Pap. Berlin P. 14472, a-c   (More information about the Object)
Publication No.
Modern Title cult calender
Summary parts of a cult calendar


Frag. a, 1[/// ḥm.t=s(?) jmj.t] hrw pn nb.t ꜣr.t ḏd jm ẖrd
Frag. a, 2 ḥꜣb jr.t-Ḥr.w ḥꜣb Hkr m ꜣbḏ.w hꜣy
Frag. a, 3.wd.t nṯr.t jmj(.t) hrw pn mꜣ.wt bw.t=s
Frag. a, 4 jꜣ pꜣj.w m qbḥ.w jꜣ
Frag. a, 5 ḏd.w m hrw pn j ḥwnw sjn
Frag. a, 6[/// jmj] hrw pn ḥm.t=s (j)m(j.t) hrw pn nb.t ꜣmm.t nḏs jm
Frag. a, 7 ḥꜣb Sbk š ḥꜣb Nw.t ḏd.w m hrw [pn ///]
Frag. a, 8 hrw pn jb-jbjb bw.t=s jnk {spr.w} <rr.w> m nb.w
Frag. a, 9[/// b]jn wbꜣ(?) wꜣj.t(?) smꜣ(.tj)-nb
Frag. a, 10 pn jmj.w twꜣ
Frag. a, 11 rsw mḥy.t jmn[.t jꜣb.t ///]
Frag. a, 12 ḏd.w m hrw pn j qꜣj
Frag. a, 13 ḥm.t=s jmj(.t) hrw pn nb.t=s ḥꜣ.t
Frag. a, 14 10 ḥꜣb 7.nw n pr.t ḥꜣb Sšmt.t
Frag. a, 15 bw.t=s ps[j ///]
Frag. a, 16 11 nfr nfr ḥꜣb(?) 8.nw n pr.t
Frag. a, 17[/// j]ms(?) 9.nw(?) n pr(.t) qꜣb(?)
Frag. b, x+1 nṯr.w nfr-ḥr qꜣj s.t
Frag. b, x+2 Mdnj.t nb.t jmꜣ wdj[.t ///]
Frag. b, x+3 Nw.t Sḫm.t nb.t snḏ.t ꜥꜣ[.t ///]
Frag. b, x+4[/// ꜣḫ]-bj.t jty
Frag. b, x+5 nb.t mr[w.t ///]
Frag. c, x+1 pn(?) 10.700 wr
Frag. c, x+2.t nḏs j[m]
Frag. c, x+3 š rn n
Frag. d, x+1, 1 stp.w m hrw pn ḫpr ḏꜣrw
Frag. d, x+1, 2[.t /// j]w ḥ n=f jn smy.w nh
Frag. d, x+1, 3[ n=f jn ///]=n nḥm=k pr-ꜥꜣ ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb m-ꜥ.w jḫ.t
Frag. d, x+1, 4[nb.t ḏw.t /// jmj.t] hrw=s (j)m(j.t) mn(?) kjj ḏd jꜣḫ(.t)(?) ꜣbd I͗I͗I͗ mḥ(?)
Frag. d, x+1, 5[wḏꜣ.t(?) /// pr-ꜥꜣ] ꜥnḫ-wḏꜣ-snb m-ꜥ.w jḫ.t nb.t ḏw ḥꜣb nḫt
Frag. d, x+1, 6 ḏsr(?) jtr.w nṯr.t jmj(.t) hrw p[n]


Frag. a, 1[/// His Majesty(?) in] this [day] is "The Mistress of the eyes of splendor(?)". What is to be say thereby: "Child
Frag. a, 2 Feast of the Eye of Horus. Haker-Feast in Abydos. Ho(?)
Frag. a, 3 The goddess in this day is Maut. Her taboo
Frag. a, 4 east, birds who fly up in the eastern water-area.
Frag. a, 5 What is to be said at this day: O young bull with rapid
Frag. a, 6[/// in] this day; His Majesty in this day is "The Mistress ". The young man(?) there
Frag. a, 7[/// feast of ///]; feast of Sebek of Crocodilopolis; feast of Nut. What is to be said at [this] day
Frag. a, 8[/// His Majesty(?) at] this [day] is "Heart of the image(?)". Her taboo: "I am the necklace(?) of gold
Frag. a, 9 evil(?) , Opener of the way(?), female companions of the lord(?).
Frag. a, 10 these , whom are in the hills(?)
Frag. a, 11 south wind, north wind, west win[d, east wind ///]
Frag. a, 12 What is to be said at this day: "O high
Frag. a, 13 His Majesty at this day is "her Mistress is the forepart
Frag. a, 14 10(?), seventh feast of the sowing time, feast of Smithis
Frag. a, 15[/// what is to be said at] this [day] O ! Her taboo is to bite(?)
Frag. a, 16[/// day] 11: Well, well, eighth feast(?) of the sowing time
Frag. a, 17[/// L]ie, nineth(?) (feast)(?) of the sow(ing time), winding(??)
Frag. b, x+1 of the gods, the one with beautiful face, with high place,
Frag. b, x+2 of the 22nd upper-Egyptian district, Mistress of Kom el-Hisn, who sends forth
Frag. b, x+3 Nut Sekhmet, the Mistress of fertility with great
Frag. b, x+4[/// Khem]mis, souvereign
Frag. b, x+5 Mistress of popula[rity ///]
Frag. c, x+1 this 10.700, great One
Frag. c, x+2. The poor there[in ///]
Frag. c, x+3. the name of
Frag. d, x+1, 1 chosen at this day. Scorpions(?) are emerging
Frag. d, x+1, 2[/// O]ne sings for him on the part of the Semui-priests, one cheer[s(?)]
Frag. d, x+1, 3[for him on the part of ///] our May you save Pharao - he may live, being well and sound - from [all evil] things!
Frag. d, x+1, 4[/// The ///] at her day is "The one who is in the tree plantation"(?) - Variant: The light-shining one. Third month, filling
Frag. d, x+1, 5[of the udjad-eye(?) /// May you save Pharao] - he may live, being well and sound - from all evil things! Feast of the strong
Frag. d, x+1, 6 consecrating(?) the river. The goddess at th[is] day is