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Pap. München, BSB, Pap.graec.mon. 96

TEI-XML-File: https://p612399.webspaceconfig.de/xml/elephantine_erc_db_310325.tei.xml



Collection München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Inventory Number Pap. München, BSB, Pap.graec.mon. 96
Publication Number P.Münch. I 1
Current Location Munich, Bavarian State Library
Publication Status published

Origin / Provenance

Ancient Provenance Site Aswan / Syene (Swn; Συήνη, סונ, ⲥⲟⲩⲁⲁⲛ) [Trismegistos]
Certainty: high
Ancient Provenance District Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos]
Type of Discovery purchase
District of Find / Purchase in Egypt Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos]


Object Type papyrus
Dating of Object 11 March 574
Dating between 574 and 574
Range of Preservation complete
Comments on Object 76 x 32,5 cm

Text Basic Information

Localization of Text on Object recto/verso
Script-Fiber-Relation (for Payri) parallel (verso) and perpendicular (recto)
Range of Preservation (Text) complete
Script, Primary Greek
Language, Primary Greek, Ancient
Comments on Handwriting documentary, byzantine cursive
  recto verso
Quantity of Lines 64 1
Quantity of Columns 1 1
Height of Line / Letter


Text Content

Modern Title settlement of inheritance
Ancient Archives private archive | Patermouthis
Ancient Scribe(s) of Text
Text Types
  • documentary
  • documentary | legal document
Summary of Content B. Porten/J.Farber: D 29 The document is, according to the agreement made by the parties, a settlement ending a quarrel among siblings over their father's estate. One party consists of two brothers, Victor and Paeion, and their sister Tsia, together with their mother Tlou, who is their ally. On the other side stands the brother Iakobos, made a "partner" by the dead father Dios and suspected by his brothers and sister of being favored. He had participated in the father's shipping business during the latter's lifetime (lines 11-13). The first operative paragraph is quite lengthy and consists of four parts: 1. an act ante mortem (lines 11- 13); 2. a post mortem receipt of legacy (lines 13-15); 3. suit (lines 16-18); 4. arbitration decision (lines 19-24). An identical fourfold formula is found in P. Munch. 7 + P. Lond. V 1860 (D36). In our document the arbitration was undertaken by the Board of the Dedicated Leaders of the Regiment of Syene, which, upon hearing both parties, had found that "Iakobos was in possession of nothing at all of our father's property" (line 21). The Board had imposed an oath on Iakobos that "nothing of our father's property was left with you" (line 24), in return for which the three siblings now withdraw their present claim and waive any future claim against Iakobos and his heirs. Their renunciation and promise are similarly reinforced by an oath, the violation of which is subject to penalty (lines 44-50). In an addendum (lines 53-55) they acknowledge that they have received from him a gold solidus which he had earlier received from their father, Dios, in connection with military service. Die subjektiv (als Cheirographon) stilisierte Urkunde gilt als geschrieben von Viktor, dem Sohne des Petros. Für die drei Geschwister, welche zusammen eine der Parteien bilden, unterschreibt ein ab actuariis des Numerus von Syene. Ein ab actuariis und drei ... fungieren als Zeugen. Die Urkunde ... ist nach der von den Parteien getroffenen Vereinbarung ein Vergleich und beendet einen Streit unter Geschwistern über den väterlichen Nachlass. - Der Papyrus besteht aus einem Schutzstreifen von 7 cm Höhe, Faserung parallel zur Klebung, und vier Selides von je 17 - 18 cm Höhe, Faserung senkrecht zur Klebung; von der letzten Selis fehlt ein etwa 2 cm breiter Streifen. - Schrift: Der Text ist in einer fetten, runden, stark verschnörkelten Minuskelkursive geschrieben, die über zahlreiche Formen verfügt. ... Am Anfang des Textes ist der Papyrus brüchig und löcherig, die ersten fünf Zeilen sind teils verwischt, teils zerstört, auch in Z. 16 und 50 hat die Schrift stark gelitten. ... Die Ränder sind lädiert und zum Teil beschnitten, Spuren der Faltung am Rande erkennbar. Text und Subskriptionen sind mit schwarzbrauner Tinte geschrieben, der Verfasser der Urkunde hat seine Unterschrift mit sehr blasser Tinte gegeben. Die Inhaltsangabe auf der Rückseite des Schutzstreifens stammt, wie es scheint, von der Hand des Schreibers der Urkunde.
Location of Composition Aswan / Syene Upper Egypt, 1st nome Egypt (Certainty: high)
Comments on Text ok. translation of J.J. Farber in B.Porten, 1996, D29
Multilingualism Script = Language Monolingual
Gender Man Woman
Comment on Gender woman as contractant with brothers
Religion Christianity
Comment on Religion Christogramm



Transcription Translation Pictures
1† χ̣μ̣γ̣ †
2βασιλείας καὶ ὑπατείας τοῦ θειοτάτου ἡμῶν δεσπότου Φλαυίου Ἰουστίνου Νέου τοῦ
3αἰωνίου Αὐγούστου Αὐτοκράτορος ἔτ̣ους ἐν̣άτου Φαμενὼθ ιε τῆς ἑβδόμης ἰνδικτίονος
4Αὐρήλιοι Βίκτωρ καὶ Παείων καὶ Τσία γαμετὴ Ἁτρῆτος τοῦ καὶ συναινοῦντος αὐτῇ οἱ
5τρεῖς ὁμογνήσιοι ἀδελφοὶ ἐκ πατρὸς Δίου τοῦ καὶ Πασαραεὶ ἐκ μητρὸς
6Τλοὺ τῆς καὶ πειθομένης καὶ συνευδοκούσης καὶ διαβεβαιωσαμένης πάντα
7τὰ ὁμολογηθέντα ταύτῃ τῇ διαλύσει ὁρμώμενοι ἀπὸ Συήνης οἱ καὶ ἑξῆς ὑπογραφέα
8παρέχοντες τὸν ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν ὑπογράφοντα καὶ μάρτυρας τοὺς ἑξῆς μαρτυροῦντας τῇδε τῇ
9διαλυτικῇ ὁμολογίᾳ. † Αὐρηλίῳ Ἰακώβῳ ἰδίῳ ἡμῶν ὁμοπατρίῳ ἀδελφῷ
10ἐκ τῶν προγεγραμμένων Δίου τοῦ καὶ Πασαραεὶ καὶ Τλοῦ ὁρμωμένῳ ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς Συήνης
11χαίρειν· ἐπειδὴ ἡνίκα ἐν τοῖς ζῶσι τυχάνει 1 l. τυγχάνει ὁ μνημονευθεὶς 2 corr. ex πρνημονευθεις ἡμῶν πατὴρ Δῖος
12εἶχεν σὲ τὸν προγεγραμμένον Ἰάκωβον ὡσανεὶ ἀνδρωθέντα καὶ ἥκοντα εἰς τὴν
13δέουσαν ἡλικίαν συνεργαζόμενον αὐτῷ 3 corr. ex συυτω τῇ ναυτικῇ τέχνῃ, καὶ τοῦ προειρημενουο 4 l. προειρημένου
14πατρὸς ἡμῶν Δίου τέλει τοῦ βίου χρησαμένου τὴν ὑπολειφθεῖσαν τῷ μακαρίῳ ἡμῶν
15πατρὶ παρειλήφαμεν διʼ ἐμοῦ αὐτῆς τῆς προειρημένης Τλοὺ μητρὸς ἡμῶν
16καὶ ε ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ τὴν ἐξαγωγήν σοι ποιησάμενοι φάσκοντες ὑπολείπεσθαί σοί
17τι τῆς προχρείας τοῦ αὐτοῦ μακαρίου ἡμῶν πατρός, καὶ σὺ ὁ προλεχθεὶς Ἰάκωβος διεβε-
18βαιώσω 5 corr. ex διθ̣η̣εβαιωσω λέγων· μηδέν τι ἰδιοποιεῖσθαί 6 l. ἰδιοποιῆσθαί σοι τῶν πατρῴων ἡμῶν πραγμάτων,
19καὶ τῆς φιλονικείας 7l. φιλονεικίας μακρᾶς γενομένης ᾑρησάμεθα τὸ κοινὸν τῶν καθοσιωμένων 8l. καθωσιωμένων, corr. ex απαθοσιωμενων
20πρώτων ἀριθμοῦ Συήνης, οἵτινες ἀκούσαντες τὰ μεταξὺ ἡμῶν ἀμφιβαλλόμενα συνῖδαν 9 l. συνεῖδον
21σὲ μηδὲν τὸ σύνολον κατέχοντα τῶν πατρῴων ἡμῶν πραγμάτων καὶ εἰς βεβαίωσιν
22δὲ καὶ πᾶσαν ἀπαλλαγὴν τῆς 10corr. ex τος κινηθείσης σοι παρʼ ἡμῶν φιλονικεις 11 l. φιλονεικί<α>ς καὶ ἀποσόβησιν
23πάσης ἐρεσχειλίας 12 l. ἐρεσχηλίας κινηθησομένης 13corr. ex κινηθεισομενης κατὰ σοῦ παρʼ ἡμῶν ὅρισαν 14 l. ὥρισαν ὥστε ἡμᾶς δέξασθαι
24ἐνώμοτον λόγον ὡς μηδὲν ὑπολείπεσθαί σοι τῶν πατρῴων ἡμῶν πραγμάτων. τούτων
25τοίνυν δοξάντων καὶ ἀρεσθέντων ἡμῖν κομισαμένοις παρὰ σοῦ τὸν ἐνώμοτον καὶ φρικτὸν
26ὅρκον ἐπὶ τῶν θείων καὶ ἀχράντων καὶ σεπτῶν κειμηλίων, ὡς μηδὲν παντελῶς
27συμφεροποιησαμένου τῶν αὐτῶν πατρικῶν ἡμῶν πραγμάτων, εἰς ταύτην ἐληλύθαμεν
28τὴν ὁμολογίαν τῆς διαλύσεως, διʼ ἧς ὁμολογοῦμεν ἡμεῖς οἱ προγεγραμμένοι Βίκτωρ καὶ
29Παείων καὶ Τσία ἑκουσίω 15 l. ἑκουσίᾳ γνώμῃ καὶ αὐθαιρέτῳ βουλήσει καὶ ἀδόλῳ προαιρέσει δίχα
30παντὸς δόλου καὶ φόβου τινὸς καὶ βίας καὶ ἀπάτης καὶ ἀνάγκης καὶ συναρπαγῆς πρῶτον μὲν δεδέχθαι
31καὶ εἰληφέναι παρὰ σοῦ τὸν σεβάσμιον ὅρκον ἐπὶ τῶν ἁγίων καὶ ἀμώμων κειμηλίων ὡς μηδὲν
32τοῦ πατρὸς ἡμῶν διακατέχοντος μέχρι εὐτελοῦς τινος, ἔπειτα δὲ ὁμολογοῦμεν μηδένα
33λόγον ἔχειν πρὸς σὲ τὸν προειρημένον Ἰάκωβον τὸν ἀδελφὸν ἡμῶν μηδὲ ἕξειν
34περὶ τῆς προχρείας τῆς ὑπολειφθείσης παρὰ τοῦ μνημονευθέντος Δίου πατρὸς ἡμῶν
35μηδὲ περὶ οἱουδήποτε πράγματος προσήκοντος τῇ πατρῴᾳ ἡμῶν κληρονομίᾳ, μικροῦ
36ἢ μεγάλου νοηθέντος ἢ μὴ νοηθέντος λεχθέντος ἢ μὴ λεχθέντος ἐλθόντος εἰς μέσον
37ἢ μὴ ἐλθόντος ταγέντος ταύτῃ τῇ διαλύσει ἢ μὴ ταγέντος, ἁπλῶς οὐκ ἐπελευσόμεθά
38σοι οὐχ ἡμεῖς αὐτοὶ οὐ κληρονόμοι ἡμῶν οὐ διάδοχοι οὐ διακάτοχοι μηδὲ
39ἐνάξωμέν σοι μηδὲ κληρονόμοις σοῖς ἢ διαδόχοις ἢ διακατόχοις μηδὲ ἐγκαλέσωμεν
40μηδὲ παραβαίνωμεν ἢ παρασαλεύσωμεν ταύτην τὴν διάλυσιν ἐν τῷ νῦν καὶ ἐν μηδενὶ καιρῷ
41κατὰ μηδένα τρόπον ἢ ἀφορμὴν ἢ μέθοδον ἢ εὑρεσιλογίαν ἐν δικαστηρίῳ μηδὲ ἐκτὸς
42δικαστηρίου διὰ τὸ ὡς προείπαμεν ἀπηλλάχθαι ἡμᾶς πρὸς σὲ περὶ πάντων καὶ
43ἐσβέσθαι πᾶν σπέρμα δίκης καὶ ἐναγωγῆς ἁρμοζούσης ταύτῃ τῇ ὑποθέσει ἢ καὶ ἁρμόζαι 16l. ἁρμόσαι δυναμένης.
44καὶ πρὸς ἐπὶ τούτοις ἐπωμοσάμεθα τὸν θεῖον καὶ σεβάσμιον ὅρκον τοῦ τε παντοκράτορος θεοῦ
45καὶ νίκης καὶ εὐσεβείας τῶν κρατίστων δεσποτῶν τῆς οἰκουμένης Φλαυίων Ἰουστίνου Νέου καὶ
46Αἰλίας Σοφᾶς τῶν αἰωνίων Αὐγούστων Αὐτοκρατόρων, μὴ ἐπιφυῆναί σοι μηδὲ ἐνάγειν μηδὲ
47ἐγκαλεῖν ἔτι μηδὲ παραβῆναι μηδὲ παρασαλεῦσαι ταύτην τὴν διάλυσιν. vac. ? εἰ δὲ βουληθείημεν ἐν καιρῷ πώποτε
48ἐνάγειν σοι ἢ ἐπεξιέναι σοι ταύτης ἕνεκεν τῆς ὑποθέσεως, π̣ρ̣ῶ̣τ̣ο̣ν μὲν ἔνοχοι φανησόμεθα τῷ
49θείῳ ὅρκῳ καὶ τῷ τῆς ἐπιορκείας 17 l. ἐπιορκίας κινδύνῳ καὶ ἐγκλήματι, ἔπειτα δὲ ἐπιγνωσόμεθα λόγῳ ἐπιχει-
50ρήσεως καὶ παραβάσεως χρυσοῦ ὀγκίαι δύο γ̣ί̣νονται χρυσοῦ ὀγκίαι β̣ με̣τ̣ὰ̣ κ̣α̣ὶ̣ τοῦ μ̣η̣θ̣ὲν ἰσχύειν κατὰ τῶν
51συντεταγμένων ταύτῃ τῇ διαλύσει, ἥνπερ εἰς σὴν ἀσφάλειαν πεποιήμεθα κυρίαν καὶ βεβαίαν καὶ ἔννομον
52μεθ̣ʼ ὑπο̣γ̣ραφη 18 l. [ὑπ]ογραφῆ<ς> τοῦ ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν ὑπογράφοντος καὶ τῶν ἑξῆς μαρτυρούντων καὶ ἐπερωτηθέντες
53ὡμολογήσαμεν †. δῆλον δὲ ὅτι ἐδεξάμεθα παρὰ σοῦ νομισμάτιον ἓν ζυγῷ Συήνης, ὅπερ δέδωκεν
54σοὶ ὁ̣ μνημονευθεὶς ἡμῶν πατὴρ Δῖος ὑπὲρ στρατευσίμου τοῦ υἱοῦ σοῦ καὶ οὐδένα λόγον ἔχομεν πρὸς σὲ
55περὶ τούτου διὰ τὸ ὡς προείπαμεν εἰληφέναι παρὰ σοῦ καὶ οὕτως ὡμολογήσαμεν †. Αὐρηλι 19l. Αὐρήλι<οι> Βίκτωρ καὶ Παείων
56καὶ Τσία ἐκ πατρὸς Δίου Πασαροεὶ ἐκ μητρὸς Τλοὺ τῆς πιθομένης 20 l. πειθομένης
57καὶ σηνευδοκουης 21 l. συνευδοκού<σ>ης οἱ προκείμενοι ἐθέμεθα ταύτην τὴν δ̣ιάλυσ̣η̣ν̣ 22l. διάλυσιν, corr. ex τιαλυσ̣η̣ν̣ καὶ στοι-
58χεῖ ἡμεῖν 23l. ἡμῖν ὁς 24l. ὡς πρόκειται. Φλαύιος Ἰακὼβ Βασιλείδου ἀπὸ ἀκτουαρίων ἀριθμοῦ Συήνης
59ἀκξιοθὶς 25 l. ἀξιωθεὶς ἐκγραυε 26 l. ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτου 27 l. αὐτῶν γρμματα 28 l. γρ<ά>μματα μὴ εἰτότον 29 l. εἰδότων. ) † Φλαύιος Μ̣η̣ν̣ᾶ̣ς̣
60Διδύμου στρατιώτης ἀριθμοῦ Σήνης 30 l. Συήνης μαρτυρῶ †. Φλαύιος Ἄπα Δῖος Μαρτίου ἀπὸ
61ἀκτουαρίων ἀριθμο Συήνης μαρτυρῶ τῇ ὁμολογίᾳ ἀκούσας παρὰ
62τῶν θεμένων †. Φλαύιος Ἰσὰκ Ἰακώβου στρατιώτης ἀριθμοῦ Συήνης μαρτυρῶ †.
63Φλαύιος Κόμες Πααμίου στρατιώτης ἀριθμοῦ Σήνης 31 l. Συήνης μαρτυρῶ †.
64 † διʼ ἐμοῦ Βίκτορος Πέτρου ἐτελειώθη Φαμενὼθ ιε τῆς ἑβδόμης ἰνδικτίονος ἐν Συήνῃ †.

1 l. τυγχάνει
2 corr. ex πρνημονευθεις
3 corr. ex συυτω
4 l. προειρημένου
5 corr. ex διθ̣η̣εβαιωσω
6 l. ἰδιοποιῆσθαί
7 l. φιλονεικίας
8 l. καθωσιωμένων, corr. ex απαθοσιωμενων
9 l. συνεῖδον
10 corr. ex τος
11 l. φιλονεικί<α>ς
12 l. ἐρεσχηλίας
13 corr. ex κινηθεισομενης
14 l. ὥρισαν
15 l. ἑκουσίᾳ
16 l. ἁρμόσαι
17 l. ἐπιορκίας
18 l. [ὑπ]ογραφῆ<ς>
19 l. Αὐρήλι<οι>
20 l. πειθομένης
21 l. συνευδοκού<σ>ης
22 l. διάλυσιν, corr. ex τιαλυσ̣η̣ν̣
23 l. ἡμῖν
24 l. ὡς
25 l. ἀξιωθεὶς
26 l. ἔγραψα
27 l. αὐτῶν
28 l. γρ<ά>μματα
29 l. εἰδότων
30 l. Συήνης
31 l. Συήνης
1 † διάλυσις ἐπʼ ὀ̣ν̣όματος Βίκτορος καὶ Παείωνος καὶ Τσίας ἀδελφῶν ὁμογνησίων π̣ρὸς Ἰάκωβον.
2 In the ninth year of the reign and consulship of our most divine master Flavius Justinus Minor, the
3eternal Augustus, Emperor, on Phamenoth 15, in the seventh indiction,
4we, the Aurelians Victor and Paeion and Tsia, the wife of Hatres, who is in agreement with her, the
5three being siblings of the same family, whose father (is) Dios, also (called) Pasaraei, (and) whose mother (is)
6Tlou, who is convinced and joins in consenting and affirms everything
7agreed to in this settlement, all originating from Syene, providing both a signatory below
8signing on their behalf and witnesses bearing witness below to this
9settlement acknowledgment, + to Aurelius Iakobos, our own brother born of the same father,
10of the aforesaid Dios, also (called) Pasaraei, and of Tlou, coming from the same Syene,
11greetings. Since our mentioned father Dios, while he was alive,
12had made you, the aforesaid Iakobos, as if you had reached manhood and had attained the
13required age, partner in his shipping business, and when our said
14father Dios had come to the end of his life, we received (the advance) left by our blessed
15father through me myself, the aforesaid Tlou, our mother;
16and (since) [...] we instituted a suit against you, saying that there was left with you
17something of the advance of the same blessed father of ours, and you, the said Iakobos,
18assured us verbally that nothing of our father's property had been appropriated by you;
19and since the contention was becoming lengthy, we chose the Board of the devoted
20 leaders of the regiment of Syene, who, after they had heard the matters under dispute between us, decided
21that you were in possession of nothing at all of our father's property. And as a warranty
22and complete reconciliation of the contention initiated by us against you, and to forestall
23any quarrel that might be initiated against you by us, they determined that we should receive a
24sworn word that nothing of our father's property was left with you. These
25matters, then, being decided by us and pleasing to us, after we had gotten from you the sworn and dreadful
26oath upon the divine and immaculate and august relics , that
27you have appropriated absolutely nothing of this same paternal property, we have come to this
28acknowledgment of the settlement, by which we acknowledge, we the aforesaid Victor and
29Paeion and Tsia, of our (own) free will and with self-chosen volition and guileless resolve, apart from
30any guile or any fear or force or deception or compulsion or deceit , that first, we have received
31and accepted from you the awesome oath upon the holy and blameless relics that nothing
32of our father's is being retained by you, not even the least thing. Secondly, we acknowledge that
33we have and shall have no claim against you, the said Iakobos our brother,
34concerning the advance left by our mentioned father, Dios,
35or concerning any sort of property pertaining to our father's legacy, whether it was small
36or large, thought of or not thought of, said or not said, whether it came into the open
37or not, posted in this settlement or not posted. We shall absolutely not bring suit against
38you, not we ourselves or our heirs or our successors or assigns nor
39shall we bring action against you or your heirs or your successors or assigns, nor shall we sue
40nor shall we violate or undermine this settlement now or on any occasion,
41in any way or (on any) pretext or stratagem or sophistry, in court or out
42of court because, as we said, we have been reconciled with you concerning all issues and
43every seed of litigation and action relating to this case or which is able to relate (in the future) has been eliminated.
44Furthermore, in addition to that, we have sworn the divine and awesome oath by almighty God
45and by the victory and the piety of the most powerful masters of the world, the Flavians Justinus Minor and
46 Aelia Sophia, the eternal Augusti, emperors, not to challenge you nor bring action against you nor
47 sue you any longer, nor to violate or undermine this settlement. But, if we should wish on any occasion
48to bring action against you or proceed against you concerning this case, first, we shall be patently liable for (violation of) the
49divine oath and (subject) to the risk and complaint of perjury; secondly, we shall recognize (that we must provide), because
50o f the attempt and [the violation], gold, two unciae, i.e., gold, 2 unciae. Also, nothing (shall) prevail against the
51arrangements in this settlement, which, for your security, we have made valid and warranted and lawful,
52with the signature of the one signing on our behalf and of the witnesses below. In answer to the (formal) question,
53we have expressed acknowledgment +, We have clearly received from you one, solidus in the weight of Syene , which 4 our mentioned father Dios gave
54to you for the military (fee) of you his son, and we have no claim against you
55concerning this matter because, as we said, we have accepted it from you and have so acknowledged +. (2nd hand) + We, the Aurelians Victor and Paeion
56and Tsia, whose father (is) Dios, (also called) Pasaroei, (and) whose mother (is) Tlou, who is convinced
57and joins in consenting, the aforem(entioned), have had this settlement drawn up and it is satis
58factory to us as aforem(entioned). Flavius Iakob son of Basileides, former actuarius of the regiment of Syene,
59 having been asked, wrote on his behalf since they are not literate. (3rd hand) + Fl. Menas son of
60Didymus, soldier of the regiment of Syene, bear witness +. (4th hand) I, Fl. Apa Dios son of Martios, former actuarius of the regiment of Syene, bear witness to the acknowledgment, having heard it from
62the contracting parties +. (5th hand) + Flavius Isak son of Iakobos, soldier of the regiment of Syene, bear witness +
63(6th hand) + I, Flavius Komes son of Paamios, soldier of the regiment of Syene, bear witness +
64(7th hand) + Finished by me, Victor son of Petros, on Phamenoth 15, the
65seventh indiction, in Syene +
(1st hand) + Settlement in the names of Victor and Paeion and Tsia, siblings of the same family, to Iakobos.

Places (read out from edition)
  • Συήνης (places.xml#8)
  • Συήνης (places.xml#8)
  • Συήνης (places.xml#8)
  • Συήνης (places.xml#8)
  • Συήνης (places.xml#8)
  • Σήνης (places.xml#8)
  • Συήνης (places.xml#8)
  • Συήνης (places.xml#8)
  • Σήνης (places.xml#8)
  • Συήνῃ (places.xml#8)

    People mentioned in Text

    ID gender en normiert original Language Functions in Texts
    30650 man Aurelius Biktor (Patermouthis archive), son of Dios alias Pasarais and the mother Tlou Αὐρήλιος Βίκτωρ Latin



    RulerID Regnal Year MonthID Day Date of the Text Gregorian Date dating_comment
    Iustinus Neos 09 Phamenoth 15 574 March 11 CE consular dating Iustinus Neos cos 9, indiction 7;




    DatasetID 310325
    last Change 29.07.2022
    Trismegistos 15310
    Papyri.info ddbdp/p.muench;1;1
    Author Ruth Duttenhöfer
    Dataset License Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
    (CC BY-NC-SA)
    Data set citation Data set 310325 (= Pap. München, BSB, Pap.graec.mon. 96), ERC-Project ELEPHANTINE: Ruth Duttenhöfer.