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Ostr. Berlin P. 25458

TEI-XML-File: https://p612399.webspaceconfig.de/xml/elephantine_erc_db_310260.tei.xml



Collection Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, SPK (ex)
Inventory Number Ostr. Berlin P. 25458
Publication Number O.Wilck. 43
Current Location magazine
Comments on Inventory earlier Collection Ebers
Publication Status published

Origin / Provenance

Ancient Provenance Site Aswan / Syene (Swn; Συήνη, סונ, ⲥⲟⲩⲁⲁⲛ) [Trismegistos]
Certainty: high
Ancient Provenance District Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos]
Type of Discovery (unknown)
Certainty: high
Finder (= First Purchaser) (unknown)
Certainty: high
District of Find / Purchase in Egypt Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos]
Type of Acquisition for the Intitution donation
Transferor (Seller, Previous Owner) Wilcken, Ulrich
Certainty: medium
Buyer (Currently Housing Institution) Erman, Adolf
Certainty: medium


Object Type ostracon
Dating between 95 and 96
Criteria for Dating date in text
Range of Preservation incomplete
State of Preservation broken at right

Text Basic Information

Localization of Text on Object convex (outside)
Inks and Pigments carbon ink monochrome black
Range of Preservation (Text) incomplete
State of Preservation (Text) broken at right
Script, Primary Greek
Language, Primary Greek, Ancient
Comments on Handwriting documentary, hand unknown
  recto verso
Quantity of Lines 5
Quantity of Columns 1


Text Content

Modern Title Receipt for customs duties
Ancient Scribe(s) of Text
Text Types
  • documentary | receipt | tax receipt
Summary of Content Receipt of Pompeius Valens, tax farmer of the 2% tax at the harbour of Syene, for custom duties on the export of 1500 empty jars, paid by Sarapion, son of Papremithes and the mother Takoues?.
Location of Composition Aswan / Syene Upper Egypt, 1st nome Egypt (Certainty: high)
Comments on Text corr. l. 2 name: Takoues?
Multilingualism Monolingual Script = Language
Gender Man Woman
Comment on Gender mother in filiation?
Religion unknown



Transcription Translation Pictures
1Πομπήιος Οὐάλης καὶ μέτοχοι πεντηκοστῶναι 1probably rather <τελῶναι> πεντηκοσ(τῆς): cf. P.Customs, 194, n. 7. λιμένος
2Σοήνης Σαραπίων 2 l. Σαραπίωνι Παπρεμείθου Τακουης̣ 3ed. Ταιουπ ̣[ ̣ ̣χ(αίρειν). ἀπέχο-
3μεν παρά σου τὸ γινόμενον τέλος ὧν ἐξήγαγες
4κούφον 4 l. κούφων λαγύνων χιλίων πεντακοσίων (γίνονται) ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ (ἔτους)
5ιε Δομιτιανοῦ Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣

1 probably rather <τελῶναι> πεντηκοσ(τῆς): cf. P.Customs, 194, n. 7.
2 l. Σαραπίωνι
3 ed. Ταιουπ ̣[ ̣ ̣
4 l. κούφων
1Pompeius Valens and his associate tax farmers of the 2% tax of the harbour
2of Syene, to Sarapion, son of Papremithes and? Takoue?, greetings. We have re-
3ceived from you the proper tax for the jars which you have exported,
4empty, thousand five hundred, = 1500 jars.
5Year 15 of Domitian Caesar the lord, ---
Places (read out from edition)
  • Σοήνης (places.xml#8)

    People mentioned in Text

    ID gender en normiert original Language Functions in Texts
    15275 man Pompeius Valens Πομπήιος Οὐάλης Greek, Ancient



    RulerID Regnal Year MonthID Day Date of the Text Gregorian Date dating_comment
    Domitian 15 95 CE 96 CE date in text;




    DatasetID 310260
    last Change 29.07.2022
    Trismegistos 76622
    Papyri.info ddbdp/o.wilck;;43
    Author Ruth Duttenhöfer
    Dataset License Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
    (CC BY-NC-SA)
    Data set citation Data set 310260 (= Ostr. Berlin P. 25458), ERC-Project ELEPHANTINE: Ruth Duttenhöfer.