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Pap. Berlin P. 13633

TEI-XML-File: https://p612399.webspaceconfig.de/xml/elephantine_erc_db_100451.tei.xml



Collection Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, SPK (P)
Inventory Number Pap. Berlin P. 13633
Current Location magazine
Comments on Inventory registered as existing during revision (1958)
Publication Permission Status (unknown)
Publication Status published

Origin / Provenance

Ancient Provenance Site Elephantine (Ꜣbw; Yb; YbꜢ; YbꜤ; Ἐλεφαντίνη, יב , ⲉⲓⲏⲃ) [Trismegistos]
Certainty: high
Ancient Provenance District Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos]
Type of Discovery archaeological excavation
Certainty: high
Finder (= First Purchaser) Rubensohn, Otto / Zucker, Friedrich (excavation directors)
Certainty: high
Location of Find / Purchase in Egypt Elephantine
District of Find / Purchase in Egypt Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos]
Type of Acquisition for the Intitution partage
Date of Acquisition for the Intitution between 1906 and 1908
Transferor (Seller, Previous Owner) (not relevant)
Certainty: high


Object Type papyrus
Color papyrus, light
Size (Height | Width | Thickness) 313 mm | 134 mm | mm
Range of Preservation incomplete
State of Preservation The upper part is broken off in undetermined extent. In the middle of the verso a vertical strip is teared off for the wrapping of the roll, with lost of text.
Mounting framed under glass

Text Basic Information

Localization of Text on Object recto/verso
Script-Fiber-Relation (for Payri) parallel (recto) and perpendicular (verso)
Inks and Pigments carbon ink monochrome black
Range of Preservation (Text) incomplete
State of Preservation (Text) Above broken off in undetermined extent. Several small holes with minor text losses. On the verso small text losses due to the teared off strip.
Script, Primary Middle Demotic
Language, Primary Early Demotic - Ptolemaic Demotic
Comments on Handwriting "Geübte mitteldemotische Geschäftsschrift, überwiegend gut lesbar." (According to K.-T. Zauzich, in: VOHD XIX,2)
Comments on Text Layout Medium line pitch. Recto: The text covers nearly the entire sheet, without lateral margins. On top a small and at the bottom a broad margin. Verso: The text covers nearly the entire sheet, without margins.
  recto verso
Quantity of Lines 27 20
Quantity of Columns 1 1
Line Lenght (in mm) 130,13
Column Height (in mm) 300,24
Height of Line / Letter
Line Distance 130 x x+300 130 x 240


Text Content

Modern Title letter concerning the dismissal of the lesonis and the delivery of bread for emmer
Ancient Archives Chnoum temple archives | administrative archive
Ancient Scribe(s) of Text
Text Types
  • documentary | letter | vertical format
Summary of Content Letter of Osoroeris, son of Teos, presumably to the Chnoum priests of Elephantine. It deals with the dismissal of the sender from the office as lesonis priest. The sender thinks that this happened by intrigues only. A second part deals wht the question, how many bread a baker has to deliver against a given amount of emmer. The proportion should be 66 bread for one artaba emmer. Partly unclear concerning the content.
Location of Composition Elephantine Upper Egypt, 1st nome Egypt (Certainty: high)
Multilingualism Monolingual Script = Language
Gender Man
Religion Polytheism (Egyptian)



Transcription Translation Pictures
x+1 (n-)ḏr.t-ḫpr=f ı͗w mtw=k pꜣ ꜣḏ ı͗w mtw=k
x+2 ḥw=f ḥꜣ.ṱ=w tꜣ md(.t)-b(y)n nty ı͗y bn nꜣy=k ḫyr mꜣꜥ
x+3 ı͗n ı͗w=f-ḫpr ı͗w rk=y ı͗w=y (n) rd Ns-H̱nm-mtr bn-ı͗w
x+4 rḫ nꜣ wꜥb.w (r) ḏı͗.t n=y ꜥq r wnm ı͗rm ḫpr ꜥn hwn-nꜣ.w bn
x+5 ḏı͗=y (n) rd Ns-H̱nm-mtr ı͗n r pꜣ wn-nꜣ.w-ı͗w=f ḏı͗.t n=y ꜥq ı͗w=f
x+6 srm r Ns-H̱nm-mtr wn-nꜣ.w-ı͗w=y ı͗r n =f rd ı͗rm ḫpr ꜥn
x+7 mn rmṯ ı͗.ı͗r-n=ṯn ı͗w wn-mtw=f hwš ı͗.ı͗r-n=y r hšw r.r=f
x+8 bn-pw pꜣ mr-šn wy n.ı͗m=ṯn ı͗w wn mrẖ ꜥn šꜥ-tw=(w) ḏı͗.t
x+9 šm=s r ḥꜣṱ.ṱ=ṯn ḏd hwš=f pꜣy ṯk r.ı͗r=f ı͗.ı͗r-ḥr=ṯn ı͗.ı͗r=f ı͗r=f 1Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 54.
x+10 ı͗w=y ḥms ı͗rm=f ḏı͗=y rḫ s ḏd ı͗r=f s m-sꜣ-ḫpr ı͗.ı͗r=f
x+11 ı͗r=f ı͗w bw-r‘-ḏı͗=w sẖ pꜣ tš nꜣ bd.t.w ḏd=y n=f r ı͗r wꜥ ṯk ı͗.ı͗r-ḥr=ṯn
x+12 ḥn=f s n Ḥr-ṯꜣy=f-nḫt.ṱ ḏd hb ı͗.ı͗r-ḥr=w nꜣ.w nꜣ nty-ı͗w=y
x+13 ḏd n.ı͗m=w Wsı͗r-wr gr my ḫpr=f ı͗w=w ḏd bn-pw=f hb
x+14 tꜣ nty-ı͗w=w r ḥn=s bn-ı͗w=y rḫ tm hb ı͗.ı͗r-ḥr=ṯn
x+15 n.ı͗m=s m-sꜣ-ḫpr (n-)ḏr.t hb=y bn mqt(?) pꜣ nty mtw=y
x+16 ı͗.ı͗r-n=ṯn bw-ı͗r=y rḫ šn=w dy wn-nꜣ.w-ı͗w=y ḏd.ṱ=s
x+17 (n) Pꜣ-wꜣḥ-wꜥb ı͗.ı͗r=y hb ı͗.ı͗r-ḥr=ṯn ꜥn ḏd bw-ı͗r=ṯn ı͗r
x+18 hyn ꜥq n he šꜥ-tw rsṱy ḫpr mtw=ṯn
x+19 hb m-sꜣ bd.t mtw tm nꜣ sẖ.w ḏı͗.t ı͗n=w n=ṯn wn-nꜣ.w
x+20 bn-ı͗w=y 2According to Zauzich, P. Berl. Eleph. 2 (1993).hb ꜥn hb=k ḏd hb=k (n) pꜣ he ꜥq psy 33 ı͗w ꜥq psy 30
x+21 pꜣ nty Pꜣ-s-n-mṯk ḏı͗.t s bn ꜥq 9 n wꜥ.t ı͗w(y).t ı͗n r kṱ bw-ı͗r
x+22 I͗r.t-ḥr-r.r=w sꜣ Ns-H̱nm ḏı͗.t ꜥq psy 33 r bd.t ½ ḏı͗ mtw=w ḏd
x+23 pḥ=w r Pꜣ-wꜣḥ-wꜥb ꜥq psy 30 pꜣy ḏı͗=w r bd.t ½ pꜣ rmṯ nty ḏı͗.t
x+24 sw ⅙ n pꜣ šnꜥ ḏı͗=f n=f ꜥq psy 8 ẖr.r.r=f wn-nꜣ.w-ı͗w=y
x+25 ḏd.ṱ=s tꜣ ẖ-md(.t) tꜣ nty-ı͗w=ṯn rḫ s ḏd pꜣ ḥm-nṯr (n) H̱nm
x+26 pꜣ ı͗.ı͗r ḥn=s ḥꜣ.ṱ=y ı͗w ke rmṯ pꜣ ı͗.ı͗r hb n=y n.ı͗m=s
x+27 (r-)dbꜣ-ḫpr ı͗w=k rḫ s ḏd ḥn s Nḫt.ṱ-Mn ḏd my ḏı͗=w

1 Cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 54.
2 According to Zauzich, P. Berl. Eleph. 2 (1993).
vso 1 ꜥq psy 66 r bd.t 1 m-sꜣ-ḫpr Pꜣ-s-n-mṯk rmṯ-ꜥꜣ pꜣy
vso 2 nꜣ ꜥq.w nty-ı͗w bn-ı͗w=f ḏı͗.t s(t) ı͗.ı͗r-n=ṯn ı͗w=f wꜣḥ bd.t ꜥn
vso 3 ḏı͗ kṱ bn-ı͗w=w ı͗n n=f bd.t r-ḥry ı͗w bn-pw=f mḥ=w
vso 4 hb=k n=y ḏd rk=ṯn ı͗w=y (n) rd Nḫt.ṱ-Mn wn-nꜣ.w-ı͗w
vso 5=y ḏd.ṱ=s ı͗r=y rd pꜣ mr-šn bn ı͗.ı͗r Ḏd-Ḥr hb n=y
vso 6 n.ı͗m=f ı͗n hwn-nꜣ.w-ı͗w=s pḥ (n-)ḏr.t=y ḏı͗.t šsp=k (n)
vso 7 Nꜣ-nfr-ı͗b-pꜣ-Rꜥ pꜣ ḥm-nṯr (n) H̱nm wn-nꜣ.w-ı͗w=y (r) ḏı͗.t šsp=k n=f wn-nꜣ.w-ı͗w
vso 8=y ḏd.ṱ=s hb n=y (n) nꜣ md.w(t) hb=k n=y ḏd my ı͗w
vso 9 pꜣ rd pꜣ mr-šn r-ḥry my ḏd=f wḥꜣ dy bn-ı͗w rḫ rd
vso 10 ı͗w mtw=f s ḫpr dy wn-nꜣ.w-ı͗w=y ḏd.ṱ=s ı͗y r-ḥry ı͗.ı͗r-n=ṯn
vso 11 hb=k ḏd ı͗.ı͗r tm nꜣ Mḏy.w ẖdb=n ı͗w=k
vso 12 (r) gm pꜣ ẖsf nꜣy md.w(t) nꜣ wꜥb.w sy ı͗r-sṱy
vso 13 (n) pꜣ nty-ı͗w=w r mr r ı͗r=f nb m-sꜣ-ḫpr hwn-nꜣ.w wḫꜣ=y s
vso 14 gmꜥ wn-nꜣ.w bn-ı͗w=y hb n=ṯn šꜥ.t wn ꜣq psy 16
vso 15 ı͗w ḫr ḏı͗=w s(t) n=ṯn n Pꜣ-wꜣḥ-wꜥb mtw=ṯn ḏı͗.t ꜥq psy 4 n pꜣ tny
vso 16 n Ḥr-wr n.ı͗m=w mtw pꜣ ke ꜥq psy 12 wꜣḥ r.ḥr=ṯn (n) tꜣ šb
vso 17 nꜣ.w r.hb=(w) n=y n.ı͗m=w hb=k ḏd ḏı͗=y ı͗wf 7 n Ḥr-wḏꜣ
vso 18 sꜣ Ḏd-ḥr pꜣ nty mtr nty-ı͗w=w pꜣy (n-)ḏr.t gm=w s ı͗w=s šrf
vso 19 mtw=ṯn bn-ı͗w=y hb ı͗.ı͗r-ḥr=ṯn n md(.t) šꜥ-ty
vso 20 pꜣ mr-šn ı͗y n-ḏr.t Wsı͗r-wr sꜣ Ḏd-ḥr (n) ḥsb.t 18 ı͗bd 2 pr.t sw 26
x+1 because it happened that you are the thief ..?.. and you [///]
x+2 He accused(?) them of the bad matter which is coming. Your enemies are not right.
x+3 If I cease to be attorney of Eschnom(p)metis,
x+4 the wab priests will not be able to give me bread for eating. And furthermore: If I
x+5 had not been the attorney of Eschnom(p)metis, while the one who should give me bread
x+6 cheated Eschnom(p)metis, I would (still) be the attorney for him. And furthermore:
x+7 There is no one among you who would give offense to me in order to injure him(?).
x+8 The lesonis has not withdrawn from you, when dispute rose (again?). As soon as it is set
x+9 in your heart that he gives offense: This letter which he has written to you – he made it
x+10 when I lived with him. I know that he made it (the letter). But he made it
x+11 before the rate of the (amounts of) emmer were fixed. I have requested him to write a letter for you.
x+12 He has ordered Hartophnachthes: ‘Write them the following: All that which I
x+13 or Osoroeris say, may it happen!’ If it is said that he has not sent
x+14 what will be ordered, I will be bound to send to you
x+15 concerning this. But as I have sent ‘It is not ..?.. what I have
x+16 against you’, I cannot ask them here. Otherwise I would have said it
x+17 in Bige! I have sent to you again as follows: You are not used to make
x+18 some loaves of bread as income.’ Until tomorrow appears and you
x+19 send for emmer and the scribes will not let it to be brought to you,
x+20 I will {not} send again. You have sent that you have sent concerning the expense for 33 baked breads, although (only) 30 baked breads are that
x+21 which Psammetichos gives, not 9 breads related to one quarter(?). Furthermore:
x+22 Inaros, son of Eschnoumis, (also) does not give 33 baked breads for ½ (artabas) emmer here! And they say 1For the translation cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 54.:
x+23 ‘They (scil. we) have reached Bige, and 30 baked breads are that what is given for ½ (artaba) emmer! He who gives
x+24 ⅙ (artabas) wheat to the baker, to whom he (scil. the baker) will give 8 baked breads.’ So I would say:
x+25 ‘You know the actual situation.’ Thus has spoken the priest of Chnoum:
x+26 ‘He who has ordered it, is before me, while it is another man who sent to me concerning it.’,
x+27 because you know that Nechtminis has ordered: ‘Thus should be given
vso 1 66 baked breads for 1 (artaba) emmer!’ But Psammetichos is a rich/ gentle man.
vso 2 The breads which he will not give to you, (for them) he will deposit emmer again.
vso 3 (Something) different: No emmer will be brought to him until he has not delivered them (scil the breads) completely.
vso 4 You have sent to me that you have disposed me as attorney of Nechtminis. I might
vso 5 say: ‘I was attorney of the lesonis.’ Teos has not sent to me
vso 6 concerning this. If it would be suitable for me to let you succeed
vso 7 Nepherpres, the priest of Chnoum, I would let you succeed him. I would have
vso 8 said: ‘Send to me (concerning) these matters!’ You have sent to me: ‘May
vso 9 the attorney of the lesons come up! May he make a reply here!’ Any attorney
vso 10 belonging to him will be able to be here. I would say (to him) to come up to you.
vso 11 You have sent: ‘If the Medes do not kill us, you
vso 12 will find out the disgracefulness of these things of the wab priests!’ Be aware
vso 13 of owning those (things) of which they want to take possession. But If I had desired
vso 14 to do damage, then I would have not written to you a letter. There are 16 baked breads
vso 15 which are regularly given to you in Bige. And you should give 4 baked breads therefrom as fee
vso 16 of Haroeris. And the other 12 baked breads should be deposited for you as replacement for those
vso 17 concerning Which wit was sent to me. You have sent: ‘I have given 7 (pieces) of meat to Haryotes,
vso 18 son of Teos.’ That is what is correct with them(?). Because it has been recognized
vso 19 that it angers you, I will not send to you (again) concerning something until
vso 20 the lesons arrives. Issued by Osoroeris, son of Teos, (in) the 18th regnal year, 26th of Mecheir.

1 For the translation cf. Den Brinker / Muhs / Vleeming, DBL (2005), 54.
Places (read out from edition)
  • Pꜣ-wꜣḥ-wꜥb (places.xml#s26)
  • Pꜣ-wꜣḥ-wꜥb (places.xml#s23)
  • Pꜣ-wꜣḥ-wꜥb (places.xml#s23)

    People mentioned in Text

    ID gender en normiert original Language Functions in Texts
    9635 man Eschnoumpmetis (P. 13633) Ns-H̱nm-mtr pre-Coptic Egyptian



    RulerID Regnal Year MonthID Day Date of the Text Gregorian Date dating_comment
    Nectanebo II 18 Mecheir 26 -343 May 6 BCE internal dating, without name of the ruler;







    DatasetID 100451
    last Change 29.07.2022
    Trismegistos 46451
    Author Jan Moje
    Dataset License Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
    (CC BY-NC-SA)
    Data set citation Data set 100451 (= Pap. Berlin P. 13633), ERC-Project ELEPHANTINE: Jan Moje.