Pap. Berlin P. 13523   (More information about the Object)
Publication No. P. Bürgsch 13bis = P. Eleph Dem 3
Modern Title mkmk-petition (hypomnema) concerning installment payment for fields (draft)
Summary Petitition (mkmk): The brothers Pinyris, Berenebthis, and Psintaes Junior, all sons of Estphenis, wrote to Praktor Milon requesting another man to pay the three remaining installments for two fields, because they cannot pay them themselves. Greek subscription mentioning the subject of the hypomnema, the date and the number (third hypomnema). This is the draft of the original hypomnema preserved in Pap. Berlin P. 13533 (= Pap. Cairo 50162).


1wꜥ mkmk n-ḏr.t Pꜣ-ı͗wı͗w-(n-)ḥr sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfnw.t ḫnꜥ Mr-(n-)ı͗b-Ptḥ sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfnw.t
2ḥnꜥ Pꜣ-šr-(n-)tꜣ-ı͗ḥ.t pꜣ ḫm sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfnw.t r s 3 n Mrn 1According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Mln“. pꜣ rd ꜣwprnys
3pꜣ rgtr (n-)ḏr.t ḫpr=f r ḏı͗=k pꜣy=n ꜣḥ-qꜣy 23Reading variant Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Hochlandacker“. For this terminus technicus see now Grieshaber, Historische Topographie Oberägyptens (2004), Kap. 4.1. n Tꜣ-qꜣy-ṯꜣw 4According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: tꜣ qꜣy ḏw. ḥnꜥ pꜣy=n ꜣḥ
4mꜣy 5Reading variant Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Inselhochacker“. For this terminus technicus see now Grieshaber, Historische Topographie Oberägyptens (2004), Kap. 4.1.n Tꜣ-mꜣy-pꜣ-sbd nty ı͗r sṯꜣ 30 ꜣḥ (r) dbꜣ-ḥḏ r stꜣ.ṱ.n=n s r-ẖ
5pꜣ hb=k ḥꜣ.ṱ=ṯn ı͗m=f r wꜣḥ=n ı͗n pꜣy=f tš mḥ-1 n tꜣy=f 6According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: pꜣy=f ms.t. ms.t r wꜣḥ=n wt=f
6r pꜣ sḫn ı͗rm pꜣy=f ms.t ı͗rm pꜣ sp hy nty ṯꜣy r swn ꜣḥ ḏr=f
7r mn mtw=n gr ḥḏ r wt r.r=k pꜣ ky tš 3 ı͗w=n gby
8ḏr.t r pꜣy(?) my ḏı͗=w s n Gsnn sꜣ Dnsys ḫpr=f ı͗w=f (r) wt pꜣ ky
9tš 3 r pꜣ sḫn n nꜣy=w ssw.w n ḏı͗.tı͗w md(.t) nb(.t) ꜣq n-ḏr.t pr-ꜥꜣ
10ı͗w=n r mḥ.t ı͗m=f ꜥn r bn-pw=w ḏı͗.t ḏı͗=f ḥḏ m-sꜣ nꜣ ḥḏ.w ı͗rm pꜣy=w ḏrp.t 7The reading of ḏrp.t still remains unclear.
11n-ḏr.t Ns-šw-Tfnw.t r-ḫrw nꜣ rmṯ.w 8According to Vleeming, DBL in A. D. 2007 (2008). A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: sẖ.w „Schreiber“. nty ḥry n ḥsb.t 25 ı͗bd 2 ꜣḫ.t ꜥrqy
12sẖ Mr-(n-)ı͗b-Ptḥ sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfnw.t
13sẖ Pꜣ-ı͗wı͗w-(n-)ḥr sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfny
14sẖ Pꜣ-šr-(n-)tꜣ-ı͗ḥ.t sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfnw.t

1 According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Mln“.
2 Reading variant Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Hochlandacker“. For this terminus technicus see now Grieshaber, Historische Topographie Oberägyptens (2004), Kap. 4.1.
3 Reading variant Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Hochlandacker“. For this terminus technicus see now Grieshaber, Historische Topographie Oberägyptens (2004), Kap. 4.1.
4 According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: tꜣ qꜣy ḏw.
5 Reading variant Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Inselhochacker“. For this terminus technicus see now Grieshaber, Historische Topographie Oberägyptens (2004), Kap. 4.1.
6 According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: pꜣy=f ms.t.
7 The reading of ḏrp.t still remains unclear.
8 According to Vleeming, DBL in A. D. 2007 (2008). A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: sẖ.w „Schreiber“.
16Ἐστὶ τὸ τρίτον ὑπόμνημα παρὰ τῶv ὑπογεγραμμένων ἱερέων περὶ τῆς γῆς L κε Φαοφι λ


1A memorandum by Pinyris, son of Estphenis, and Berenebthis, son of Estphenis,
2and of Psintaes Junior, son of Estphenis, altogether 3 persons, to Milon, the attorney of Euphronios,
3praktor. Considering that it happened a) that you gave away our desertward field in Tkoitow and our
4nilewards field on Tmounpsobthis, which measures 30 aruras of field, against monetary payment, (and) b) that we have ransomed 1Variant: „ bought back“. it according to that
5which you have written in our presence 2According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 109. Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „vor uns“.; (and) c) that we already have delivered his first rate along with its interests; (and) d) that we already have paid them cash
6to the bank together with its interests and the remaining expenses relating to the value of the entire field;
7(and) e) that we do not have have enough money to pay you the other three instalments cash, as we are too weak
8of hand for it: So he should be given to Xenon, son of Dionysios, so that it is possible that he pays with cash the other
9three installments to the bank on their payment dates, so that nothing may disappear from the possession of Pharaoh.
10We will take possession of it (scil the field) again, after one has not let him (scil. Xenon) give an amount of money except for the silver coins together with their --?--
11Issued by Estphenis on declaration of the people mentioned above, in the 25th regnal year, 30th of [Paophi].
12Countersigned by Berenebthis, son of Estphenis.
13Countersigned by Pinyris, son of Estphenis.
14Countersigned by Psintaes, son of Estphenis.
16This is the third memorandum of the priests mentioned above, concerning the land. 25th regnal year, 30th of Paophi.

1 Variant: „ bought back“.
2 According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 109. Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „vor uns“.