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Text Inv.No. Modern Title Summary of content
Pap. Berlin P. 23572 writing exercise: professions (or clothes and fish?) 1) Old text (verso): Text mentioning the Chnoum priests of Elephantine. Due to the very fragmentary status further details cannot be detected. 2) New text (recto): Writing exercise with a list of professions like fisherman or weaver. According to Zauzich in VOHD XIX,2 it can also be possible that here a list of clothes and fish is given.
Pap. Berlin P. 23610 mention of tombs of persons with Greek names Mention of tombs of persons with Greek names. The sender will stay in the vicinity of the tombs unless he receives information on actions taken.
Pap. Berlin P. 13577 Receipt concerning field allotments and payments of money of the Chnoum temple Receipt in form of a list concerning allotments of fields from the Chnoum temple domain to land leasers, some of them Greeks; lists of payments of money. The presereved part of an anterior Greke text dates to 214/213 BCE.
Pap. Cairo EM CG 50163 (= Pap. Berlin P. 13527) royal oath concerning ownership of land Royal oath of Pinyris, son of Estphenis. He swears that he owned a piece of land, which was sold in execution sales due to his insolvency. Doubts about the ownership should be dispelled by the oath.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10811 receipt for salt tax Pamounis and his wife Taimouthis are confirmed by Doros of having paid the salt tax for the 25. regnal year in an amount of 4 obols and 1½ obols. Demotic countersignature of Pasbet.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12934 account in letter form Account. Content unclear due to the heavily faded condition of the text.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12941 Receipt for poll tax ( laographia) Petespmetis, son of Haryotes, is confirmed of having paid the poll tax for the 40th and the 41st regnal year, in an amount of 2 stater each.
Tablet Berlin P. 11458 account of payments or income for different persons Board with different accounts from the administrative archive of the Chnoum temple, presumbaly a notepad, which was thrown away after transferring all data to the final archive papyrus rolls. This boeard consists of lists of persons connected with deliveries of income payment.
Tablet Berlin P. 11456 daily account of wheat deliveries for the temple and other accounts Board with different accounts from the administrative archive of the Chnoum temple, presumbaly a notepad, which was thrown away after transferring all data to the final archive papyrus rolls. One sides books delivieries of flour for the temple, counted daily for each first month of the three seasons. The other side contains accounts of deliveries or income of wheat for differnt persons, including one female, presumably temple personnel.
Tablet Berlin P. 11457 account of financial transactions by the temple administration Board with different accounts from the administrative archive of the Chnoum temple, presumbaly a notepad, which was thrown away after transferring all data to the final archive papyrus rolls. This board contains list of persons and their shares, mentioning money and grain, with several sums and totals. The heading in II:3 states that these are "the expenses of the temple", meaning the Chnoum temple. Names like Pahemnetjer-Chnoum or Pa-hetnetjer point to priests of the temple mentioned here.
Tablet Berlin P. 11454 account of payments made by different persons and of daily payments Board with different accounts from the administrative archive of the Chnoum temple, presumbaly a notepad, which was thrown away after transferring all data to the final archive papyrus rolls. ON the first side, Names are combine with numbers, which may point to deliveries, but also income payments for tempel personnel could be possible. On the second side, numbers of "one" are counted for each day, with a total twice a month.
Tablet Berlin P. 11455 daily account of payments Board with different accounts from the administrative archive of the Chnoum temple, presumbaly a notepad, which was thrown away after transferring all data to the final archive papyrus rolls.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12909 account of deliveries Account of deliveries. Content unclear due to fragmentary condition, mention of a man called Apollonios.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12952 receipt for compulsory labor tax Espmetis is confirmed by Stamnaichnoumis, son of Pachnoumis, of having paid the compulsory labor tax for the 5th regnal year in an amount of 8 obols, yields 3⅓ stater.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12953 account of deliveries Account concerning the delivery of something in lagynos jugs, and natron, with amounts of money
Ostr. Berlin P. 12964 Receipt for poll tax ( laographia) Petosorsmetis, son of Petosorsmetis, is confirmed by Petosorsmetis, son of Petephaus of having paid the rate for the poll tax for the 5th regnal year, in a lost amount.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12968 account of priests connected with their income List of priests and their income.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12264 school exercise with arithmetic sequences School exercise with names and arithmetic sequences of the numbers from 1 till 16.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12263 list of slaves connected with payment List of slaves, mainly female connected with payment.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12265 list of persons delivered or received caster oil seeds or money List of persons who have received or delivered castor oil seeds or money. The same sequence of persons is repeated.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12267 account of priests connected with their income List of priests and their income. In front of some lines an "OK" sign was added later.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12271 account of payments Account possibly of payments. Details unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12272 list of priests on-duty List of names of priests on-duty in the temple, presumably the Chnoum temple.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12919 List of payments List of persons connected with money payment, also a cow is part of the transactions.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12910+15855+15857 account of priests connected with their income List of priests and their income.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12915 announcement of shares Announcement of shares, afterwards 5 males listed with amounts of money.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12917 account of payments Account of payment. Contents unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12920 account in letter form Account made by Petosorsmetis. Content unclear due to fragmentary condition
Ostr. Berlin P. 12921 account on castor oil Fragmentary account, mentionong castor oil and two males.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12924 list of male names in unclear context. List of names. Content unclear due to fragmentary condition
Ostr. Berlin P. 12926 account of deliveries Account of deliveries. Content unclear due to fragmentary condition.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12928 daily account of delivery of bread Account of deliveries if gaga-breads, connected to a special day. Underneath the first and second Demotic lines traces of 2 lines of an older(?) Greek text is visible, which were erased. The beginning could be: Ioulios. Both text clearly do not belong together.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12933 list of male names (Greek and Egyptian) List of names of men bearing Greek and Egyptian names, with filiations.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12936 list of priests on-duty List of names of priests on-duty in the temple, presumably the Chnoum temple.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12937 receipt for salt tax Espmetis, son of [///], is confirmed by ⸢..?..⸣ of having paid the salt tax for a lost regnal year in an amount of ¼ kite.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12939 receipt for the price of oil Megches, son of Pasenis, is confirmed by Pouoptis, son of Harsiesis, of having paid the price of oil in an amount of 1½ obols.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12942 ostracon with unknown content Content unknown, object lost.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12943 list of slaves connected with payment List of slaves, one female, connected with payment. Together with account regarding wine jars
Ostr. Berlin P. 12944 account of priests connected with their income List of persons and their income.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12947 account Account. Content unclear due to the heavily faded condition of the text.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12949 account of priests connected with their income List of priests and their income.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12958 + P. 12967 list of slaves and their delay in payment. List of mainly female slaves, with amounts of money, representing their delay in payment.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12961 list of persons and their delay in payment List of persons with amounts of money, representing their delay in payment.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12969 List of persons and payments dedicated to dates. List of persons and payments dedicated to day-definite dates. Due to the faded condition, the context cannot be detected
Ostr. Berlin P. 12972 account Account.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12927 Copy of an account of money payment Account on payments of money and its surplus.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12938 list of names List of names, presumably all male, presumbaly slaves.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12962 list of male names in unclear context. List of male names.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12966 list of names with shares This account mentions serveral males with their shares, maybe money. The wider context remains unclear.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12970 ostracon Ostracon with currently unknown text.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12973 list of names, mainly female List of names, mainly women, presumably some of them slaves.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12268 account on payments of money Onnophris confirms Smetos, daughter of Pakheber, of being fully paid. Context unclear due to fragmentary condition.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12911 ostracon with unknown content (unknown)
Ostr. Berlin P. 12929 ostracon with unknown content (lost) Unknown, lost
Ostr. Berlin P. 10817 account of payments made by different persons Account of payment for different females. All payments were made by their sons who are mentioned in first instance. Detailed contents unclear due to the fragmentary condition. All presereved payments were in stater.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12229 ostracon with illegible text Content unclear due to the heavily faded condition of the text.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12918+20471 account Account for several items, counted in stater and obols.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12720 receipt for the value of royal linnen Harpaesis, son of Chestephnachthis, is confirmed by Herakleides on behalf of the bank of Thebes of having paid 2000 Drachmen for the value of royal linnen. Demotic subscription.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12262 Receipt for poll tax ( laographia) Psenyris, son of Pachnomis, is confirmed of having paid the poll tax for the 7th regnal year in an amount of 2 stater and 1 kite.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12270 receipt for vineyard tax (apomoira) Psenamounis, son of ⸢..?..⸣ is confirmed by ..?.. of having paid the apomoira vineyard tax (the tenth of Arsinoe) of the 34th regnal year. Countersigned by Pachnoumis, son of Paieus.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12913 receipt for a lost tax Espmetis is confirmed by Espmetis, son of Peteyris, of having paid a lost tax for the 20th regnal year in an amount of 8 kite.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12914 receipt for salt tax (double) Two persons whose names are illegible are confirmed by Pelaias of having paid the salt tax for the 11th regnal year in an amount of ¼ kite each.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12922 account Account
Ostr. Berlin P. 12923 receipt for nḥṱ.t tax Belles, son of Stamnaichnoumis, is confirmed by Belles, son of Stamnaichnoumis, of having paid the nḥṱ.t tax for the 19th regnal year in an amount of 1 kite.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12930 receipt for an unidentified tax Harpbekis, son of P⸢..?..⸣, is confirmed by Belles, son of Stamnaichnoumis, of having paid an amount of money for an unmentioned tax, 1 kite for the 32nd and 33rd regnal year each.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12931 list of priests on-duty List of priests on duty, 5 persons. Mainly illegible due to the faded condition.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12932 receipt for the price of oil Esp..?.., son of Thoteus, and his unnamed wife are confirmed by Thotortaios, son of Horos, of having paid for oil for the 18th regnal year in an amount of ¼ kite.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12945 receipt for compulsory labor tax Belles, son of Espmetis, is confirmed by Schesbet, son of Pouoptis, of having paid the compulsory labor tax for the 36th regnal year in an amount of ½ kite.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12946 Receipt for poll tax ( laographia) Pachois is confirmed of having paid the poll tax for the 12th regnal year in an amount of 1 stater and 1 kite.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12948 list of names List of names, at least some of them of non-Egyptian origin.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12950 receipt for salt tax Tapmetis, daughter of Pamenis, son of Esthotes, is confirmed by Schesbet of having paid the salt tax for the 38th regnal year in an amount of ¼ kite.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12951 receipt for salt tax .?.., son of Nektanebis, is confirmed by Peteyris, son of Harnouphis, of having paid the salt tax for the 28th regnal year in an amount of ¼ kite. Countersigned by Petepiphis.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12954 List of payments List of persons and their payments. Nothing is mentioned about the context of these transactions.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12955 ostracon with illegible text Content unclear due to the heavily faded condition of the text.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12956 List of persons and their delay in payment List of persons with amounts of money, representing their delay in payment.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12957 list of Greek foreign words for jugs (account?) This ostracon contains a listing of several word for jugs originating from Greek. As all are connected with numbers, an explataion as account may be possible. Another possibility is an interpretation as an scribal exercise, to judge from the unclear headings.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12959 receipt for salt tax Tairou, the mother of Pamounis, is confirmed by Peteyris, son of Harnouophis, of having paid the salt tax for the 21st regnal year in an amount of ¼ kite. Countersigned by Petepiphis, son of Pachnoumis. Greek subscription with issuer.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12963 receipt for salt tax Pamenis, son of Eschnoumis, is confirmed by Espmetis, son of Petechonsis, of having paid the salt tax for the 30th regnal year in an amount of ⅓ kite and ½ obol. Countersignature of Peteyris, son of Teos. Subscription in Greek mentioning the tax farmer Petepiphis.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12965 receipt for compulsory labor tax Espmetis, son of Belles, is confirmed by Espmetis, son of Paieus of having paid the compulsory labor tax for the 6th regnal year in an amount of ½ kite.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12916 list of persons delivered or received money List of persons and their payments or income. Nothing is mentioned about the context of these transactions.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12971 list of persons in connection with a shrine This ostracon lists three persons regarding moving to a shrine. The exact context remains unclear.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12273 Receipt for poll tax Petosorsmetis, son of Pachnoumis-Bienchis, is confirmed of having paid the rate for the poll tax for the 10th regnal year in an amount of 4 stater. Identificatin of the scribe nby the hand
Ostr. Berlin P. 12974 school exercise_ substantives with suffix pronouns List of several substantives with suffixes =f "his" and =k "your".
Ostr. Berlin P. 12960 receipt for a lost tax Espnetsenis is confirmed of having paid ¼ kite for a tax. This information derives from the hand copy in the inventory book, the rest of the text is unknown because the object is missing today.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12940 receipt for salt tax Sintaes, daughter of Phaus, is confirmed by Petepiphis, son of Pachnoumis, of having paid the salt tax for the 31st regnal year in an amount of ¼ kite. Subscription in Greek: Issuer.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12154 receipt for salt tax Thotortaios, son of Esyris, is confirmed by Peteyris, son of Harnouphis, of having paid the salt tax for the 28th regnal year in an amount of ⅓ kite and 4 obols. Greek subscription.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10819 receipt for business (fodder-merchant) tax Estaui, son of Pelaias, is confirmed by Pnefersois, Sohn des Apollos, of having paid the business tax for the 18th regnal year in an amount of 2 staters + anew 1 stater.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10820 Receipt for poll tax ( laographia) Pachnoumis, son of Espmetis, is confirmed of having paid the poll tax for the 35th regnal year in an amount of 2 stater.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10821 Receipt for poll tax ..?.. is confirmed of having paid the poll tax for the 20 regnal year in an amount of 4 stater.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10813 receipt for servant tax Pealais, son of Krur, ist confirmed by Psenthotes, son of Stotoetis, of having paid the servant income tax in an amount of 3 1/4 obols. Greek subscript of Pelaias.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10812 receipt for salt tax Harpaesis, son of Pouoptis, and his wife Maigebte and his daughter Tareshy are confirmed by Phatres, son of Hartophnachthes, of having paid the salt tax for the 33. regnal year in an amount of 1 kite. Greek subscription.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10815 receipt for salt tax Tamenech, wife of Totoes is confirmed by Patous, son of Horos, of having paid the salt tax for the 36th regnal year in an amount of ¼ kite. Greek subscription of Doros.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10814 receipt for salt tax Maygebte, wife of Harpaesis, is confirmed by Petobastis, son of Esyris, of having paid the salt tax for the 36th regnal year in an amount of ¼ kite. Greek subscription.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10806 receipt for salt tax Imouthes is confirmed by Asklepiades of having paid the salt tax for the 37th regnal year in an amount of 4 drachmas for at least four men. Demotic subscription of Peteyris.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10808 receipt for salt tax Patobastis, son of Tityris, and his wife Stemzmet are confirmed by the tax farmer Doros of having paid the salt tax for the 1. regnal year in an amount of 4 obols and 1½ obols. Demotic countersignature of Pasbet.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10809 receipt for salt tax and receipt for compulsory labor tax Pamounis is confirmed by the tax farmer Doros of having paid the salt tax and the compulsory labor tax for the 4. regnal year in an amount of 4 obols and 2 drachmas; his wife Stenzmet the salt tax in anmount of 1½ obols. Demotic countersignature of Pasbet.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10810 receipt for salt tax Palaias, his wife Tamounis and his son Harnouphis are confirmed presumably by Doros of having paid the salt tax for the 25. regnal year in an amount of 4 obols and 1½ obols. Demotic countersignature of Pasbet.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10823 Receipt of unmentioned tax Espmetis, son of Pelaias, is confirmed of having paid "his tax" for the 23rd regnal year in an amount of 3 staters.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10822 receipt of delivery of oil Polemarchos is confirmed by Osoroeris, son of Horos, of having brought 4 leq and 2 hin of oil in the 22th regnal year.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10807 Receipt for trade tax (cheironaxion) Greek (Duttenhöfer): Receipt for trade tax (of woodcutters?) for the 43rd regnal year of Augustus, in an amount of 12 drachmas, paid by Pachompabienchis, son of Psenchnoubis Demotic (Moje): Mention of the payer in Egyptian name version.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10805 Receipt for the price of public dates (time demosiou phoinikos) Receipt of Phanophis, praktor argyrikon Elephantines, for the value of state-owned dates for the 19th regnal year, 17 drachmas and 2 obols, and for the 16. year the fourth fifth (part of five instalments), paid by Nilas, leaseholder of land owned by Annius Nigrinus. In Total 20 drachmas and 5 obols. Demotic (ERC Elephantine, Moje): Demotic subscription by Pachnoumis, son of Petosorsmetis: Attorney's name without filiation, amount in Egyptian currency.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12912 receipt for salt tax(?) Tax receipt, presumably salt tax. Greek subscription: Name of tax collector.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12151 receipt for salt tax Tachnoumis, daughter of Belles, is confirmed by Phatres, son of Hartophnachthes, of having paid the salt tax for the 32nd regnal year in an amount of ¼ kite. Greek subscription.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10776 receipt for salt tax Pelaias, son of Imouthes, and his wife Tanoutis are confirmed by Doros of having paid the salt tax for the 34th regnal year in an amount of 1 drachma and 3 obols. Demotic countersignature of Petepiphis.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10744 receipt for salt tax Patobastis, son of Tityris, and his wife Stemzmet are confirmed by Doros of having paid the salt tax for the 3. regnal year in an amount of 4 obols and 1½ obols. Demotic countersignature of Pasbet.
Ostr. Berlin P. 9389 receipt for fruit tree tax The priests of Asklepios are confirmed by Ammonios from the bank of Syeme of having paid the fruit tree tax for the 5th regnal year in an amount of 1500 drachmas incl. agio. Subscription of Ammonions and amount with agio, tital 1800 drachmas. Demotic subscription: Tax type, regnal year.
Ostr. Berlin P. 9640 receipt for state tax Petechnoumis, son of Pikos, is confirmed by Pebrichis of having paid the state tax for the 15th regnal year in an amount of 3 stater.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12009 receipt for cloth tax Totoes is confirmed by Ptolemaios, attorney of Apollonios of having paid the cloth tax for the 38th regnal year in an amount of 5 drachmas and 2½ obols surcharge. Demotic subscription of Peteyris.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12198 receipt for salt tax Pelaias, son of Pamounis, and his wife Tisatis are confirmed by an unnamed person, presumably Doros, of having paid the salt tax and the liturgy tax for the 16th regnal year in an amount of 4 obols and 2 drachmas. Demotic countersignature of Spotous, son of Patous, as to be judged from the hand.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12562 Receipt for harvest tax of granary (epigraphe) Sabdaios, son of Ptolemaios, is confirmed by Harpaesis, son of Harnouphis, of having delivered into the granary of the Ombites 10 artabas wheat. Demotic and Greek subscription.
Ostr. Berlin P. 323 Receipt for contribution for watch towers (merismos skopelon) Menophilos Senior, son of Orbaies and his mother Tisatis, and his son Harpaesis are confirmed by the tax farmers Asinnios, son of Didymos, and Amonis of having paid the wach tower tax for the 12th regnal year in an amount of 4 drachmas each. Demotic subscription with the amount in staters.
Ostr. Berlin P. 9502 receipt for nḫṱ.t tax Pachnoumis, son of his mother Tapoeris, is confirmed by Parates of having paid the nḥṱ.t tax for the 17th regnal year in an amount of 1 kite.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12995 diary in the context of ltm receipts Diary with accounts mentioning bread, carob trees, wheat, as well as Nubians. No parallels are known, the nearest connections are with the Theban ltm receipts. This diary was written by different persons.
Ostr. Berlin P. [without no.] receipt for yoke tax Teos, son of Petamounis, is confirmed by Harnouphis, son of Espmetis, on declaration of Pachnoumis, son of Payris, of having paid the yoke tax for the 7th regnal year in an amount of 1 kite.
Palm. Berlin P. 23701 a oracle equipment Oracular answer.
Palm. Berlin P. 23702 supporting letter connected with deliveries of wine Supporting letter connected with deliveries of wine by two men to an attorney of Satis.
Pap. Berlin P. 13410 Mandate concerning the sale of a slave Sale agreement concerning a slave. Taorseus, daughter of Onnophris and her mother Tanese..?.., authorized Pachompetenephotes to sell her slave Narcissus, while the revenue is due to herself. Below similar text in Demotic.
Pap. Berlin P. 15637 (= P. 15637 + P. 15803) letter requesting an Isis oracle concerning travel intentions Letter with an inquiry to an Isis priest(?) to obtain an oracle of Isis. It should be requested wheather the sender should travel (to the Thebais?) or stay on Elephantine.
Pap. Berlin P. 15641 letter with the request of papyrus Letter of Osoroeris, son of Teos, requesting the delivery of payrus as writing material.
Pap. Berlin P. 15648 small fragment from a letter possibly connected with sustentation Fragment from the right side of a letter possibly connected with sustentation
Pap. Berlin P. 13586 Letter of consignment concerning delivery of jewelry Letter of consignment of Teos, son of Nepherpres, concerning a delivery of jewelry in sacs, with specification of their provenance and estimated value.
Pap. Berlin P. 13578 Loan contract about three silver deben. Loan contract about three silver deben. As reward the plowing of farmland of 10 aruras is declared.
Pap. Berlin P. 13580 Order of food supply for an temple inspector Order of a person whose name is lost to a son of Eschnoumpmetis and the scribes of the Chnoum temple to supply the inspector of the temples visiting Elephantine and Syene with a goose. The document was written by Sehapmoys.
Pap. Berlin P. 13585 letter concerning quarrels between Chnoum priests Letter of Teonurisephonychos, son of Imouthes, containing an answer on a letter received earlier. This correspondence focuses on a dispute between Chnoum priests. The sender expresses his wish for information on his opponent through the lesonis, who is presumably the addressee.
Pap. Berlin P. 13579 Letter of unclear context, including information on a journey to Philae Letter of unclear context. Mention of incidents happeded to the sender. Information on a journey to Philae, while the sender travelled to the temple of Elephantine. The asigment of this text to the scribe Potemetous, son of Psintaes, was made by Martin, Cary J., The Demotic texts (1996), C10.
Pap. Berlin P. 13581 Letter of recommendation, together with request of support Letter of Teos, son of Nepherpres, containing a letter of recommendation for a man, who is described as a person who can not be replaced. Attached is a request to supporting him, amongst other things with working staff.
Pap. Berlin P. 13587 letter concerning money payment Letter to the high priest Eschnompmetis concerning payment of silver kite. According to Zauzich divergent from the regular Elephantine letter style.
Pap. Berlin P. 13584 oracular inquiry concerning a possible theft Oracular inquiry to an unidentified deity, presumably Chnoum, concerning the question if a wab priest has stolen money.
Pap. Berlin P. 13626 account Account, unpublished.
Pap. Berlin P. 13627 account Account, unpublished.
Pap. Berlin P. 13531 account of priests connected with their income List of priests, in connection with income.
Pap. Berlin P. 13534 contract of transfer of house shares Contract between Pachnoumis and four siblings, children of Petosorsmetism beneath them one woman, concerning a transfer of his house shares.
Pap. Berlin P. 13617 contract of lease concerning a lot of land on Elephantine island Contract of lease concerning an allotment on Elephantine, drawn by Esp-[?], son of Espudjathotes, to [///].
Pap. Berlin P. 13606 list of participants of a military expedition under pharaoh Amasis List of participants of a military expedition under pharaoh Amasis. Mention of Syrian mercenaries attending the expedition.
Pap. Berlin P. 13615 list of participants of a military expedition under pharaoh Amasis List of participants of a military expedition under pharaoh Amasis. Mention of Syrian mercenaries attending the expedition.
Pap. Berlin P. 13618 letter
Pap. Berlin P. 13600 Marriage contract Marriage contract
Pap. Berlin P. 13599 contract Contract.
Pap. Berlin P. 13597 document of withdrawal concerning a stathmos Document of withdrawal between a person whose name is lost, and Pachnoumis, son of Peteharoeris, concerning a stathmos. Content parallel to Pap Berlin P. 13598. The document was written by Patous, son of Harpaesis. Subscription in Greek: registration.
Pap. Berlin P. 13561 Note on the measurements of stone debris of a collapsed(?) wall Note on the measurements of stone debris of a collapsed(?) enclosure wall.
Pap. Berlin P. 13547 letter concerning supply for the divine falcon Letter of Chnoummachis to Haryotes, being an answer to a previous (not preserved) letter with a request concerning supply of the divine falcon. The sender had caused to deliver meat of donkeys to a pastophor.
Pap. Berlin P. 13582 receipt for money paying Pibesis, son of Peteese, is confirmed of having paid 2 silver deben to the strate treasury in responsibility of Farnava, commander of the Syene fortress. Presumably this was for the installment tax for his son Teos for appointing him as wab priest at the Chnoum temple.
Pap. Berlin P. 13513 oath Royal oath taken by Thotomous, son of Harpaesis, to Praktor Euphronios. Promise of payment of the outstanding debts. Greek subscription with summary of content.
Pap. Cairo EM CG 50162 mkmk-petition (hypomnema) concerning installment payment for fields (original) Petitition (mkmk): The brothers Pinyris, Berenebthis, and Psintaes Junior, all sons of Estphenis, wrote to Praktor Milon requesting another man to pay the three remaining installments for two fields, because they cannot pay them themselves. Greek subscription mentioning the subject of the hypomnema, the date and the number (third hypomnema). This is the original hypomnema, while the draft is preserved in Pap. Berlin P. 13523.
Pap. Berlin P. 13529 royal oath concerning debt collection of linen Royal oath of Harsiesis, son of Peteharsomtus before Praktor Milon. He obligates himself to cause the non-paying priests in Edfou to deliver the requested royal linen for the treasury. Subscription in Greek with summary of content.
Pap. Berlin P. 13532 mkmk-petition (hypomnema) concerning a monetary guaranty Letter/ hypomnema of two townsmen from Edfou to Praktor Milon concerning a guaranty which they have taken for their brother. After payment of the debt a letter of confirmation by Milon is requested.
Pap. Berlin P. 13530 register of shares of priests from the Horus temple in Edfou List of shares (of liturgies?) concerning different priests from the temple of Horus in Edfou.
Pap. Berlin P. 13511 hypomnema to Praktor Milon concerning a guaranty Letter/Memorandum of two townsmen from Edfou to Praktor Milon concerning a morgage which they have taken on behalf of their brother. After payment of the debt a letter of confirmation by Milon is requested.
Pap. Berlin P. 13545 account mentioning priests with amounts of money and aruras Account in the form of a list of persons, mainly priests, connected with amonts of money and aruras.
Pap. Berlin P. 13572 Receipt concerning an effected payment Receipt and contract of Nepherpremachis, son of Parates, to Eschnompmetis, concerning a payment effected by the addressee via another man. With autographic witness signatures.
Pap. Berlin P. 13543 letter concerning support for an application for the position as a lesonis Letter of Eschnompmetis, son of Snebonychos, to Herakleides. He requires support concerning his application for the position as a lesonis priest of Chnoum. Regarding Pap. Berlin P. 15522 his application was successful.
Pap. Berlin P. 13568 letter in form of a contract concerning delivery of wine on schedule Contract in form of al letter of Psenchonsis, son of Esonnophris, to Peteharpokrates, son of Esouris. Promise of delivery of wine to the lesonis, for which a delivery out of schedule will cost 2 silver kite. With countersignature of Espmetis, son of Chnoumemes.
Pap. Berlin P. 13567 mkmk-petition (hypomnema) concerning the rejection of an ordered journey (draft) Brainstorming in noteform, draft of a memorandum of Pamonnasis concerning the rejection of an ordered journey of the sender.
Pap. Berlin P. 13596 Document of withdrawal concerning the sale of objects Document of withdrawal between Harsiesis, son of Esharoeris and his mother Tachnoumis, with Esharoeris, son of Petosiris and his mother Senesis, concerning the sale of some objects. Some of them are also mentioned in Pap. Berlin P. 13594 erwähnt. The document was written by Patus, son of Espmetis. Greek subscription.
Pap. Berlin P. 13595 divorce contract Divorce contract, name of the wife not preserved. With Greek subscription as bank endorsement.
Pap. Berlin P. 13594 temple oath Temple oath of Esharoeris, son of Petosiris before Chnoum. Mentioned are items listed also in Pap. Berlin P. 13596.
Pap. Berlin P. 13535 obligation concerning collection of taxes Contract as royal oath. Obligation of three persons concerning the collective collection of different taxes. Double contract with first copy and two lines of the beginning of the second copy.
Pap. Berlin P. 13541 billing of a tax collector regarding received tax paying List of an unnamed tax collector, mentioning persons with paid amounts of money in silver kite.
Pap. Berlin P. 15603 account of priests connected with their income List of income of priests of the 4th phyle
Pap. Berlin P. 15624 account about bread, oil, and grain Fragment of an account about baked bread, tgm-oil and grain (wheat?).
Pap. Berlin P. 15626 list of things, containing vegetables(?) and a jar of oil Fragmentary list of things, containing vegetables(?) and a jar of oil.
Pap. Berlin P. 15625 list of persons probably in context with beer and wheat List of persons who should receive(?) a special quantity of beer and wheat.
Pap. Berlin P. 15606 account of delivery of bread and grain to the sanctuary Account of delivery of baked bread loafs and grain to the sanctuary for a period of 19 days.
Pap. Berlin P. 15629 letter with a report on executed orders and a requirement of money Letter with a report on executed orders of the addressee, and with a requirement of an amount of money of six kite.
Pap. Berlin P. 23680 letter of unclear content Letter of Sirthotes, son of Harnouphis. Content unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 15815 letter of unclear content Letter of Sirthotes, son of Harnouphis. Content unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 15630 letter with a response and a report on trouble(?) regarding food Letter of Espneti-hetnetjer, son of Espmetis, to Snebonychos, containing a response on earlier letters. Report on trouble(?) regarding fowl, beer and wine.
Pap. Berlin P. 23667 letter concerning an error Letter of Espnebonchis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, to Espmetis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, concerning an error of which the address is accused. Mention of sm-herbes and wine. The same addressee is also existant on Pap. Berlin P. 15801+23682, 23612.
Pap. Berlin P. 23707 letter concerning an error Letter of Snebonychos, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, to Espmetis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, concerning an error of which the addressee is accused. Mention of sm-herbes and wine. The same addressee is also mentioned on Pap. Berlin P. 15801+23682, 23612.
Pap. Berlin P. 23676 contract of lease concerning a lot of land on Elephantine island Contract of lease concerning an allotment on Elephantine, drawn by Esp-[?], son of Espudjathotes, to [///].
Pap. Berlin P. 23588 a - f Receipt concerning field allotments and payments of money of the Chnoum temple Receipt in form of a list concerning allotments of fields from the Chnoum temple domain to land leasers, some of them Greeks; lists of payments of money. The presereved part of an anterior Greke text dates to 214/213 BCE.
Pap. Berlin P. 15501 Letter concerning the endowment of the archentaphiast Letter of Psintaes, son of Petepiphis, to the lesonis Snebonychos. It contains a request for assignment of three jars with tgm oil for the endowment of the archentaphiast who will come to Aswan. Same context with identical sender/ address: Pap. Berlin P. 15501 - 15503.
Pap. Berlin P. 15503 Letter concerning the endowment of the archentaphiast Letter of Psintaes, son of Paetisesu, to the lesonis Snebonychos. It contains information on the assignment of 50 bread loafs for the endowment of the archentaphiast who will come to Aswan. Same context with identical sender/ address: Pap. Berlin P. 15501 - 15503.
Pap. Berlin P. 23624 (rto) letter requiring information about activities of persons Letter requiring information about the mission of another person. The addressee should take care about the activities of a further man.
Pap. Berlin P. 15706 letter about a person who was not able to reach his destination Recto new text: Letter of Esminis, son of Teos(?), informing the addressee that a certain Onnophris was not able to travel to the lesonis so that the son(?) was send to him. Exact content unclear. Verso old text: Fragments of a list with days of month.
Pap. Berlin P. 15705 letter of unclear content Letter of Es-? to Eschnoumpmetis, content unclear due to its very fragmentrary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 15699 fragmentary letter concerning prosecutions and jar transport Fragmentary letter concerning the prosecution of a person as well as the transport of six jars with tgm oil.
Pap. Berlin P. [unknown] papyrus of unknown content unknown, possibly oracular inquiry or magical amulett
Pap. Berlin P. 23549 oracular inquery concerning the allowance of travel Oracular inquery to Chnoum concerning the allowance to travel to Alexandria.
Pap. Berlin P. 15514 Agreement concerning the feeding of geese Agreement in the form of mutual oaths between a man with lost name and Samaus before Satet and Chnum: It focuses on feeding geese which were breded together. The first person states not having taken out surplus of emmer. If the second person moves away from Elephantine, he must resign his profit.
Pap. Berlin P. 15520 payment request concering one silber deben End of a payment request concering one silber deben corresponding to five stater to be paid to Pachnoumis, son of Thot-pa-sechti.
Pap. Berlin P. 15609 grant or fee payment for an office Grant or fee payment for an office conneced with the cult of Harpbekis about 2 silver kite.
Pap. Berlin P. 15631 account on barley and emmer given to Farandata Account on barley and emmer which Farandata received from mentioned persons, according to Zauzich presumably priests of Chnoum.
Pap. Berlin P. 15700 account of the delivery of bread Account of the delivery of bread for the priests of the third phyle by the master baker.
Pap. Berlin P. 15774 list of male names in unclear context. List of names in unclear context. The mentioned male Sr.w-Ḏḥwtı͗ sꜢ Ḥr-nfr seems to be identical with the sender of the letters Pap. Berlin P. 15518, P. 23694 and P. 23704.
Pap. Berlin P. 23569 account of delivery of bread and grain to the sanctuary Account of delivery of baked bread loafs and grain to the sanctuary for a period of 19 days.
Pap. Berlin P. 23594 receipt of a payment to the bank of commander Ravaka Receipt of a payment to the bank of Ravaka, military commander of the Syene fortress.
Pap. Berlin P. 23649 account on the delivery of cattle Account on the delivery of cattle.
Pap. Berlin P. 23653 account of the delivery of grain and wine to the first phyle Account of the delivery of grain (col. 1) and wine (col. 2) to priests of the first phyle which are mentioned by name.
Pap. Berlin P. 23655 loan of money contract about 2½ kite Loan of money contract in the form of a letter, of Chnoummachis, son of Achoapis. The issuer has borrowed 2½ kite, which has to be repaid to the temple until a fixed date. If he will be in default, he will pay 3¼ (?) kite.
Pap. Berlin P. 23658 bill of bread offerings for Chnoum and for wheat delivery Bill of baked bread as offerings for Chnoum for a selected period, beginning with the 1st of Tybi of a 15th regnal year. On verso bill of wheat delivery. Connection of both texts currently unclear.
Pap. Berlin P. 23672 fragment of a contract Small fragment of a contract with four witness signatures.
Pap. Berlin P. 23695 list of missing items from a priestly household List of missing items from the house of a priest of Thoth named Snebonychos.
Pap. Berlin P. 23697 marriage contract Fragment of a marriage contract of Petamounis, son of [///], possibly a pilot. The name of the wife is lost.
Pap. Berlin P. 23705 account of the delivery of Syrian wine Account of the delivery of Egyptian and "Syrian" wine from different cities, for the needs of the Chnoum temple.
Pap. Berlin P. 23698 marriage contract Marriage contract of a woman for a man. The content remains unclear due to the fragmentaray condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 15513 letter regarding a delivery and wood Letter concerning a delivery and wood in unmentioned context. Short notice of a accident of the sender during a voyage.
Pap. Berlin P. 15515 Letter of the nome administation concerning distribution of emmer and its clearing Letter of the nome administation to the Chnoum temple on Elephantine. Arrangements concerning the distribution of emmer and its clearing. The sender should receive 5 artabas emmer per day for the fowl feeding. Request of issuance of receipts for emmer deliveries to the priests of Isis of Philae and of Haroeris.
Pap. Berlin P. 15628 letter with unclear requests and promise to arrest persons Letter with unclear requests to the addressee, and a promise to arrest certain persons after their seizure.
Pap. Berlin P. 15517 letter concerning allocation of something Letter of Snebonychos concerning allocation of something to several addressees. Mention of the Satis temple.
Pap. Berlin P. 15522 payment request concerning taxes Payment request of the office of the chief of Thebes to the domain of the Chnoum temple respectively the lesonis Eschnompmetis about the immediate payment of taxes in emmer currency.
Pap. Berlin P. 15523 Order of a criminal investigation concerning theft of gold Order of a criminal investigation among several priests, possibly in context with theft of gold.
Pap. Berlin P. 15524 Report concerning a visit, and preventing Nubians from travelling Report concerning a visit at the chief-of-field. The addressee should prevent Nubians from travelling into the reigon north of Aswan.
Pap. Berlin P. 15525 letter presumably concerning assignments Letter to a priest of deities images. The sender may have inquired the lesonis of providing certain persons with an assignment. Context remains currently unclear.
Pap. Berlin P. 15529 Letter concerning food distribution for a holy falcon. Hardly understandable. The letter seems to focus on distribution of food to the 2nd phyle for the feeding of a holy falcon.
Pap. Berlin P. 15605 letter mentioning priests of Osiris, wih unclear context Very fragmentary letter, mentioning priests of Osiris. The context remains unclear due to the poor preservation.
Pap. Berlin P. 15608 letter concerning the disposal of money Fragment of a letter concerning the disposal of 2 silver kite. Instruction to the addressee to keep this letter in confidence.
Pap. Berlin P. 15610 letter preseumably concerning a field Fragment of a letter preseumably concerning a field
Pap. Berlin P. 15621 letter concerning cloth(?) and a shipwreck Letter concerning cloth or something similar. Report of a shipwreck suffered by the sender. He has not reported this earlier to the addressee in order not to sadden him.
Pap. Berlin P. 15623 letter concerning delivery and payment of oil Letter concerning delivery and payment of "tgm"-oil.
Pap. Berlin P. 15627 report on a complaint Report of Pseniah, son of Pachnoumis, to Eschnompmetis, concerning the complaint against a man whose cows had grazed unauthorized on his fields.
Pap. Berlin P. 15694 letter concerning delivery of several items Letter concerning the delivery of several items, among them three jars of wine(?). The condition is too bad to receive detailed information on the context. It is not clear if the scribe was the sender of the letter himself.
Pap. Berlin P. 15696 letter concerning 50 artabas emmer and other things Letter to Sirthotes, concerning (amongst others) 50 artabas emmer.
Pap. Berlin P. 15697 (provenance doubtful) letter of unclear content letter of unclear content. Mention of Hagarites (Arabs)
Pap. Berlin P. 15698 letter of undetectable content Letter of undetectable content. Mention of carrier of milk jars.
Pap. Berlin P. 15702 (content erased, not reused) Original content erased.
Pap. Berlin P. 15707 letter concerning hunger and illness with request for help Letter to Eschnoumpmetis concerning hunger and illness. Presumably the sender from whom something was stolen request help from the addressee.
Pap. Berlin P. 15773 letter concerning affairs of the priests from Elephantine Letter concerning affairs of the priests from Elephantine.
Pap. Berlin P. 15804 fragmentary letter Fragmentary letter, only formulas and date are preserved.
Pap. Berlin P. 15805 fragmentary letter concerning delivery of oil and wine and a voyage to Edfou Fragmentary letter concerning delivery of tgm oil and wine and a voyage to Edfou.
Pap. Berlin P. 15807 letter with the request to take care about something Fragmentary letter with the request to take care about a thing or a person.
Pap. Berlin P. 23551 fragmentary letter with unclear content Fragmentary letter with unclear content. Mention of different settlements.
Pap. Berlin P. 23561 letter concerning delivery of money and sepcial items for the king Letter of Bianchis, son of Pelaias, concerning money to be given to the recitation priest , together with items designated for the king. Remark that this is a very important matter.
Pap. Berlin P. 23573 letter with confirmation of letter receipt and of delivery of oil Letter with confirmation of the receipt of a letter to the priest of Chnoum. The sender states that he has handed over a quantity of oil to a certain person (the letter deliverer?)
Pap. Berlin P. 23578 letter from which only the beginning is preserved Beginning of a letter of Parates, son of Inaros, all the rest is lost.
Pap. Berlin P. 23593 letter concerning the delivery of several items, and an order to the scribes of the Chnoum temple to come to him with the account of the temple domain Letter of Harchebis concerning the delivery of several items, among others tgm oil. Order that the scribes of the Chnoum temple should come to him with the account of the temple domain.
Pap. Berlin P. 23598 letter regarding delivery of wine Letter of Sesoosis, son of Pete-[?], to Snebonychos, presumably regarding delivery of wine.
Pap. Berlin P. 23608 letter with a request of advice Letter with an answer of Imouthes, son of Eschnompmetis with a request of advice.
Pap. Berlin P. 23609 letter regarding a payment of money End of a letter of Payris, son of Eschnumis, regarding a payment of money of the sender. A lesonis mentioned in the text may be the addressee, according to Zauzich in VOHD XIX,2.
Pap. Berlin P. 23613 letter concerning an instruction and a journey to Koptos for the purpose of investigation Letter concerning the instruction of a person and the journey of a man to Koptos for the purpose of an investigation.
Pap. Berlin P. 23615 letter regarding criminal investigations on persons which have acted against a statue of the pharaoh Letter hardly understandlable, regarding criminal investigations on persons which have acted against a statue of the pharaoh.
Pap. Berlin P. 23622 letter concerning conflics and interrogation of men Letter reporting conflicts concering something. Note on the interrogation of two men confirming the information of the sender.
Pap. Berlin P. 23627 letter of unclear content Letter of unclear content due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23630 letter of unclear content Letter of unclear content due to the fragmentary condition. Mention of a gardener and of the temple.
Pap. Berlin P. 23631 letter possibly regarding the transport of a house Letter of Pachnoumis, son of Phentenosiris, possibly regarding the transport of a house.
Pap. Berlin P. 23637 letter regarding consolation and advice to the addressee Letter with the sender giving consolation and advice to the addressee.
Pap. Berlin P. 23643 letter regarding information on well being of the addressee's family members Letter of Peteharpochrates, son of Petobastis, informing the sender that he will not stop to ask after the well being of the family members of the latter.
Pap. Berlin P. 23647 letter possibly regarding a payment of money Letter of Hor-?- , son of Harchebis, possibly regarding a payment of money. The sender mentions his arrival at a certain place.
Pap. Berlin P. 23648 letter possibly regarding a payment of money Letter of Hor-?- , son of Harchebis, possibly regarding a payment of money. The sender mentions his arrival at a certain place.
Pap. Berlin P. 23650 letter with self-commitment of informing about future happpenings Letter with self-commitment of informing the addressee about future happpenings.
Pap. Berlin P. 23654 letter mentioning natron possibly in the context of selling or trade Fragment of a letter mentioning natron and Syrians, maybe in a context of trade or selling
Pap. Berlin P. 23656 letter of unclear content Letter of Snebonychos, son of Eschnoumpmetis. The content is unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23660 letter regarding the sustenance of several persons Letter regarding the sustenance of several persons. Some of the mentioned persons are also mentioned in Pap. Berlin P. 23623.
Pap. Berlin P. 23662 letter of unclear content Letter of Esyris to Espmetis. Detailed content unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23685 letter with unclear content Letter with an answer on foregoing correspondence. Content unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23687 letter of unclear content Letter of Onnophris, to [///]bn or to his son, with unclear content due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23689 letter mentioning a ship and liquids Beginning of a letter of Sentais, daughter of Pekysis, possibly to her brother(?). Mention of a ship and of 3 thm measure for liquids.
Pap. Berlin P. 23690 letter regarding money Beginning of a letter of Bianchis, son of Pachnoumis, to Espmetis, regarding 12 stater.
Pap. Berlin P. 23694 letter of unclear content End of a letter of Sirthotes, Sohnson of Harnuphis, of unclear content due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23699 letter of unclear content Letter of Harnouphis, son of Haryotes, to Pasenis. The content remains unclear due to the fragmentaray condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23700 letter of unclear content Letter of Pachnoumis, son of Imouthes, to [///]nefer[///], son of Psen-[?]. The content remains unclear due to the fragmentaray condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 15526 letter concerning the distribution of wheat Letter of Chnemeus to Teos reporting the distribution of wheat.
Pap. Berlin P. 23566 receipt in letter form, confirming the payment of money Receipt in letter form. The sender (name lost) confirms the addressee, Petenephotes, son of Pouoptis, of having received from Petobastis six silver kite. The receipt was written by a certain Pais, son of Espmetis.
Pap. Berlin P. 23692 astronomical text regarding the zodiac Astronomical text, mentioning signs of the zodiac and numbers. Interpretation still unclear. Formal similaries with Pap. Berlin P. 8279+23544 (Fayoum).
Pap. Berlin P. 23032 Protection spell amulet for a newborn child
Pap. Berlin P. 15619 letter concerning the delivery of breads to the priests of Chnoum Letter of Espnebonchis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, to Espmetis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, concerning the delivery of breads to the priests of Chnoum from Elephantine.
Pap. Berlin P. 15617 letter concerning several incidents and books Letter of Espmetsepsis to Chnoummachis concerning several incidents and "books". Details are intentionally not given so that unauthorized persons cannot receive information on the content of the letter.
Pap. Berlin P. 13536 letter of accusation Letter of Chonompres to the Chnoum priests in Elephantine, the lesonis and the temple scribes, written by a certain Petobastis. Accusation of the addressees that they have not visited a certain official in Sais, although they were requested to do this. Request to transmit the account rolls of the temple domain for the 22nd to 24th regnal years.
Pap. Berlin P. 13550 letter concerning delivery of natron and a deceased priest's daughter Letter of Hartophnachthes, son of Snebonychos, to Eschnoumpmetis. Report on delivery of natron from Koptos, mentioning a deceased daughter of a priest.
Pap. Berlin P. 13566 letter concerning a request to delegate a person to Alexandria Letter of Chnoummachis, son of Espmetsepsis, to Eschnompmetis, focusing on a meeting of the sender with the chief of the Southern Land concerning offerings for Chnoum because of lack of emmer. Request to delegate the pastophor to Alexandria, to deliver the stick bouquet ("Stabstrauß") of the chief of Thebes and the Chnoum priest to the king on the occasion of the annual victory celebration of the battle of Raphia.
Pap. Berlin P. 13571 Sale contract regarding a red pregnant plowing cow Sale contract between Peteminis, son of Peteharpokrates and his mother Esharpokrates, and Harmais, son of Peteasychis and his Mutter Tahi, regarding the sale of a red pregnant plowing cow. On Verso four autographic witness signatures.
Pap. Berlin P. 13569 Letter concerning erroneous booking of 40 artabas of wheat from the syntaxis (l. 1-19) Letter of Pouoptis(?), son of Petearensnouphis, to Parates, concerning erroneous booking of 40 artabas of wheat from the syntaxis. (l.20 - 24) Additional note of the addressee Parates to Ptaus, son of Thotirdis concerning the same case.
Pap. Berlin P. 13570 letter concerning transport of several items Letter of Eschnompmetis to Hartophnachthes concerning transport of several items.
Pap. Berlin P. 13560 Account of delivery of cattle. Account of delivery of cattle.
Pap. Berlin P. 13559 Letter concerning leases of cultivated land Letter of Hartophnachthes, son of Gour, to Eschnoumpmetis concerning leases of cultivated land. The sender will stay at his current whereabouts until gaining new instructions.
Pap. Berlin P. 15644 letter concerning a garden Fragment of a letter concerning a garden.
Pap. Berlin P. 15640 letter dealing with the delivery of grain and cattle Letter of Snebonchis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, to Espmetis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, concerning the delivery of grain and cattle. According to Zauzich the scribe, whose name is lost here, can be identified through the identical handwriting on Pap. Berlin P. 15614-22667.
Pap. Berlin P. 15645 fragmentary letter answering a previous conrespondence Letter of Espnebonchis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, with an answer on a previous letter of the addressee. Too fragmentary for detailled context.
Pap. Berlin P. 15604 letter presumably concerning land leases Letter of Snebonychos presumably concerning land leases.
Pap. Berlin P. 15618 loan obligation of delivery of wine to the temple of Elephantine Obligation of delivery of wine to the temple of Elephantine. Presumably in context with a loan.
Pap. Berlin P. 15642 fragment of a letter to the priests of Chnoum Letter of [///], son of Pachnumis, to the priests of Chnoum. The content is lost.
Pap. Berlin P. 15616 letter concerning the transport of a cow Hardly understandable letter of Espmetsepsis, son of Bochorinis, to Snebonychos, presumably concerning the transport of a cow on a ship.
Pap. Berlin P. 15620 letter reporting a visit of local authorities in Memphis Letter of Eschnompmetis, son of Psammetichos, to Snebonychos, reporting his arrival at Memphis for the purpose of a visit of local authorities. Handing over of a stick bouquet ("Stabstrauß") of Chnoum and letters.
Pap. Berlin P. 15639 letter possibly concerning accounts Fragment of a letter, possibly concerning accounts.
Pap. Berlin P. 15643 letter possibly concerning delivery of grain Letter of Espmetsepsis, son of Bochorinis, possibly concerning delivery of grain.
Pap. Berlin P. 15614 letter concerning an error Letter of Espnebonchis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, to Espmetis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, concerning an error of which the address is accused. Mention of sm-herbes and wine. The same addressee is also existant on Pap. Berlin P. 15801+23682, 23612.
Pap. Berlin P. 15615 letter concerning cows, sesame and grain Letter of Espmetis, son of Nehemesra, to Espmetsepsis concerning ten cows, sesame and grain.
Pap. Berlin P. 15647 letter possibly concerning outstanding money Fragmentary letter of a man whose name ist lost, possibly concerning outstanding amounts of money in stater.
Pap. Berlin P. 13634 letter requesting allocation of different things and income ot the Anoukis priest office Letter of Psintaes, son of Es-Onuris-neb-Scha, to the scribes of the Chnoum temple. He requests the allocation of the non monetary income of his Anoukis priest office to Snebonychos as soon as he will visit the addressee.
Pap. Berlin P. 13620 letter concerning an oath taken by a woman Letter of Hartophnachthes, son of Snebonychos, to Eschnompmetis concerning an oath taken by a woman. The addressee was requested not to swear an oath at his whereabouts. Partly hardly understandable.
Pap. Berlin P. 13629 List of names
Pap. Berlin P. 13593 marriage contract Marriage contract between Petosiris, son of Patseous and his mother Tachnumis, and Sennesis, daughter of Petepnebtous and her mother Telaias. The text contains agreements concerning the dowry, a detailed list of the property which she will bring with her, agreements for inheritance and divorce. With autographic witness signatures.
Pap. Berlin P. 13583 Sale contract for a house Sale contract (document of payment) of [///]-chaset, daughter of Peftjauuser and her mother Isischebnebqay, and NN concerning a house. Only left part preserved.
Pap. Berlin P. 13633 letter concerning the dismissal of the lesonis and the delivery of bread for emmer Letter of Osoroeris, son of Teos, presumably to the Chnoum priests of Elephantine. It deals with the dismissal of the sender from the office as lesonis priest. The sender thinks that this happened by intrigues only. A second part deals wht the question, how many bread a baker has to deliver against a given amount of emmer. The proportion should be 66 bread for one artaba emmer. Partly unclear concerning the content.
Pap. Berlin P. 13619 letter concerning illegal grain transport from the Chnoum temple domain Letter of Potemetous, son of Psintaes, to a Chnoum priest currently staying in Thebes, concerning illegal grain transport from the Chnoum temple domain.
Pap. Berlin P. 13635 letter possibly concerning a capture Hardly understandable letter only partly preserved, containing information provided to the overseer of the fields concerning a man captured by Nubians(?). From line 2 vso onwards second hand /second text.
Pap. Berlin P. 13624
Pap. Berlin P. 13628
Pap. Berlin P. 13630 letter
Pap. Berlin P. 13631 letter
Pap. Berlin P. 13632 letter
Pap. Berlin P. 13540 letter of statrap Farandata concerning applications to priestly jobs Letter of the satrap Farandata ("Pherendates") to the Chnoum priests, with remarks concerning applicants for jobs as Chnoum priests who cannot be accredited by the Persian king Dareios I. The original text was written by Satibar, the Demotic letter by Peftjauawineith, and countersigned by Oaphres, the translator of the Aramaic original or just the copyist.
Pap. Berlin P. 13614 Marriage contract Marriage contract of Hapertais, son of Teos and his mother Taiu-nacht, with Seniah, daughter of Pa-anch-i-ı͗r-iy and her mother Tetesatis. With autographic witness signatures.
Pap. Berlin P. 13616 report on a strike of in the quarry of Elephantine Erichsen, Zauzich: Notes on recent activities in a quarry. On verso list of different stones. Cruz-Uribe: Report on striking quarry workmen. During this several blocks and statues were damaged, which are listed on the verso.
Pap. Berlin P. 13598 Document of withdrawal concerning a stathmos Document of withdrawal between [///], son of Neoptolemos, and Pachnoumis, son of Peteharoeris, concerning a stathmos. Content parallel to Pap Berlin P. 13597. The document was written by Patous, son of Harpaesis. Subscription in Greek: registration.
Pap. Berlin P. 13563 letter Left half of a letter of Harchebis to the priests of Chnoum, mentioning persons came "here".
Pap. Berlin P. 13553 letter presumably reporting dispute on land lease Letter of Thoteus OR Thotirdis, to Snebonychos. Presumbaly report on dispute concerning distribution and lease of cultivated land.
Pap. Berlin P. 13549 letter Letter of Hartophnachthes, son of Snebonychos, to Eschnoumpmetis, with partly unclear context. Including answer on two previous letters concerning employment of priests and revision in the temple.
Pap. Berlin P. 13538 letter concerning disputes and requirement of oracle decision Letter to Hartophnachtes concerning disputes in Syene with persons who want to take him out of office. An oracle dicision by Isis is requested, which of two mentioned women the sender of the letter may marry.
Pap. Berlin P. 15599 list of deliveries of fruits or oil on different days List of deliveries of fruits (tge) or oil (tgm) from different persons, specified by day.
Pap. Berlin P. 13564 letter with an order of manufacturing doors Letter to Parates, son of Inaros, without naming the sender. Ordering of doors and inquiry concerning the price which was not mentioned in the previous communication Additionally request on information abount the whereabouts of two former employees of the sender. According to Effland, this could refer to arrested people in connection with the revolt of Haronnophris and Chaonnophris.
Pap. Berlin P. 13601 release document Peteharoeris, son of Petosiris, and Osoroeris, son of Petosiris, are confirmed by their mother Senesis, daughter of Petepnebtous and her mother Telaias, that they have released all "female things" which are listed in her (Senesis') marriage contract (= Pap Berlin P. 13593).
Pap. Berlin P. 13562 Oracular inquery concerning the temple on Elephantine (Draft of a?) Letter of Osoroeris, son of Espmetis, to Eschnompmetis, son of Chnoummachis. Inquery of obtaining an oracle concerning the fate of the temple on Elephantine and a second one regarding his intended travel. Additionally he deals with the delivery of things lacking on the island, including grain.
Pap. Berlin P. 13528 commitment concerning debts Commitment concerning debts by Teos-Eponychos Junior, son of Harsiesis and Psintaes, son of Patus, before Praktor Euphronios. Apparently their amount of bond was deferred. Greek subscription on recto and verso with summary.
Pap. Berlin P. 13554 document of withdrawal concerning transfer of a house and objects after lost lawsuit Withdrawal made by Tahapis, daughter of Kellos and her mother .?., for Tastis, daughter of Haronnophris and her mother Esoeris, concerning the sale of a house, furniture(?) and a silver necklace sold by Tastis to another lady called Tayga. Tahapis had lost the case and all itend remain in the possession of Tayga. With Greek summary.
Pap. Berlin P. 13565 Letter concerning delegation of Chnoum priest to Alexandria to deliver stick bouquets Letter of Eschnompmetis, son of Snebonychos, concerning delegation and returm of a Chnoum priest to Alexandria. He had to deliver stick bouquets ("Stabsträuße") to the king on the occasion of the annual victory celebration of the battle of Raphia.
Pap. Berlin P. 15598 Beginning of a letter, with affixed invoice on jar deliveries Beginning of a letter of Eschnoumpmetis, son of Snebonychos. On the left a small sheet of papyrus is affixed (rotated by 90°), with an invoice concerning delivery of jars.
Pap. Berlin P. 13552 letter reporting criminal acts concerning destruction of houses and thefts of livestock Letter of Eschnompmetis, son of Psammetichos, to Snebonychos, with a report on criminal acts committed by Bitimerti concerning destruction of houses and theft of cows and sheep.
Pap. Berlin P. 13537 letter concerning correction of incorrect tax caculations Letter of Teos to Teos, son of Pachnoumis, requesting corrections of incorrect tax calculations. Obviously not all persons liable for taxation had been mentioned in the tax lists. Added are the amounts of money to be remargined including 100% additional penal charge, sorted by tax type and amount of persons.
Pap. Berlin P. 13548 letter concerning deployment of a master builder Letter of Eschnompmetis (lesonis of Chnum?), to Snebonychos with the request of sending a master builder to execute upcoming construction works. Presumably a copy of the original, because the sender did not resided on Elephantine. Furthermore, specifications of the sender as well as letter formulas are missing.
Pap. Berlin P. 13539 letter to Farandata concerning replacement of the lesonis priest office Letter of the Chnoum priests to the satrap Farandata ("Pherendates") concerning the replacement of the office holder of the lesonis priest, initiated and executed against order of the satrap himself. The text was written by Espmetis, son of Esouris.
Pap. Berlin P. 13542 letter concerning delivery of temple grain Letter of Eschnompmetis, son of Horos, to Eschnompmetis, presumably concerning delivery of emmer for the temples of Taschetres.
Pap. Berlin P. 13544 letter concerning reconciliation Letter of Horos, son of Pa-hetnetjer. He seems to try to reconcile with the addressee regarding defamation or someting similar.
Pap. Berlin P. 13546 letter concerning a request of delivery of different things Letter of Espmetis, son of Pa-di-iri-hemes-nfer, to Pachnumis with a request of delivery of some things to the north. According to Zauzich, the sender of the letter is the same person as that one in Pap. Dodgson (l. 2).
Pap. Berlin P. 13551 letter concerning disputes between priests because of tempel service and correspondent incomes Letter of Hartophnachthes, son of Snebonychos, to Eschnoumpmetis, son of Snebonychos, concerning disputes between priests because of their temple service and related income (bread).
Pap. Berlin P. 15516 letter concerning maintenance Letter of Potemetous, son of Psintaes, partly lost, concerning maintenance for the addressees whose names are not preserved. Request of punishment of a man in Philae.
Pap. Berlin P. 15802 letter mentioning the arrival of 200 Nubians Letter concerning correspondence with persons situated in Thebes, mentioning the arrival of 200 Nubians. Exact context unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 13573 (+Pap. Berlin P. 23669) Letter concerning a journey to Philae Letter of Totoes, son of Petosorsmetis, to Pmois, concerning a journey (of the sender?) to Philae.
Pap. Berlin P. 23582 letter concerning supply of a pilot and shipment of grain Letter to the priest of Chnoum of Elephantine, regarding a report on the arrival of Pachnoumis. The latter should receive support by a pilot supported by the sender during the journey back. Post scriptum regarding shipment of grain.
Pap. Berlin P. 15703 Account (old text) / letter concerning the arrival in the Abydene nome (new text) 1) Old text (verso): Account of unclear context. 2) New text (recto): Letter concerning the arrival in the Abydene nome and visiting a certain Espmetis.
Pap. Berlin P. 15518 letter with announcement of work to be conducted soon Letter of [///], son of Peteese, to Petosorsmetis, son of Bienchis. Announcement of work to be conducted soon by the sender for the addressee. Inquiry on the well-being of persons and information on the well-being of the daughter of the addressee.
Pap. Berlin P. 13523 mkmk-petition (hypomnema) concerning installment payment for fields (draft) Petitition (mkmk): The brothers Pinyris, Berenebthis, and Psintaes Junior, all sons of Estphenis, wrote to Praktor Milon requesting another man to pay the three remaining installments for two fields, because they cannot pay them themselves. Greek subscription mentioning the subject of the hypomnema, the date and the number (third hypomnema). This is the draft of the original hypomnema preserved in Pap. Berlin P. 13533 (= Pap. Cairo 50162).
Pap. Berlin P. 23706 letter possibly regarding charges to the pharaoh Letter possibly regarding charges to the pharaoh.
Pap. Berlin P. 23682 letter mentioning a voyage to the north by the pharaoh Letter of Snebonychos, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, to Espmetis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer. Referenced to a voyage to the north by the pharaoh at the 18th of Tybi. The lesonis had not written to the sender of this letter. The same addressee is also found in Pap. Berlin P. 15614+23667, 23612.
Pap. Berlin P. 15801 letter mentioning a voyage to the north by the pharaoh Letter of Snebonychos, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, to Espmetis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer. Referenced to a voyage to the north by the pharaoh at the 18th of Tybi. The lesonis had not written to the sender of this letter. The same addressee is also found in Pap. Berlin P. 15614+23667, 23612.
Pap. Berlin P. 15771 letter concerning, among others, the delivery of tgm oil Letter concerning, among others, the delivery of tgm oil. Partly very difficult to understand.
Pap. Berlin P. 15704 letter concerning financial affairs of the Chnoum priests of Elephantine. Letter concerning financial affairs of the Chnoum priests of Elephantine.
Pap. Berlin P. 15622 letter requesting the sending of craftsmen to Philae Letter of Pachnumis, son of Horos (lesonis of Isis of Philae), with an request on sending craftsmen to Philae and posisbly a palm sapling.
Pap. Berlin P. 23652 account of delivery of bread and grain to the sanctuary Account of delivery of baked bread loafs and grain to the sanctuary for a period of 19 days.
Pap. Berlin P. 15500+15813+23678 letter concerning the income of a Min priest Letter of Ptaus, son of Espaheran, to the lesonis Snebonychos, concerning the income of a priest of Min.
Pap. Berlin P. 23681 letter requesting allocation of different things and income ot the Anoukis priest office Letter of Psintaes, son of Es-Onuris-neb-Scha, to the scribes of the Chnoum temple. He requests the allocation of several things as well as the non monetary income of the Anoukis priests office (belonging to the sender), to Snebonychos as soon as he will visit the addressee.
Pap. Berlin P. 23669 Letter concerning a journey to Philae Letter of Totoes, son of Petosorsmetis, to Pmois, concerning a journey (of the sender?) to Philae.
Pap. Berlin P. 15502 Letter concerning the endowment of the archentaphiast Letter of Psintaes, son of Petepiphis, to the lesonis Snebonychos. It contains a request for assignment for the endowment of the archentaphiast who will come to Aswan. Same context with identical sender/ address: Pap. Berlin P. 15501 - 15503.
Pap. Berlin P. 15504 Letter concerning the upcoming arrival of the archentaphiast in Aswan Letter of Teos, son of Psenmehyt, to Petosiris, son of Pachaas, concerning the upcoming arrival of the archentaphiast in Aswan. The addressee is required to care for accomodation and provisions. For this process cf. Pap. Berlin P. 15501 - 15503.
Pap. Berlin P. 23584 letter from the Persian commander Ravaka Letter of the Persian fortress commander Ravaka to Eschnompmetis. The letter was written by the scribe Peteyris, son of Esyris. Two lines Aramaic before the address, In the address the name of the sender(?) is given in Aramaic: "PLNKPY (or PLNKNY, unclear noun) of Hawmayasa" (a Persian name known from Saqqara)
Pap. Berlin P. 15808 letter with expression of worry about a man to whom contact was lost Letter of Espmetis, son of Teos, to Pchorchonsis. He is worried about a certain Peteese from whom he had not heard anything after his departure to the south. Mentioning of the Assyrians.
Pap. Berlin P. 23586 letter containing requests on maintenance Letter of Geses to Sirthotes containing an answer on request concerning maintenance. The mentioned person Hgrṱ appears also in Pap Berlin P. 13543.
Pap. Berlin P. 23670 letter concerning cows, sesame and grain Letter of Espmetis, son of Nehemesra, to Espmetsepsis concerning ten cows, sesame and grain.
Pap. Berlin P. 15810 letter of Espnebonchis presumably concerning matters of priests Letter of Espnebonchis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, with an answer on previous correspondence, presumably concerning matters of priests.
Pap. Berlin P. 15811 letter concerning work at a ship Fragmentary letter to Chnoumtophnachtes concerning work at a ship
Pap. Berlin P. 15812 letter of unclear content Letter of Snebonychos, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, with unclear content due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 15612 letter concerning an account of income letter concerning an account of income
Pap. Berlin P. 13574 a - e account of bread offerings for Chnoum and for wheat delivery Account of baked bread as offerings for Chnoum for a selected period, beginning with the 1st of Tybi of a 15th regnal year. On verso account of wheat delivery. Connection of both texts currently unclear.
Pap. Berlin P. 15701 account of the delivery(?) of bread emmer Account of the delivery(?) of bread (recto) and of emmer (verso).
Pap. Berlin P. 15809 account of priests connected with their income List of persons connected with income. Mention of priests entering the sanctuary
Pap. Berlin P. 15814 account concerning management of land Account concerning management of land. Mention of names, amounts of money, and units of aruras.
Pap. Berlin P. 23555 Business contract with confirmation of correctness and lists of delivery of different items Business contract. Confirmation of several persons concerning the correctness of that what was written in the letter. List of names, dates and the delivery of certain items, including wine.
Pap. Berlin P. 23558 account on payments of money and deliveries of food Account on payments of money (recto) and on deliveries of food, eg. meat, bread etc (verso).
Pap. Berlin P. 23567 collection of receipts about payment of money for wheat for sowing Two fragments of a larger sheet with three or four receipts about payment of money for wheat for sowing.
Pap. Berlin P. 23568 account of the delivery of bread and wine day by day Account of the delivery of bread (recto) and wine (verso), itemized to days, from the 27th of Choiak onwards.
Pap. Berlin P. 23589 account of deliveries of wine and grain as offerings for the Chnoum temple. Account of deliveries of wine and grain, as offerings for the Chnoum temple.
Pap. Berlin P. 23590 document concerning a house sale and a lawsuit Fragment possibly from a document concerning a house sale and a lawsuit.
Pap. Berlin P. 23591 inventory list of temple equipment Inventory list of temple equipment and equipment of the fourth phyle, at beginning or end of duty. Mention of deity images from gold and silver.
Pap. Berlin P. 23595 Sales contract Sales contract. The details are not detectable any more due to the fragmentary condition. Abnormal Hieratic witness signatures
Pap. Berlin P. 23603 account concerning delivery of bread for the fourth phyle Account of the fourth phyle of priests concerning delivery of bread on special days On recto list of names and titles with related amounts of money, on verso list of days of month with related amounts of money.
Pap. Berlin P. 23645 account of offerings (recto) and list of daily bread deliveries (verso) Recto: Account of offerings for the second(?) phyle. Verso: List of deliveries of emmer and barley breads from the 8th to the 13th day of the month, leaving out the 9th day without deliveries. Possibly independent from the text on the recto.
Pap. Berlin P. 23651 list of food offering contributions List of offering contributions (pigeons, goose, beef) at certain days.
Pap. Berlin P. 23659 account on the delivery of wine(?) and bread Account on the delivery of jars of wine(?) (recto) and baked bread loaves (verso).
Pap. Berlin P. 23663 account of priests connected with their income Recto: Account of income of emmer and barley breads of the 1st, 2nd, and 4th phyle. Verso: List of days and measures (1 - 3 jars).
Pap. Berlin P. 23671 account on wine and money Account, consisting of a list of personal names, wine and amounts of money.
Pap. Berlin P. 23691 account regarding the expenditures for burials Account "for Petosiris, son of Imouthes", possibly regarding the expenditures for burials of some persons in a (collective?) tomb
Pap. Berlin P. 15530 Letter concerning support of a visiting temple inspector Letter of a man whose name is lost containing the request of supporting an inspector visiting the temple of Elephantine, to avoid possible dispute during the visit.
Pap. Berlin P. 15695 letter of confirmation concerning transfer of items to the ship of the pastophor Letter of Harnouphis, son of Payris, to Spotous containing a report of the arrival in Elephantine. Confirmation of the transfer of items (mentioned earlier by the addressee before the sender) to the ship of the pastophor.
Pap. Berlin P. 15519 Letter concerning a complaint on requested but not yet done work Letter without mention of the sender, containing a response on a complaint that the sender had not done a requested work. The sender assures that orders will be executed in the future.
Pap. Berlin P. 15521 letter concerning payment of money Letter of Belles to Eschnompmetis, son of Snebonychos, concerning payment and receipt of two silver deben. Without any polite formulas.
Pap. Berlin P. 15527 letter to priests who fled from Philae to Nubia Letter of Horos, son of Kolluthes, to Osoroeris, Spotous and Chnoummachis, three priests of Chnoum-Haroeris. The sender has not met the addressees on his journey to Philae, because the they have fled to Nubia. This is possibly to be seen in connection with the political disturbances during the reign on Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes. The senders are given order to return to their temple on Philae.
Pap. Berlin P. 15528 letter with request of barley due to upcoming food shortage Letter with a request to send barley from a certain domain, because of upcoming food shortage at the resting place of the sender.
Pap. Berlin P. 15607 letter with complaint regarding a missing oracle inquiry Letter with complaint of Peteese, son of Pete-[///], that the the addressee of this letter has not asked the oracle of Isis for advice on behalf of the Peteese. Renewed request for information with specifications of the questions to be presented to the oracle.
Pap. Berlin P. 15611 letter presumably concerning erroneous charging of money and clothes Fragment of a letter presumably concerning erroneous charging of money and clothes.
Pap. Berlin P. 15719 letter of unclear content Letter of Artais, son of Hor. Content unclear to the very fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 15772 letter possibly regarding an appointment about a garden Fragment of a letter, possibly regarding an appointment about a garden. Mentin of a priest of the statues.
Pap. Berlin P. 15806 letter with unclear content Letter with unclear content due to the fragmentary condition. In a postscriptum mention of two bread loaves which are also mentioned in the contemporary Pap. Berlin P.23614.
Pap. Berlin P. 23552 fragmentary letter of unclear content Fragmentary letter. Mention of the pharaoh, of the stratgegos and of Nubians. The addressee should present the content of "the letters" to a certain Alexander, possibly the king, according to Zauzich)
Pap. Berlin P. 23554 letter concerning deliveries of wheat Letter concerning deliveries of wheat. Very difficult to understand
Pap. Berlin P. 23556 letter of unclear content, with mention of the arrival of different officials Fragmentary letter. Mention of the arrival of the chief of Thebes Paniskos and of the sḥn official Hieronymos.
Pap. Berlin P. 23557 letter concerning leases of fields and delivery of wheat Letter with unclear content due the the fragmentary condition. Mention of leases of fields and of delivery of wheat.
Pap. Berlin P. 23560 letter with the request of papyrus Letter of Pouoptis, son of Harpaesis, to Harpaesis, son of Pouoptis (superior and father of the sender), requesting some papyrus. The addressee is known from other Elephantine texts, so Pap. Berlin P. 13535 and Ostr. Zürich 1840.
Pap. Berlin P. 23562 Accompanying letter concerning correspondence which has to be dispatched further Accompanying letter of Peteharsomtus, son of Thotomous, to Bienchis, concerning a batch of letters which the sender, who travelled from Ptolemais to Elephantine and has now arrived in Edfu, ordered to be dispatched further by a third person. The same addresseed is mentioned on Pap. Berlin P. 23553 vor.
Pap. Berlin P. 23565 letter concerning anointing oil Letter to Psammetichos-em-aui-Neith, son of Espmetis, concerning anointing oil.
Pap. Berlin P. 23571 report regarding the delivery of emmer for "the people of Syene" Report to Pete-[?], that the sender of the letter has placed 3400 artabas emmer at a third person's disposal "for the people of Syene".
Pap. Berlin P. 23574 letter with an answer on foregoing correspodence Beginning of a letter of Spotous, son of Pachnoumis, to Osoroeris answering a previous letter which is not preserved. The same addressee is attested in Pap. Berlin P. 23664.
Pap. Berlin P. 23575 letter with New year wishes Letter of Pasenis, son of Teos, to Osoroeris with New year wishes.
Pap. Berlin P. 23576 letter from which only the beginning is preserved Letter of Osoroeris, son of Teos, to Eschnompmetis.
Pap. Berlin P. 23577 letter from which only the beginning is preserved Letter of Harnofer, son of Haryotes, to ..?.., son of Sirthotes.
Pap. Berlin P. 23579 letter from which only the beginning is preserved Beginning of a letter of [///], son of Esyris, to his superior, Skylax, son of Eschnompmetis.
Pap. Berlin P. 23580 letter concerning misfortune happened to the sender Beginning of a letter to Eschnompmetis, concerning misfortune happened to the sender.
Pap. Berlin P. 23581 letter concerning royal fields Fragment of a letter concerning royal fields. The letter was written by ..?.., son of Harmais, but it remains unclear if he is the sender too
Pap. Berlin P. 23583 account in connection with the temple domain of Chnoum Letter(?) with an account in connection with the temple domain of Chnoum.
Pap. Berlin P. 23585 letter concerning delivery(?) of wine and wheat Letter concerning delivery(?) of wine and wheat.
Pap. Berlin P. 23587 letter concerning grain Fragment of a letter concerning grain.
Pap. Berlin P. 23592 letter requesting some items Letter of Esby to his mistress Espnetiseten with the request of sending some items, if a liable person for transport can be found. At the end there are greetings to a certain Peteese, son of Asychis, and a person with the Semitic name Yhyḥy "May-Yahu-live".
Pap. Berlin P. 23596 letter of unclear content Letter of Osoroeris, son of Spotous, to the priests of Chnoum. The details are not detectable any more due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23599 letter of unclear content, mentioning lesonis and chief of temple Letter of unclear content due the the fragmentrary condition. Mention of lesonis priest and chief of the temple.
Pap. Berlin P. 23600 letter presumbaly concerning commercial affairs of the Chnoum priests Letter of unclear content due the the fragmentrary condition, presumbaly concerning commercial affairs of the Chnoum priests.
Pap. Berlin P. 23601 letter informing on birth-giving in the house of the grandfather Letter of Chnoummachis, son of Espmetis, to Eschnompmetis, as an answer on foregoing correspondence, informing that a woman will give birth in the house of her father.
Pap. Berlin P. 23602 letter concerning a visit without success Letter of Pamunis, son of Espmetis, to his superior Eschnompmetis. The latter visited a man concerning a certain matter, but failed.
Pap. Berlin P. 23604 letter concerning bread offerings for Chnoum and difficulties with a third person Letter of Hartophnachthes, son of Snebonychos, to Eschnompmetis, son of Snebonychos. A first part deals with bread offerings for Chnoum of Elephantine, a second part with difficulties of the sender with a man.
Pap. Berlin P. 23605 letter dealing amongs others with food for a falcon Letter of unclear content. The sender has taken care for the food for a falcon.
Pap. Berlin P. 23606 letter presumably mentioning the killing of Arabs and persons from Luxor(?) Letter of Teos, son of Pasenis, presumbaly reporting that someone has ordered Hagarites (Arabs) and persons from Luxor(?) to kill many of them. Mention of the delivery of grain and bread.
Pap. Berlin P. 23607 letter accusing the addressee of having not conducted an order Letter missing any politeness formulae. The sender accuses the addressee of having not conducted a job, presumably the transport of items.
Pap. Berlin P. 23611 letter mentioning a visit of certain persons to the sender Letter of Snebonychos, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, to Espmetis, son of Espneti-het-netjer. Two persons have visited the sender, who will try to come to the Chnoum temple. Reference to a ship break,
Pap. Berlin P. 23612 letter reporting the shipping of emmer for the Chnoum temple domain Letter of Snebonychos, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, to Espmetis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, with a report regarding the loading of emmer on ships, presumably for the temple domain of Chnoum which wa sin danger(?). Request to the addressee to avoid any delays. The same addressee is attested in Pap. Berlin P. 15801+23682, 15614+12667.
Pap. Berlin P. 23614 letter regarding two breads Letter of Osoroeris, son of Teos, mentioning two breads also appearing on the contemporary Pap Berlin P.15806. One loaf Haryothes should receive, and the sender will care about the other one.
Pap. Berlin P. 23616 letter with an report on an accident in some kind of context with an Aramaean(?) Letter with an report on an accident in some kind of context with an Aramaean(?). According to Zauzich in VOHD XIX,2 the sender had to pay a punishment, which had upset him so that he was not able to drink and eat for three day (for this phrase cf. Pap. Berlin P. 23628.) The sender requests the addressee to meet the police chief when he visits Philae.
Pap. Berlin P. 23617 letter regarding delivery and transport of letters Letter containing a report on engaging a reliable person for letter carrying. The rest of the text deals also with delivery and transport of letters. Detailed contents lost.
Pap. Berlin P. 23618 letter concerning the delivery of food, wine, and oil Letter concerning the delivery of food and wine., tgm oil, nḥḥ oil, and bread.
Pap. Berlin P. 23619 letter of assertion of innocence New text: Letter of Samaus, son of Spotous, to a certain Spotous, containing an assertion of innocence, possibly related to a mortgage. Old text: Part of an account of grain delivery for or by ships.
Pap. Berlin P. 23620 letter of unclear content Letter of unclear content due to the fragmentary condition. Mention of a lesonis priest.
Pap. Berlin P. 23621 letter of unclear content Letter of unclear content due to the fragmentary condition. Mention of a lesonis priest.
Pap. Berlin P. 23623 letter concenring happenings in Elephantine/Syene in context with famine Letter answering a foregoing correspondecne. It deals with a women who should not stay at the residence of the addressee due to famine. The sender agrees with this. He was not able to report about the happenings on Elephantine and in Syene due to illness. Some of the mentioned persons also appear on Pap. Berlin P. 23660.
Pap. Berlin P. 23625 letter mentioning information about a revolt on Elephantine Letter mentioning that two men (Parates and Nepherpres) should have come the the sender but returned due to (incorrect?) information on a revolt on Elephantine.
Pap. Berlin P. 23626 letter regarding a delivery of 10 jars of wine, and request concerning health condition Letter of(?) Osoroeris regarding a delivery of 10 jars of wine, and request concerning the health condition of an ill woman.
Pap. Berlin P. 23628 letter reporting the arrival of two men delivering a letter Letter of Totes, son of Teos, reporting the arrival of two men delivering a letter.
Pap. Berlin P. 23629 letter with greetings to the priests of Chnoum Letter of Pelaias, son of Pasunet, to Parates, answering a foregoing correspondence. He will be interested to receive further letters from the sender and sends greetings to the priests of Chnoum. The same addressee appears on Pap. Berlin P. 23696.
Pap. Berlin P. 23632 letter of unclear content, mentioning Nubians Letter of Osoroeris to Es-[?] of unclear content due to the fragmentary condition. Mention of Nubians.
Pap. Berlin P. 23633 letter reporting the arrival of the Min priests Letter reporting the arrival of the Min priest Potemetous. The sender should have delivered one artaba barley to a certain Hartophnachthes which he has still not done.
Pap. Berlin P. 23634 letter of unclear content Letter of unclear content due to the fragmentary condition. Mention the of the food demands of the falcon.
Pap. Berlin P. 23635 letter of unclear content Letter of Snebonychos, son of Espneti-hetnetjer., of unclear content due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23636 letter concerning delivery of wine Letter concerning a delivery of wine.
Pap. Berlin P. 23638 letter concerning a delivery of grain Letter concerning a delivery of grain.
Pap. Berlin P. 23639 letter regarding the sending out of persons for dicussions Letter expressing the wish of the sender to send two persons from Elephantine to the addressee for dicussions. Mentioning of Nubians.
Pap. Berlin P. 23640 letter requesting the addressee to travel to Philae Letter requesting the addressee to travel to Philae.
Pap. Berlin P. 23641 letter regarding a voyage to the south and a shipwreck at Elephantine Letter to Eschnoumpmetis regarding a voyage to the south, possibly with a shipwreck at Elephantine.
Pap. Berlin P. 23642 letter possibly concerning work at a hull Letter possibly concerning work at a hull. According to Zauzich the Verso seems to be the answer of the addressees, Paouheri and Espmetis.
Pap. Berlin P. 23644 letter regarding consent form and objecting Letter with an answer of Payris, son of Petanoukis, on foregoing correspondence with a consent form. Objecting is only executed regarding a matter concerning a cow.
Pap. Berlin P. 23646 letter regarding matters of the temple of Elephantine Letter regarding matters of the temple of Elephantine.
Pap. Berlin P. 23657 letter requesting the delivery of something to the south Letter of Hetep-Chnoum, son of Psenpelaias, to Espmetis, son of Pete-[?] requesting the delivery of something to the south. Greetings to different persons.
Pap. Berlin P. 23661 letter of unclear content Letter of Snebonychos, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, to Eschnoumpmetis containing an answer on foregoing correspondence. Mention of a ship. Detailed content unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23664 letter on delivery and payment of wine(?) Letter of Payris, son of Espmetis, to Osoroeris, presumably on delivery and payment(?) of wine. The same addressee is mentioned on Pap. Berlin P. 23574.
Pap. Berlin P. 23665 letter of unclear content Letter of Eschnoumpmetis. Mention of the arrival of a man in the south. Detailed content unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23673 letter of unclear content Letter of Espmetsepsis, son of Teos. The details are not clear due to the fragmentary condition. The letter was written by [///], son of Espmetis.
Pap. Berlin P. 23674 letter regarding a voyage of serveral persons to Elephantine Letter of Hartophnachthes, son of Snebonychos, to Eschnoumpmetis, regarding a voyage of several persons to Elephantine. Hardly understandable.
Pap. Berlin P. 23675 letter regarding an iniquity Letter from Hartophnachthes regarding an iniquity concerning the sender.
Pap. Berlin P. 23684 letter beginning with address and formulas First part of a letter of Petenephotes, son of Pelaias, to Pachnoumis with address and greeting formulas. The text on the verso is not related to that one on the verso, according to Zauzich in VOHD XIX,2.
Pap. Berlin P. 23686 letter regarding the delivery of grain Letter of [///], son of Pelaias, to Pachnoumis regarding the delivery of grain.
Pap. Berlin P. 23688 letter of unclear content Beginning of a letter of Psentotoes, son of Teos, to Pelaias, with unclear content due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23696 letter requesting for wheat and payment(?) of honey Letter of Pachnoumis, son of Pmenches, to Parates. He sends a servant to the addressee with this letter containing a request for wheat and the payment(?) of a small amount of honey. The same addressee can be found on Pap. Berlin P. 23629.
Pap. Berlin P. 23704 letter of unclear content Letter of Sirthotes, son of Harnouphis, to Eschnoumpmetis answering a foregoing correspondence. Context unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23553 letter to the priest of Chnoum of unclear content Letter of Haryotes, son of Pachnumis, to the priest of Chnoum, Bienchis, of unclear content due to the fragmentary condition. The same addressee can be found on Pap. Berlin P. 23562.
Pap. Berlin P. 23570 letter requesting emmer for the divine offerings Letter from the Chnoum priests in the format of a document, concerning the request of delivery of 50 artabas emmer for the offerings for Chnoum of Elephantine. Content unclear due to the fragmentary condition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23597 Account on grain (old); writing exercise with conjugation of verb (new) 1) Old text: Accound on grain. 2) New text: Writing exercise: Conjugation of the lemma Ꜥnḫ "to live". According to Zauzich in VOHD XIX,2, the sequence is divergent from the otherwise known schemata.
Pap. Berlin P. 15638 List with different materials as oil, resin or wood List with oil, resin, wood, rubber and probably incense.
Pap. Berlin P. 15646 fragment of a letter mentioning a lesonis priest Letter mentioning a lesonis priest before whom the sender should arrive.
Pap. Berlin P. 23559 Hardly understandable narrative with the main actor reporting before the king on hunger and thirst Narrative, partly hard to understand. Presumably the main actor reports before the king on hunger and thirst. Then the king enteres his palanquin (according to Zauzich VOHD XIX,2).
Pap. Berlin P. 23624 (vso) account on the delivery of wheat(?) and bread on certain days Account on the delivery of wheat(?) and bread on certain days, starting with the 26th day. The 29th day remains without any deliveries.
Pap. Berlin P. 23563 list with paid-off amounts of money Fragment of a list with amounts of money paid-off to a certain Espmetis.
Pap. Berlin P. 15649 fragmentary letter answering a previous conrespondence Letter of Espnebonchis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, with an answer on a previous letter of the addressee. Too fragmentary for detailled context.
Pap. Berlin P. 23564 letter concerning, among others, the delivery of tgm oil Letter concerning, among others, the delivery of tgm oil. Partly very difficult to understand.
Pap. Berlin P. 23679 letter concerning financial affairs of the Chnoum priests of Elephantine. Letter concerning financial affairs of the Chnoum priests of Elephantine.
Pap. Berlin P. 23666 fragmentary letter answering a previous conrespondence Letter of Espnebonchis, son of Espneti-hetnetjer, with an answer on a previous letter of the addressee. Too fragmentary for detailled context.
Pap. Berlin P. 23683 letter concerning a garden Fragment of a letter concerning a garden.
Pap. Berlin P. 15803 (= P. 15637 + P. 15803) letter requesting an Isis oracle concerning travel intentions Letter with an inquiry to an Isis priest(?) to obtain an oracle of Isis. It should be requested wheather the sender should travel (to the Thebais?) or stay on Elephantine.
Pap. Berlin P. 15776 letter with a response and a report on trouble(?) regarding food Letter of Espneti-hetnetjer, son of Espmetis, to Snebonychos, containing a response on earlier letters. Report on trouble(?) regarding fowl, beer and wine.
Pap. Berlin P. 23703 letter with a response and a report on trouble(?) regarding food Letter of Espneti-hetnetjer, son of Espmetis, to Snebonychos, containing a response on earlier letters. Report on trouble(?) regarding fowl, beer and wine.
Pap. Berlin P. 23668 letter requesting the sending of craftsmen to Philae Letter of Pachnumis, son of Horos (lesonis of Isis of Philae), with an request on sending craftsmen to Philae and posisbly a palm sapling.
Pap. Berlin P. 15613 account of delivery of bread and grain to the sanctuary Account of delivery of baked bread loafs and grain to the sanctuary for a period of 19 days.
Pap. Berlin P. 15824 list of participants of a military expedition under pharaoh Amasis List of participants of a military expedition under pharaoh Amasis. Mention of Syrian mercenaries attending the expedition.
Pap. Berlin P. 23677 obligation concerning collection of taxes Contract as royal oath. Obligation of three persons concerning the collective collection of different taxes. Double contract with first copy and two lines of the beginning of the second copy.
Pap. Berlin P. 23693 letter possibly concerning outstanding money Fragmentary letter of a man whose name ist lost, possibly concerning outstanding amounts of money in stater.
Pap. Berlin P. 23207 The Book of the Temple The papyrus contains a part of “The Book of the Temple” (According to: Quack, Abschnitt des Buches vom Tempel (1998), 268).
Palm. Berlin P. 23701 b oracle equipment Oracular answer.
Palm. Berlin P. 23701 c oracle equipment Oracular answer.
Palm. Berlin P. 23701 d uninscribed, but in context with three palm ribs with oracle equipment No text, but in context with three palm ribs with oracular answers.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12230 receipt for compulsory labor tax Pachnoumis, son of Espmetis, is confirmed by Belles, son of Stamnaichnoumis, of having paid the compulsory labor tax for the 11th regnal year in an amount of 1 kite.
Pap. Berlin P. 21690 receipt for epistatika tax Pelaias, son of Petenephotos, is confirmed by Platon, attorney of Platon Junior, of having paid the epistatika tax of the temple of Eileithyaspolis of the 29th regnal year in an amount of 5 bronze talents and 2400 drachmas Verso: Demotic summary
Ostr. Berlin P. 1003 list of priests on-duty List of names of priests on-duty in the temple, presumably the Chnoum temple.
Ostr. Berlin P. 41 list of persons connected with deliveries or income List of persons connected with deliveries or income in kite.
Ostr. Berlin P. 40 receipt for delivery of liquids and seeds Petepelaias, son of Pete⸢..?..⸣, is confirmed by Pelaias, son of Psenpoeris, of having delivered liquids and castor oil seeds.
Ostr. Berlin P. 39 lower part of document with countersigners preserved only List of four men acting as countersigners, main (upper) part of document lost.
Ostr. Berlin P. 38 list of slaves connected with payment List of female slaves connected with payment.
Ostr. Berlin P. 37 List of persons connected with a day, presumably priest on duty List of males connected with a special day, presumably priests on duty for a special activity to be performed nearly each day.
Ostr. Berlin P. 36 account mentining lagynos jars Fragmentary account, mentining lagynos jars. Details unclear due to the fragmentary condition. Mentioning of Chnoum, so possibly deliveries for the Chnoum temple.
Ostr. Berlin P. 35 account account, including mention of artabas of wheat
Ostr. Berlin P. 893 List of payments List of persons and their payments. Nothing is mentioned about the context of these transactions.
Tablet Berlin ÄM 2155 label for payment The text consists only of a date and the notice to pay. This object was presumably boud to a sack or box with the items for whom the price label was.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12234 Addressee is a woman, she should send certain things to writer, and also come to the north.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10828 Hatre, son of Krampe Pekosh (or the Nubian) owes Presbyteros, son of Paule [...] carat of gold. Written and witnessed by Jezekias, son of Allamon.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12256 Too little text, but possibly a letter; the money holokottinos (ϩⲟⲗⲟⲕ,) is probably mentioned in line 5, concave side.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12257 ...for one xestes, one carat worth of oil...
Ostr. Berlin P. 12243 On the outside (convex) the beginning of a letter from Justinus can be read, recipient is probably a Tsophia. On the inner side (concave) the verb "send" is written twice, and probably the word "oil".
Perg. Berlin P. 13498 Impossible to determine. Beltz in his catalogue (1978) writes: "Biblischer Text?" but no explanation or further information is provided by him.
Vessel Berlin P. 12277 The neck part of a household vessel with the letter ϯ on it.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12569 letter The writer Senekion asks addresse, Paulos, to send him money for the black paint (?), and to come and see (...)
Ostr. Berlin P. 10824 Papas writes to Dios, the priest, about and because of a conflict with a third party.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10825 [Jak]ôbos writes to Tasi[a/s]; Tsakhô and her sister are mentioned; four of something and sending is also mentioned
Ostr. Berlin P. 10826 On the convex side: an account or list of things (products?) with numbers (written as numbers, not words), probably sacks are mentioned. On the concave side: the same numbers (36 and 32) are present again, but this time written out as words. Reflecting on the list on the other side? Signalling that it is arranged?
Ostr. Berlin P. 10827 Seems to be a letter, might be official or private. Addressed to a Victor deacon, by a Paulos (?) who probably also had a title, which cannot be interpreted or read properly. Ostracon (document) is mentioned in the text referring to the present letter itself, and sy agrees (ⲡⲱⲗϭ) which is a typical verb for Abstandsklauseln in documents.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10832 Numaisianos, son of Dios, writes to Isak, son of Apion, acknowledging that he owes him. The text breaks off at that point.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10833 Dios`s account listing a small vessel, large vessel, coins and a chicken, the son of Jacob bronze or money are also mentioned.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10834 Somebody acknowledges that he/she owes another person, and that he/she will pay it back without dispute. The usual formulae are used for this debt acknowledgement.
Ostr. Berlin P. 10835 Letter from Apa Phib to (...) Apa Philamon. Contents unclear; the measurement 'maje/moje' (hier: ⲙⲟϫⲉ) (measurmenet for grains, dates and the like) is mentioned in the text (l.6 and l.7).
Ostr. Berlin P. 10836 Due to the amount of the preserved text and the stains it is not clear what the text is; it seems to be either a list or an account of some kind based on the numbers occurring (20, 12, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3); another visible word is Presbyteros (ⲡⲣⲉⲥⲃⲩⲧ[ⲉⲣⲟⲥ]), which is either a name or the word for "priest". A person named Presbyteros son of Nilamon is scribe and witness in P.12255 - can it be connected to him?
Ostr. Berlin P. 10837 The convex (outside) side of the piece carried a coherent text, as is seen in the remnants of lines and words. The concave (inside) side, however, seems to contain individual letters, arranged randomly, no words seem to be there. A writing exercise?
Ostr. Berlin P. 12236 Lines 2-5 have star and constellation names of the southern sky. Lines 6-9 are unclear.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12253 Pcol, son of Dorotheus, owes 15.000 wonchis to Hello, son of Pasmet. He has put them on a ship and is ready to pay back, when the ship comes south again (?).
Ostr. Berlin P. 12252 Hello and brother Sokrate, sons of Toresh, owe Pamphylones, son of Pakot, 1 carat of gold. Writer or witness are not mentioned.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12255 Thekla, daughter of Tsanagape, owes Papa, son of Petros, 1.5 keration of gold. Scribe and witness of the text is Presbyteros, son of Nilamon.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12260 A debt instrument or a letter. In l.3 four keration is mentioned.
Ostr. Berlin P. 12254 The sender is Job, the addressee is Teulogia, or NN daughter of Teulogia, the holy (ⲧⲉⲧⲟⲩⲁⲁⲃ).
Ostr. Berlin P. 12258 ...without dispute (l.4) (the usual phrase of debt acknowledgements)