in situ in situ   (More information about the Object)
Publication No. SB Kopt. 2 1060
Modern Title
Summary A record of a historical event written on the wall of a once tomb. It concerns the Turks coming to Egypt and taking the fortress of (Qasr) Ibrim, the date is Martyr Era 889, Tybi 22 (=17.01.1173 CE).


side 1
1ϩⲣⲁⲓ ⲇⲉ ϩⲙⲡⲟⲟⲩ ⲛϩⲟⲟⲩ ⲥⲟⲩ ⲕ︦ⲃ︦
2ⲛ︦ⲧⲱⲃⲉ ⲡⲟϩ ⲥⲟⲩ ⲁ︦ ⲬⲢ ⲘⲢ ⲱ︦ⲡ︦ⲑ︦
3ⲁⲥϣⲱⲡⲉ ⲇⲉ ϩⲛⲧⲛⲇⲉⲣⲱ ⲛ︦
4ⲧⲟⲩⲣⲕⲟⲥ ϩⲣⲁⲓ ϩⲛⲧⲉⲭⲱⲣⲁ ⲧⲉ︦ⲣⲥ︦ ⲧⲏⲣⲥ︦
5ⲛ︦ ⲅⲉⲙⲏ ⲕⲏⲙⲉ ⲉⲣⲉⲡⲛⲓ̈ⲱⲧ ⲁⲃⲃⲁ ⲙⲁⲣⲕⲟⲥ
6ⲱ︦ ⲛⲁⲣⲭⲏⲉⲡⲓⲥⲕ,ⲁⲣⲭⲓⲉⲡⲓⲥⲕⲟⲡⲟⲥ ⲉⲧⲡⲟⲗⲓⲥ ⲁⲗⲉⲝⲁⲛⲇⲣⲓ̈ⲁ
7ⲁⲩⲱ ϩⲛ︦ⲛⲉⲓϩⲟⲟⲩ ⲛ︦ⲁⲙⲃⲁ ⲑⲉⲱⲇⲟⲣⲟⲥ ⲡⲉⲡⲓⲥⲕ,ⲉⲡⲓⲥⲕⲟⲡⲟⲥ
8ⲛⲧⲡ ⲥⲟⲩⲁⲁⲛ ⲁⲩⲓ̈ ⲉⲣⲏ ⲛ︦ϭⲓ ⲛⲧⲟⲩⲣⲕⲟⲥ
9ⲁⲩⲃⲱⲕ ϣⲁⲡⲣⲓⲙ ⲁⲩⲱⲛ ⲙⲙⲟⲥ ϩⲛ︦ⲥⲟ ⲍ︦ ⲛ︦
10ⲧⲱⲃⲉ ⲁⲩϭⲟⲡ ⲟⲛ ⲙⲡⲉ ⲧⲛ︦ ϩⲩⲧⲥ
11ⲁⲩⲱ ⲁⲩⲧⲁⲩ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ⲙⲙ


side 1
1Now, on that day, day 22
2of Tybi (Tobe), day 1 of the moon, Martyr Era 889,
3it happened in the rule of the
4Turks over the whole land of
5Egypt, while our father Abba Markos
6was archbishop of Alexandria,
7and in the days of Abba Theodoros, bishop
8of the town of Syene (Aswan): the Turks came south
9and went to (Qasr) Ibrim, they took it on the seventh day
10of Tybi (Tobe), they seized ...
11and they sold them ...