TEI-XML-File: https://p612399.webspaceconfig.de/xml/elephantine_erc_db_100438.tei.xml
Collection | Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, SPK (P) |
Inventory Number | Pap. Berlin P. 15620 |
Current Location | magazine |
Comments on Inventory | registered as existing during revision (1958) |
Publication Permission Status | permission for publication assigned |
Ancient Provenance Site | Elephantine (Ꜣbw; Yb; YbꜢ; YbꜤ; Ἐλεφαντίνη, יב , ⲉⲓⲏⲃ) [Trismegistos] Certainty: high |
Ancient Provenance District | Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos] |
Type of Discovery | archaeological excavation Certainty: high |
Finder (= First Purchaser) | Rubensohn, Otto / Zucker, Friedrich (excavation directors) Certainty: high |
Location of Find / Purchase in Egypt | Elephantine |
District of Find / Purchase in Egypt | Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos] |
Type of Acquisition for the Intitution | partage |
Date of Acquisition for the Intitution | between 1906 and 1908 |
Transferor (Seller, Previous Owner) | (not relevant) Certainty: high |
Object Type | papyrus |
Color | papyrus, light |
Size (Height | Width | Thickness) | 94 mm | 221 mm | mm |
Range of Preservation | incomplete |
State of Preservation | Consists of two parts not directly joining. Left part 130 mm wide, right part 85 mm wide. Between them a gap of about 50 mm width from a strip teared off. The left part is broken off in an extent of about 1,5 cm. Some minor holes in the sheet. |
Mounting | framed under glass |
Restoration Activities | Restaurierung abgeschlossen |
Comments on Object | During an old restauration both parts were mounted directly side by side (VOHD XIX,2, 1971) This was corrected in the meantime. According to the inventory "Abschrift und Deutung von W. Erichsen" existing. |
Localization of Text on Object | recto/verso | |
Script-Fiber-Relation (for Payri) | parallel (verso) and perpendicular (recto) | |
Inks and Pigments | carbon ink monochrome black | |
Range of Preservation (Text) | incomplete | |
State of Preservation (Text) | Line endings on recto and verso lost at a length of about 10 mm. In the middle, a vertical strip of about 10 mm lost. First line partially lost. Some holes with minor text damage. | |
Script, Primary | Early to Middle Demotic | |
Language, Primary | Early Demotic - Ptolemaic Demotic | |
Comments on Handwriting | "Geübte, sorgfältige früh- bis mitteldemotische Geschäftsschrift, auf dem Verso etwas flüchtiger werdend." (According to K.-T. Zauzich, in: VOHD XIX,2) | |
Comments on Text Layout | Medium line pitch. The text covers nearly the entire sheet, with medium upper and lower margins at a height of about one line, and a small right margin. | |
recto | verso | |
Quantity of Lines | 6 | 6 |
Quantity of Columns | 1 | 1 |
Line Lenght (in mm) | 12585 | 125+x+85 |
Column Height (in mm) | 65 | 65 |
Height of Line / Letter | ||
Line Distance | 125+x+85 x 65 | 125+x+85 x 65 |
Modern Title | letter reporting a visit of local authorities in Memphis |
Ancient Archives | Chnoum temple archives | administrative archive |
Ancient Scribe(s) of Text | |
Text Types |
Summary of Content | Letter of Eschnompmetis, son of Psammetichos, to Snebonychos, reporting his arrival at Memphis for the purpose of a visit of local authorities. Handing over of a stick bouquet ("Stabstrauß") of Chnoum and letters. |
Location of Composition | Memphis Lower Egypt, 1st nome Egypt (Certainty: medium) |
Multilingualism | Monolingual Script = Language |
Gender | Man |
Religion | Polytheism (Egyptian) |
Transcription | Translation | Pictures |
Places (read out from edition) |
ID | gender | en normiert | original | Language | Functions | in Texts |
1865 | man | Psammetichos (P. 15620) | PꜢ-s-n-mtk | pre-Coptic Egyptian | ||
210 | (uncertain) | Snebonychos (carrier-of-Ra) | Ns-pꜢ-nb-Ꜥnḫ | pre-Coptic Egyptian |
RulerID | Regnal Year | MonthID | Day Date of the Text | Gregorian Date | dating_comment |
Late period - Early Ptolemaic dynasty | -664 BCE -222 BCE | Internal dating, without name of the ruler. Dating by palaeography.; |
DatasetID | 100438 |
last Change | 29.07.2022 |
Trismegistos | 46522 |
Author | Jan Moje |
Dataset License | Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA) |
Data set citation | Data set 100438 (= Pap. Berlin P. 15620), ERC-Project ELEPHANTINE: Jan Moje. |