Ostr. London, British Library 12094   (More information about the Object)
Publication No. ined
Modern Title Receipt for contributions (merismoi)
Summary Receipt of Phanophis, praktor argyrikon Elephantines, for the contributions of year 19 of Antoninus


1Φανῶφις πράκ(τωρ) ἀργ(υρικῶν) λεφαντίνης. διέγραψεν ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
2 -?- ὑπὲρ μερισμῶν ιθ (ἔτους)
3διπλῶν (δρ.) α =, ποταμ̣οφυλακίδος (τετρώβολον) παρόλκων
4(διώβολον), στατίωνος (ἡμιωβέλιον). (ἔτους) κ Ἀντωνίνου Καίσαρος
5τοῦ κυρίου -?- ̣


1Phanophis, collector of money taxes at Elephantine. Thus has paid NN
2--- for contributions of year 19
3for billeting 1 dr. 2 ob., for river police boats 4 obols, for the towing of ships
42 ob., for guard posts 1/2 ob. Year 20 of Antoninus Caesar
5the lord ---
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