Ostr. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, Papyrussammlung O. 418   (More information about the Object)
Publication No.
Modern Title account
Summary Collection of different accounts, including ointment and emmer.


I:1WORK IN PROGRESS Ḥr-sꜣ-ꜣs.t sꜣ ..?.. [_] (.r)ḏı͗ n=f [_] Wḥy bnṱ 6 ẖꜥ.t(?) (.r)ḏı͗ n=f
I:2| gs 1 r-hn ı͗bd 1 pr.t sw-25 Wḥy ḏı͗=w XXXX r XXXXC
I:3XXXX 50 1/10 ⸢r 7 n-wš 1⸣
I:4Ḥr-mꜣy-ḥs nty pꜣ sp=f bn.t 5.t n-wš 4
I:5r-hn ⸢ı͗bd 1 pr.t⸣ sw-26 Wḥy nty ḏı͗=f XXXX Šp-XXXX
I:6sꜣ ⸢Pa-⸣Wsı͗r gs 1 XXXX XXXX ı͗p
I:7Pꜣ-ḏı͗-Wsı͗r pꜣy XXXX XXXXB (r.)ḏı͗ n=f ⸢bn.t⸣ my di n=f [_] 2.t [_] rtb sw 14 ⸢///⸣
I:8rtb ..?.. 4 n-wš 10 1/20 r-hn (r) ı͗bd 1 pr.t sw-19 XXXXC
I:9..?.. (r.)ḏı͗ n=f Wḥy gs 1 rtb sw 1⸢½ 1/10⸣ ⸢..?..⸣ ı͗bd 2 pr.t sw 21
I:10(r.)ḏı͗ n=f ı͗w=f XXXX rtb sry(?) 1 ⅓ 1/12
I:11rtb sw 7 n-wš 1/10 [_] ı͗bd 3 XXXX sw-9(?) (r.)ḏı͗ n=f XXXXC
I:12XXXX 5 1/10 (r.)ḏı͗ n=f Wḥy rtb sw 1 XXXX
I:13(r.)ḏı͗ n=f rtb ı͗t 1 1/10 sw-22 XXXX
I:14pš(Hälfte) bn.t 1.t [_] r rtb ı͗t 10 XXXX
I:15ḏı͗=w n=f rtb ı͗t XXXX
I:16ı͗w=f XXXX [_] rtb ı͗t 1 [_]XXXX
I:17Wḥy rtb bd 1⅓1/10 ⸢ḏı͗=w n=f⸣ ⸢///⸣
I:18Bsꜣ (sꜣ) ..?.. ḏd n=f Qsrns
I:19nty pꜣ sp=f gs 8(?) ⸢..?..⸣[///]
I:20⸢nty pꜣ⸣⸢..?..⸣[///]
II:1⸢pꜣ⸣ [///]
II:2⸢///⸣ [///]
II:3⸢bnṱ⸣ [///]
II:4r [bnṱ ///]
II:5⸢..?..⸣ [///]
II:6⸢..?..⸣ [///]
II:7bnṱ [///]
II:8⸢..?..⸣ [///]
II:9bnṱ [///]
II:11ı͗n H⸢..?..⸣[///]
II:12r bn.t[///]
II:13sp [///]
II:17ı͗.ı͗r ⸢..?..⸣ [///]
II:18r bn.t [///]


I:1Harsiese, son of ..?..: [_] Which was given to him by [_] Ousis: the last(?) 6 banatos-measures given to him
I:2ointment 1 until the 25th of Tybi: Ousis Which was given XXXX to XXXXC
I:3| XXXX 5 1/10 , yields 7, lacking 1.
I:4Harmiysis, for whom his rest are 5 dates, lacking 4.
I:5until the 26th of Tybi. Ousis is the one who gave XXXX (to) Shep-XXXX,
I:6son of Paosiris: ointment 1 XXXX XXXX count
I:83 artabas of ..?.. lacking 10 1/20 until the 19th of Tybi[XXXX ] XXXXC
I:9..?.. what gave him Ousis: 1 ointment; 1½ 1/10 artabas wheat ⸢..?..⸣ 21st of Mecheir
I:17Ousis, 1⅓1/10 artabas emmer, what was given to him ⸢///⸣
I:18Besas(Aleph Dialekt), (son) of ..?.., Alias Qesrenes:
I:19That which is his rest: 8(?) ointment gs 8 ⸢..?..⸣[///]
I:20which is ⸢..?..⸣[///]
II:1..?.. [///]
II:2⸢///⸣ [///]
II:3banatos-measure [///]
II:4Yields [banatos-measure ///]
II:5⸢..?..⸣ [///]
II:6⸢..?..⸣ [///]
II:7banatos-measure [///]
II:8⸢..?..⸣ [///]
II:9banatos-measure [///]
II:11Thus has brought H⸢..?..⸣ [///]
II:12Yields dates [///]
II:13Rest [///]
II:17⸢..?..⸣ [///]
II:18Yields dates [///]
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