1 | | wꜥ mkmk n-ḏr.t
Pꜣ-ı͗wı͗w-(n-)ḥr sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfnw.t ḫnꜥ Mr-(n-)ı͗b-Ptḥ sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfnw.t
2 | | ḥnꜥ Pꜣ-šr-(n-)tꜣ-ı͗ḥ.t pꜣ ḫm sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfnw.t r s 3 n Mrn According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Mln“.
pꜣ rd
3 | | pꜣ rgtr (n-)ḏr.t ḫpr=f r ḏı͗=k pꜣy=n ꜣḥ-qꜣy Reading variant Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Hochlandacker“. For this terminus technicus see now Grieshaber, Historische Topographie Oberägyptens (2004), Kap. 4.1. n Tꜣ-qꜣy-ṯꜣw
According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: tꜣ qꜣy ḏw. ḥnꜥ pꜣy=n ꜣḥ |
4 | | mꜣy Reading variant Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Inselhochacker“. For this terminus technicus see now Grieshaber, Historische Topographie Oberägyptens (2004), Kap. 4.1.n Tꜣ-mꜣy-pꜣ-sbd nty ı͗r sṯꜣ 30 ꜣḥ (r) dbꜣ-ḥḏ r stꜣ.ṱ.n=n s r-ẖ |
5 | | pꜣ hb=k ḥꜣ.ṱ=ṯn ı͗m=f r wꜣḥ=n ı͗n pꜣy=f tš mḥ-1 n tꜣy=f According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: pꜣy=f ms.t. ms.t r wꜣḥ=n wt=f |
6 | | r pꜣ sḫn ı͗rm pꜣy=f ms.t ı͗rm pꜣ sp hy nty ṯꜣy r swn ꜣḥ ḏr=f |
7 | | r mn mtw=n gr ḥḏ r wt r.r=k pꜣ ky tš 3 ı͗w=n gby |
8 | | ḏr.t r pꜣy(?) my ḏı͗=w s n Gsnn sꜣ Dnsys ḫpr=f ı͗w=f (r) wt pꜣ ky |
9 | | tš 3 r pꜣ sḫn n nꜣy=w ssw.w n ḏı͗.t r.bn-ı͗w md(.t) nb(.t) ꜣq n-ḏr.t pr-ꜥꜣ |
10 | | ı͗w=n r mḥ.t ı͗m=f ꜥn r bn-pw=w ḏı͗.t ḏı͗=f ḥḏ m-sꜣ nꜣ ḥḏ.w ı͗rm pꜣy=w ḏrp.t The reading of ḏrp.t still remains unclear.
11 | | n-ḏr.t Ns-šw-Tfnw.t r-ḫrw nꜣ rmṯ.w According to Vleeming, DBL in A. D. 2007 (2008). A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: sẖ.w „Schreiber“. nty ḥry n ḥsb.t 25 ı͗bd 2 ꜣḫ.t ꜥrqy
12 | | sẖ Mr-(n-)ı͗b-Ptḥ sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfnw.t
13 | | sẖ Pꜣ-ı͗wı͗w-(n-)ḥr sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfny
14 | | sẖ Pꜣ-šr-(n-)tꜣ-ı͗ḥ.t sꜣ Ns-šw-Tfnw.t
15 | |
1 According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Mln“. 2 Reading variant Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Hochlandacker“. For this terminus technicus see now Grieshaber, Historische Topographie Oberägyptens (2004), Kap. 4.1. 3 Reading variant Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Hochlandacker“. For this terminus technicus see now Grieshaber, Historische Topographie Oberägyptens (2004), Kap. 4.1. 4 According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: tꜣ qꜣy ḏw. 5 Reading variant Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „Inselhochacker“. For this terminus technicus see now Grieshaber, Historische Topographie Oberägyptens (2004), Kap. 4.1. 6 According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 107. A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: pꜣy=f ms.t. 7 The reading of ḏrp.t still remains unclear. 8 According to Vleeming, DBL in A. D. 2007 (2008). A reading variant provides Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: sẖ.w „Schreiber“.
16 | | Ἐστὶ τὸ τρίτον ὑπόμνημα παρὰ τῶv ὑπογεγραμμένων ἱερέων περὶ τῆς γῆς L κε Φαοφι λ
1 | | A memorandum by Pinyris, son of Estphenis, and Berenebthis, son of Estphenis, |
2 | | and of Psintaes Junior, son of Estphenis, altogether 3 persons, to Milon, the attorney of Euphronios, |
3 | | praktor. Considering that it happened a) that you gave away our desertward field in Tkoitow and our |
4 | | nilewards field on Tmounpsobthis, which measures 30 aruras of field, against monetary payment, (and) b) that we have ransomed Variant: „ bought back“. it according to that |
5 | | which you have written in our presence According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 109. Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „vor uns“.; (and) c) that we already have delivered his first rate along with its interests; (and) d) that we already have paid them cash |
6 | | to the bank together with its interests and the remaining expenses relating to the value of the entire field; |
7 | | (and) e) that we do not have have enough money to pay you the other three instalments cash, as we are too weak |
8 | | of hand for it: So he should be given to Xenon, son of Dionysios, so that it is possible that he pays with cash the other |
9 | | three installments to the bank on their payment dates, so that nothing may disappear from the possession of Pharaoh. |
10 | | We will take possession of it (scil the field) again, after one has not let him (scil. Xenon) give an amount of money except for the silver coins together with their --?-- |
11 | | Issued by Estphenis on declaration of the people mentioned above, in the 25th regnal year, 30th of [Paophi]. |
12 | | Countersigned by Berenebthis, son of Estphenis. |
13 | | Countersigned by Pinyris, son of Estphenis. |
14 | | Countersigned by Psintaes, son of Estphenis. |
15 | | [///] |
16 | | This is the third memorandum of the priests mentioned above, concerning the land. 25th regnal year, 30th of Paophi.
1 Variant: „ bought back“. 2 According to Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 109. Sethe, Bürgschaftsrecht (1920), Nr. 13: „vor uns“.
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