1 | | |
x | | -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- |
x+1 | | -ca.?-
ạc̣c̣ẹsṣeṛuṇt -ca.?-
x+2 | | -ca.?- coh(ortis) i Apamenọṛ(um)
(centurio) i |
x+3 | | Aṇtoniniạṇaẹ |
x+4 | | ab Ạurelio Septimio Heṛạc̣liṭo |
x+5 | | praef(ecto) Aeg(ypti) |
x+6 | | -ca.?- ex militibus leg(ionis) ii Traian(ae)
(centurio) i |
x+7 | | Antoniniạṇae F̣orṭis |
x+8 | | aḅ ẹọdem praef(ecto) Ạẹg̣(ypti) |
x+9 | | -ca.?- leg(ionis) ii Tṛa(ianae)
miḷ(es) i |
x+10 | | Antoninianae F̣ọrtis |
x+11 | | ab eodem prạef(ecto) Aeg(ypti) |
x+12 | | -ca.?- ̣ ̣ạ ̣miḷ(ites) ii |
x+13 | | -ca.?- ̣a ab eodem
x+14 | | praef(ecto) Aeg(ypti) |
x+15 | | -ca.?- ẹạdem ex ṇ(umero) ẹquitum
mil(es) i
x+16 | | ab eọdem pṛaẹf(ecto) Aeg(ypti) |
x+17 | | -ca.?- ṃquịṃil p̣ ̣ ̣g̣ -ca.?-
x+18 | | -ca.?- c ̣ -ca.?-
y | | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- |
2 | | |
x | | -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- |
x+1 | | ḍatị in clạṣṣẹm ̣ ̣g̣ ̣ ̣
̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
̣ -ca.?-
̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ -ca.?-
x+2 | | ab eodem praef̣(ecto) Aeg(ypti)|
x+3 | | / dimissụs causare l. causar<i>e
mil(es) i|
x+4 | | ab eodem praef(ecto) Aeg(ypti)|
x+5 | | / q(etati) mil(ites) ṿịi |
x+6 | | in is eq(ues) i, ḍromadar(ius) i|
x+7 | | summa qui ḍecesserụṇt, mil(ites) xxx|
x+8 | | in is (centuriones) ii, eq(uites) xi, |
x+9 | | dṛomadar(ius) i|
x+10 | |
reliq(ui) n(umero) p(uro) mil(ites) cc̣c̣c̣lvii |
x+11 | | in is (centuriones) vi, dec(uriones) iv, eq(uites)
x+12 | | drom(adarii) xiii |
x+13 | | absunt in choram mil(ites) cxxvi |
x+14 | | ins ̣ ̣
dec(urio) eq(uites) x ̣ ̣|
x+15 | |
-ca.?- ̣
̣ọ ̣ ̣ -ca.?-
y | | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- |
3 | | |
x | | -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- |
x+1 | |
̣ -ca.?-
x+2 | | item ad commoḍa priṇ -ca.?- |
x+3 | | Kopto ad pecunia ̣ ̣natiṿị ̣ ̣c̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ịọ -ca.?- |
x+4 | | / in secutionem eius mil( ) -ca.?- |
x+5 | | / cum eo ab adiutorịo mil(ites) -ca.?- |
x+6 | | in is eq(uites) v|
x+7 | |
/ Copto cum epistulis mil( ) -ca.?- |
x+8 | | /
Caene aḍ c̣ọriasc̣ ̣ ̣ ̣equend( ) eq(u ) -ca.?- |
x+9 | | /
item principales mil(ites) -ca.?- |
x+10 | | /
officio epistrategi Thẹḅ ̣ ̣oṣ mi[l(ites) -ca.?- ]|
x+11 | | in is eq(uites) ii |
x+12 | | item deṭeṇtus est ab -ca.?- ṃil(es) i |
x+13 | | Marco praef(ecto) Alae Hẹ ̣ ̣ ̣ |
x+14 | | p̣arṭes epistrategiạẹ |
x+15 | | / Ṇịciu ad epistụlạs p̣ẹṛf̣ereṇdas m(ilites)
x+16 | | / summissi et nondụṃ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣eṛsi
ṃ(ilites) iv |
x+17 | | / inferiore cḥọṛa ab ̣ ̣n ̣
̣ịo m(iles)
i |
x+18 | | Mar ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ -ca.?-
y | | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1 l. causar<i>e
1 | | |
x | | -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --|
x+1 | | --- have been added
x+2 | | of Cohors I Apamenorum |
x+3 | | Antoniniana |
x+4 | | by
Aurelius Septimius Heraclitus |
x+5 | | prefect of
Egypt, 1 centurion |
x+6 | | --- from the soldiers of
the Legio II Traiana |
x+7 | | Antoniniana Fortis, |
x+8 | | by the same prefect of Egypt, 1 centurion|
x+9 | | --- of the Legio II Traiana |
x+10 | | Antoniniana Fortis, |
x+11 | | by the same prefect of Egypt, 1 soldier |
x+12 | | ---
x+13 | | ---by the same |
x+14 | | prefect of Egypt, 2 soldiers |
x+15 | | --- from the same numerus of cavalry, |
x+16 | | by the same prefect of Egypt, 1 soldier |
x+17 | | ---|
x+18 | | --- |
y | | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --|
2 | | |
x | | -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- --|
x+1 | | Posted to the --- Fleet |
x+2 | | by the same prefect of Egypt, --- |
x+3 | | Discharged on grounds of poor health, |
x+4 | | by the same prefect of Egypt, 1 soldier|
x+5 | | Deceased, 7 soldiers,|
x+6 | | among them 1 cavalryman, 1 dromadarius|
x+7 | | Total
losses, 30 soldiers,|
x+8 | | among them 2 centurions,
11 cavalrymen|
x+9 | | and 1 dromadarius.|
x+10 | | Remainder, net balance, 457 soldiers,|
x+11 | | among them 6 centurions, 4 decurions, 100
x+12 | | and 13 dromadarii.|
x+13 | | Absent in the countryside, 126 soldiers,|
x+14 | | --- calvalrymen---|
x+15 | |
y | | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --|
3 | | |
x | | -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- --|
x+1 | | ---|
x+2 | | Likewise for emoluments ---|
x+3 | | in Coptus for ---
x+4 | | in his escort --- soldiers.|
x+5 | | With him from the adiutor's office ---
x+6 | | among them 5 cavalrymen.|
x+7 | | In Coptus with letters --- soldiers.|
x+8 | | In Caene to --- cavalrymen---|
x+9 | | Likewise principales, --- soldiers.|
x+10 | | In the office of the epistrategus of the Thebaid ---
x+11 | | among them 2 cavalrymen.|
x+12 | | Likewise 1 soldiers has been detained|
x+13 | | by --- Marcus, prefect of the Ala H---|
x+14 | | and acting epistrategus (?). |
x+15 | | In Niciu to deliver letters, 4 soldiers. |
x+16 | | On mission and not yet returned, 4 soldiers. |
x+17 | | In the Lower C ountry ---|
x+18 | | by --- 1 soldier.|
y | | -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
| |
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