and probably Maat.
Summary unknown due to fragmentary condition. Text concerning the well-being of the Two-Lands, mentioning Thoth, Geb and probably Maat. Because of the preserved "two-times" it is certain that at least a part of the text is ment to be spoken.


x+1 pꜣ .?.bw
x+2 wꜣ.t .?. ḥr jmn.t.t
x+3 pw
x+4 ḏd ḥtp sp-snw m tꜣ pn ḥtp
x+5 m mꜣꜥ.t(?) n Ḏḥ nb n jꜥḥ(?)
x+6 ḥqꜣ wḏꜥ
x+7 ḥꜣ.t(?) Gb


x+1[///] .?. ...-fı͗shes [///]
x+2[///] way .?. in the West [///]
x+3[///] .?. is it .?. [///]
x+4[///] say "satisfied!" two-times in this satisfied land [///]
x+5[///] in Justice of Thoth, lord of (the moon?) [///]
x+6[///] .?. sovereign of separate/tion(?) [///]
x+7[///] .?. front/face of Geb .?. [///]
x+8[///] .?. [///]
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