Frg. 1
x+I | | |
1 | | m tp|
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
Psmṯk ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb|
5 | |
6 | |
Dp ḥn|
7 | |
=f mn|
8 | |
9 | |
w=f r|
10 | |
11 | |
b mw|
12 | | nn ḏꜣ|
13 | | n Rꜥ jrr|
14 | | kꜣ ḥr|
15 | |
16 | |
Rꜥ smꜣ|
17 | |
Wḏꜣ.t ṯs
18 | |
.t pri|
19 | |
=sn r|
20 | |
sꜣ.w n|
21 | | msḏr wnm.j n|
22 | |
bw.wt ḏd=f nb r msḏr n Pr-ꜥꜣ
m jy r msḏr=f sḏm mdw.wt
Rꜥ m
ꜣḫ.t jꜣb.t.t n.t p.t ḏd.n=f |
8 | |
m rꜥ pn nn ḫsf=tw m
m jb=f pn m ꜥ.wt=f nb.(w)t jptn ḥr
9 | |
jm=f n Ḫḫm
Sḫm is a later writing of Ḫm "Letopolis".
The lacuna is too large to reconstrcut only šnj.|
10 | |
1 Sḫm is a later writing of Ḫm "Letopolis". 2 The lacuna is too large to reconstrcut only šnj.
ꜣs.t jw ꜥnḫ.wj=f m-ẖnw wḏꜣ.t
11 | |
mdw.wt n Rꜥ rꜥ nb m-ẖnw
pft mwt mwt.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t
12 | |
mr=f tn r Pr-ꜥꜣ mḥ m snf
m dšr.t=f gs m tr.w n
13 | |
ḏd=f sbı͗ n=f m qs.w=f
wnm=f m tbn=f wḏꜥ=f
14 | |
jrı͗.n=f bw.t n Rꜥ rdı͗.n=f
m tp-ꜥ nrı͗.n=f nṯr.w jm.jw
15 | |
tp-ꜥ.wj=sn mꜣꜥ=sn sw ḫtı͗ ḥmı͗
16 | |
jrr.w=f m hꜣ ḥr=f m
1 = d(ꜣ)gy
=f pwy n
tm jy r
3 | |
=sn nṯr.w rwı͗=sn
4 | |
r(m)ṯ.w rwı͗=sn sw
5 | |
jb=sn r ḫft pft mwt mwt.t
8 | |
ḥm.wt-rꜣ r jwı͗ n=f r ꜥḥꜥ
r jwı͗ n=f r ꜥḥꜥ m ḥsı͗=f j
9 | |
mwt.t nb.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ
O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 62, n. AA gives two more possibilities how this lacuna can be restored: as an imperative with the meaning of "Turn back!" or as nagative marker with the meaning of "who do not turn back!.
1 O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 62, n. AA gives two more possibilities how this lacuna can be restored: as an imperative with the meaning of "Turn back!" or as nagative marker with the meaning of "who do not turn back!.
rwı͗ m msḏr n Pr-ꜥꜣ tm |
10 | |
=f m sꜣḥ=k
The scribe wrotes the phonetic complements s and ḥ above this line, the pronominal suffix below this line. n Pr-ꜥꜣ jw nḥm=s
1 The scribe wrotes the phonetic complements s and ḥ above this line, the pronominal suffix below this line.
nb=s jw=s jp n=f ẖr.wj r|
11 | |
ꜥ.wj=sn jw smꜣ.n=f ḥnꜥ smꜣy.wt
jw pnꜥ.tw=f ḥr Wnn-nfr mꜣꜥ-ḫrw js |
12 | |
rk ḫft pft mwt mwt.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t
ḏw js r Pr-ꜥꜣ jr tm=k rwı͗
13 | |
msḏr n Pr-ꜥꜣ
rwı͗.kꜣ.tw=k The scribe wrote ꜣ above the line to correct rwı͗ because otherwise, this verb was written with the phonem ꜣ (r-w-j-ꜣ).
1 The scribe wrote ꜣ above the line to correct rwı͗ because otherwise, this verb was written with the phonem ꜣ (r-w-j-ꜣ).
s.t=s ẖr.wj r ꜥḥꜥ=sn ḏd
14 | |
sẖnkA writing variant of sẖꜣk. According to: O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 65, n. AD.
msḏr ky|
15 | |
1 A writing variant of sẖꜣk. According to: O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 65, n. AD.
rꜣ j Rꜥ ḥr.j-tp mꜣꜥ.t wḏꜥ
kꜣ m Jwnw mj nḥm=k
16 | |
mwt mwt.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ j Wsjr Ḥqꜣ ḏ.t
nn jrı͗=f jwꜥ.w
nn jrı͗=f j
nḥm.n=f t m-ꜥ ḥqr mw
4 | |
Psmṯk m-ꜥ ḫft.jw=f mj nḥm.n=ṯ|
6 | |
sḫm mwt mwt.t ḫft ḫft.t n Pr-ꜥꜣ|
7 | |
j nṯr.w rs.jt mḥ.t jꜣ
sḫr.w m-ḫt tꜣ snḏm-jb n
8 | | jrr sḫr.w m-ẖnw kꜣrı͗ jrr
jrr=tn ꜥ.wt nb n Psmṯk
n=f jb=f ḥr s.t=f ḥꜣ.tj=f ḥr s.t=f|
10 | |
nn th(ꜣ)=f nn wꜥr=f nn gmı͗=f
pft mwt mwt.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ |
11 | |
nn mꜣꜣ s(j) mwt mwt.t nn snı͗ mwt mwt.t
12 | |
jṯı͗ rd.wj=f ḥr šmı͗ ḏr.t=f smn
jr sj nb s.t nb(.t) rḫ.yt nb(.t) ḥnmm.t nb(.t) ḥm.wt-rꜣ šmı͗ |
13 | |
jrı͗.w ḫpr.w=sn m ẖr.t-nṯr
ꜥ m Tꜣ-mrı͗ ḫft prı͗=sn m ẖr.t-nṯr|
14 | |
jrr sḫr.w m-ḫt tꜣ js dı͗.t
ꜥ.wj=tn ḥꜣ Psmṯk mkı͗.t=tn
15 | |
nḥm=tn sw m-ꜥ ḥsb sw m-ꜥ jꜣd.t
n rnp.t tn m-ꜥ ḏꜣḏꜣ(.t) nb.t m-ꜥ šmm nb|
16 | |
ḥsb nb.t prı͗ m rꜣ n nṯr ḥwı͗
wḏꜥ=tn mꜣꜥ.t n Psmṯk nḥm=tn|
18 | |
ꜥpnn.t nḏ(.t) šnꜥꜥ ḥr ḥsꜣ
x+VI | | |
1 | |
prı͗ m ḏ.t=f
2 | |
rn=f j nb n w ꜥ n jrr rn=f ḥꜣp.w
3 | | n=f p.t j mnmn n=f tꜣ j
ḥr.t j wdı͗ js.t
4 | |
sḥtp rḥ.wj m wjꜣ
=f ḏs=f nn rḫ.tw=f j ms.w .tj=f|
5 | | j ꜥnḫ n ḥnmm.t =f jṯı͗ sw r ḥr.t j
6 | | rḫ.tw=f j wḏꜣ.wt ꜥšꜣ nbı͗ ds sḫm-jb j qn
7 | | jb.w j smn tꜣ jrı͗ rn=s
jrı͗ s(t)
j smn mꜣꜥ.t m ḥꜣ.t
8 | |
jrı͗ mk.t=s jrı͗ mwt jm j ms.w
ꜥꜣ nrw j sḫm-jb =f|
9 | | wpı͗ mw.t=s j ꜥšꜣ ms.w
j sp nšnı͗.tj j sḫm-jb|
10 | | Wḏꜣ.t j jrı͗ mꜣꜥ.t ms Nw.t
n ḥꜣ.tj n nb.t=s j šmı͗ jy |
11 | | j jrr grḥ rn Wsjr
=s p.t m sšm=s j s|
12 | |
j jrı͗ fnd j šmı͗ jy
jm=s j jrı͗ rn=s ḥbs m ꜥ.wj=s|
13 | | jnḏ ḥr=tn m-m rn.w=tn ḥmsı͗=sn m p.t wnm=sn m tꜣ jꜥr.wt=sn m p.t|
14 | | bꜣ.w=sn m tꜣ sꜥḥ.w=sn m ẖr.t-nṯr rn.w=sn jmn r ms.w=sn|
15 | | ḏ..wt=sn pnꜥ r jwn.w=sn nn rḫ.tw ḥn.tjw=sn ḫtm|
16 | | ꜥšꜣ.w ḫpr.w smn=tn tp.w=tn r nḥb.wt=tn jrr=sn n ḏ.t sp=sn ꜥnḫ=tn|
17 | | m
jb n ḥnmm.t wnm=tn m ḥꜣ.tj
n rḫ.yt jrr šꜥd.w m ḫft.jw=tn|
18 | | wnm=sn m sbı͗.w m-mn(.t)
ꜥpp m wḥm jw šfw.t=tn|
19 | | nrw=tn jm.y ꜥ.wj=tn js jy=tn
r dr ḫft pft mwt mwt.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t|
x+VII | | |
1 | | ḥm.wt-rꜣ
nḥḥ ḏ.t =tn r .wt=tn|
2 | | mꜣꜣ.n=f jmn=tn jw =tn m-bꜣḥ Rꜥ
Ptḥ m dwꜣ
m Ḏḥ wnn|
3 | | Ḥr sꜣ Wsjr sšm rn
tp n b Wsjr
jrr=sn r=f|
4 | | jmı͗ jr=k nb.t jnı͗.tw
nb n jm=sn ḥr ꜥḫ n
5 | | ḥr ḫꜣ.wt n.t jrr mꜣꜥ.t
šb.t jm=f jm.y-ḫt
Psḏ.t ꜥꜣ(.t)
js.t ḏsr.t|
6 | | m sšm.w=f qmꜣ
rḫ.n=f jr.w=f gmı͗
=f štꜣ=f ḥꜣp.w|
7 | | m Rꜣ-stꜣ.w rḫ.n=f jm.y rḫ=f jm=s jw dı͗=j
jm dd ḥbs.w n.t ḥbs.w|
8 | | dd n=f jꜣw.t ḫft jtn
jmı͗ n=k jb=k gmı͗-wš m-bꜣḥ Rꜥ
9 | | ḏ
rꜣ ḥnꜥ jrr|
10 | | jr.w n Rꜥ jtn ḥr tp=f jr.w n Ḫpr.j
Sḫm.t jr.w n Ḏḥ
wꜣḏ.t r-gs=f
jr.w n jrı͗
11 | | ḥr n Ḫpr.j jr.w n-9 m ḥr n
rd.wj n nṯr jr.w n-9 m ḥr n r(m)ṯ.w ḥmsı͗ m w-r-ꜥ|
12 | | ḥmsı͗ ꜣḫ n-4 ꜥḥꜥ m jr.w m
ḥr n r(m)ṯ.w sš ḥr stp n pꜣq(.t) dı͗ r ḫḫ n sj ḫft|
13 | | šnı͗.t mḏꜣ.t tn ḥnꜥ jnı͗ sj pn js rdı͗.t(w) wḏꜣ.wt m ḏr.t=f dı͗ r ḫḫ=f jr rdı͗.t sj js|
14 | | ḏr.t=f ḥr tp=f ḏs=f ḥnꜥ ḏd=f m qꜣ ḫrw=f prı͗.n=j m Ḏd.w
sḏr.n=j m ꜣbḏw|
15 | | ḥr ḥḥ jt=j Wsjr gmı͗=j rwḏ n mḏꜣ.t ḫpr jnk Ḥr nḏ jt=f ḥnꜥ
16 | | tp
17 | | mw
The sign Gardiner M5 ("sun disk") was written with black ink.
18 | | ḏr.t
The sign Gardiner L1 ("dunk beetle") was written with black ink.
19 | | pw
1 The sign Gardiner M5 ("sun disk") was written with black ink. 2 The sign Gardiner L1 ("dunk beetle") was written with black ink.
x+VIII | | |
1 | | m
nbj.t ꜥḫm=j
2 | | rdı͗.t(w) n=j
.n=j jw rdı͗.t(w) n=j hh sswn.n=j sw rdı͗.t(w) ḫpr=sn jnk ꜣs.t|
3 | | ꜥḥꜣ =s nn dı͗=j sꜣ Ḥr n hh nḥm n=j sw nn n pḫr.wt ꜣḫ.y ḥr.t|
4 | | prı͗
Rꜥ prı͗͗ m ḥꜥ.w=f jnk dr s.t-ꜥ nṯr nṯr.t mwt mwt.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ jrr|
5 | | hh
mꜣꜥ m msḏr n Psmṯk
ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb ḏd
6 | | n
jm ḥnꜥ ḏꜣjs nḏ šnꜥꜥ ḥr jbr dı͗ r msḏr ky|
7 | | rꜣ jw-ms
mwt jw-ms n mwt.t jw-ms
tm sḏm mdw.wt jw-ms n=sn|
8 | | rm.w tp mw ꜣpd.w m pꜣy=sn n sn-2 ẖr mw.t|
9 | | wꜥ.t (ḥr) jwı͗ ḥr sḫ.tj ḏr.wt=w (ḥr) wꜣḥ ḥr dmḏy.t r ḫtm rꜣ n mwt mwt.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t|
10 | | jrr hh.t m msḏr n Psmṯk ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb ḏd
ḥr wjꜣ n Rꜥ
11 | | n
msḏr=f ky rꜣ tp-ꜥ.wj jr.t Ḥr jꜣd.t=s|
12 | | jw ꜣd=k r=s jw ꜣd=s r=k nsb ḫr sšd m p.t nꜣ.w wḥꜣ.w|
13 | | ḫns.w m tꜣ prı͗ ḫt ḥr jꜣ n ꜣs.t r wḥm n Nb-ḥw.t dr nbd m|
14 | | nhs ṯs-pẖr jw jrı͗.n nṯr.w jwy=sn ꜥnw jy m wp.t
15 | | jr.w n Ḥr jr.w n b sš ḥr msḏr n sj ky
rꜣ ḥr ḥr=k mwt nb.t mꜥbꜣ.yt rhnj.t jqr|
16 | | m ḏbꜣ.w nbj.t ḫnd m r(w)d n kꜣ ṯꜣ nb mꜥbꜣ.yt nn wṯs=k|
17 | | n=j m Ḥr nn sbı͗=k r=j m b wꜥr rhnj.t jqr ẖdb m mꜥbꜣ ḫr=tw|
18 | | ḥr sꜣ.t wbd.t ḥr jꜣ ḥr ḥr=k mwt wšr ḏd
sp-4 ky rꜣ|
19 | | n
ꜣ.t jnḏ ḥr=k Rꜥ nb.t
Ḥr smsw|
x+IX | | |
1 | | m
Jwnw ꜥḫm n s
ḫr=k ḫft nb.t
ḫft.t nb.t mwt nb mwt.t nb.t ḏꜣy
2 | | ḏꜣy.t nb.t kꜣp nb.t jmn nb snı͗ jr.w=f nb.t jrr hh.t m msḏr n Pr-ꜥꜣ ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb|
3 | | m jwf=f m mꜣꜥ=f m ḥꜥ.w=f nb.t m ꜥ.wt=f nb j.ptn rdı͗.t sw m qdd m rs.j|
4 | | sḫꜣ sw r bjn=f m ẖr.t-nṯr jn jt=f Psmṯk kꜣ m Jwnw|
5 | | s:ḫr=f mwt nb.t mwt.t nb.t ḏꜣy nb.t ḏꜣy.t nb.t hh.t nb.t tꜣḥ jm ky|
6 | | rꜣ šp=k mwt mwt.t ḏꜣy ḏꜣy.t jy m kk.w(t) r jrı͗.t hh.t m msḏr n|
7 | | Pr-ꜥꜣ ḫr wbn Rꜥ m p.t ḫr ḥtp Wsjr
m ẖr.t-nṯr ky.t-(j)ḥt
8 | | msḏr
msḏr j Rꜥ j Jtm j Ḫprj j Šw|
9 | | j Tfnw.t j Gb j Nw.t j Wsjr j Ḥr j Stẖ j ꜣs.t j Nb.t-ḥw.t j Ḥw|
10 | | j Sjꜣ
Wp-wꜣ.wt j Jnpw j Jsds j mnmn=f p.t j mnmn=f|
11 | | tꜣ j jr j sḏm j Ḏḥ
The name of the god was written with: t (X1) + tꜣ (...) + X4 + plural strokes (Z2). j nṯr.w rs.jt j nṯr.w mḥ.t j nṯr.w|
12 | | j nṯr.w jꜣ j Psḏ.t ꜥꜣ.t jm.y p.t j Psḏ.t ꜥꜣ.t jm.y tꜣ j|
13 | | Psḏ.t ꜥꜣ.t jm.yw ẖr.t-nṯr j pꜣ-4 bjk.w ꜥꜣ.w ḥmsı͗|
14 | | m hꜣ.t wjꜣ n Rꜥ ḫft wbn=f m ꜣḫt jꜣ n.t p.t ḫft ḥtp=f m ꜣḫ.t n.t p.t|
15 | | j tꜣ-4.t jꜥr.wt ꜥꜣ.wt m ꜥḥꜥ n wjꜣ n Rꜥ j pꜣ mjw ꜥꜣ|
16 | | rs r mskt.t n Rꜥ ḫft wbn=f m ꜣḫ.t jꜣ n.t p.t j nṯr.w nb.w|
17 | | ḥr ꜥšꜣ jꜥr.wt j tꜣ-4.t wḏꜣw.t ꜥꜣ.wt hmsı͗ ḫft ḥr n nb=sn|
18 | | j nb ḥḥ nꜣ jrı͗ ḏt nṯr.w ḏsr.w štꜣ.w ḥr
1 The name of the god was written with: t (X1) + tꜣ (...) + X4 + plural strokes (Z2).
x+X | | |
1 | | j ḥḥ n nṯr.w nn rḫ rn=sn m p.t tꜣ dwꜣ.t j nn n nṯr.w nṯr.wt nb.w j|
2 | | rn=sn mj dr=tn mwt mwt.t hh.t m msḏr n Psmṯk ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb nn jrr=f|
3 | | šꜥd=f jm=f nn ḫꜣꜥ=f ꜣtp=f r=f nn mhı͗=f jb=f nn jrı͗=f dḥr.t|
4 | | ḥꜣ.tj=f nn jrı͗=f wšꜥ.w m ḥꜥ.w=f nn jrr ḥnḥn m šmı͗=f nn jrı͗=f ftft m ḥꜥ.w=f|
5 | | nn wnm=f m jwf=f nn nḥm=f rꜣ=f nn jṯı͗=f mdw.wt=f nn šp=f nn jdı͗=f |
6 | | ꜥnḫ.wj=fj ḥꜣ=k ḫft pft mwt mwt.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ jrr hh.t m msḏr n Psmṯk jw=k prı͗.tw jw sšm=k|
7 | | n=j sšm.jw n nṯr.w ꜥꜣ.w dı͗=k rḫ sn ḥr nb.w m-ꜥ nb šf ꜥꜣ|
8 | | pḥ.tj ꜥšꜣ rn.w wsr.w ꜥḥꜥ.yt nb.t ḫpr.w štꜣ.w m st jmn|
9 | | jw wṯs.n=k mꜣꜣ=k nb.t nn ḥꜣp.w jm=f ḫft mꜣꜣ=k js r=k šp ḥr nn-n mꜣꜣ=k jw wṯs=k|
10 | | r tꜣ jm mꜣꜣ=k nṯr.w sšm=k p.t hꜣ=k {tꜣ} r dwꜣ.t rḫ=k jm.j s:ḏd=k|
11 | | sšm n Wsjr
Wnn-nfr m ẖr.t-nṯr nn rḫ.tw s:ḥwr tw nṯr.w jm.j wr.t ḫpr|
12 | | m sp tpy j ḫft pft mwt mwt.t ḏꜣy ḏꜣy.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ pꜣ hh.t tꜣ hh.t|
13 | | m msḏr n Psmṯk ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb jn-jw bn sḫꜣ.n=k pꜣ ḏd j.jrr=k mꜣꜣ mn m st štꜣ|
14 | | mj p.t rs.jt jw ḥr=f m bꜣ m nsr.t jw ꜥ.wj=fj m mjw rꜣ=f m|
15 | | tꜣw j ḫft pft mwt mwt.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ m msḏr n Pr-ꜥꜣ jw ḏd=k mꜣꜣ=j sšm m|
16 | | ꜣḫ.t jꜣ n.t ḥr.t jw ḏd=k kfꜣ=j ꜥ špss mꜣꜣ=j tp n Ḥw.t-ḥr.t|
17 | | m sšm štꜣ jmn j ḫft pft mwt mwt.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ jrr hh.t m msḏr|
18 | | n
wḏꜣ snb jw ḏd=k jy.n=j m Rꜣ-sṯꜣ.w pw ḥr sšm wꜣ.wt
19 | |
Jnpw m Ḏdw
Wsjr m wꜥb.t
=f js|
x+XI | | |
1 | | Wsjr
ꜣs.t sḏr ḥr ẖ.t=sn ḥr swḏꜣ n Wnn-nfr ḫr jr=k m-ḏr ḏd=k sw j ḫft pft|
2 | | mwt mwt.t jrr mr tn m msḏr n Psmṯk jw ḏd=k mꜣꜣ=j jr.wt r Wsjr jn |
3 | | js jr.t nb.t gmḥ sn šp ḥr-ꜥ mj ḏd=k štꜣ.w m jṯı͗ šw m-ꜥ=k Ḥꜥpj|
4 | | ꜥq m ẖr.t-nṯr nḏrı͗.n=f ḫt jm.j=s j ḫft pft mwt mwt.t m tp ꜥnḫ.wj n Pr-ꜥꜣ
5 | | jw ꜥḥꜣ=k r rḥ.wj sn.wj jn Gb jr.j-pꜥ.t nṯr.w r rꜣ mꜣꜥ.t jw ḏd=k nmꜥ|
6 | | ḫft n Rꜥ m Sḫm nṯr.w nb.w jm.jw kꜣr=sn js Psḏ.t šn|
7 | | ḥr ḥr.w=sn mj ḏd=k r pꜣ-4 nṯr.w hꜣy m p.t jw ḥr.w=sn m bjk ꜥ.wj=sn|
8 | | m mꜣı͗ mdw.wt=sn šmı͗=sn ẖnm.w sꜥq=sn r jmw m Sḫm|
9 | | dr mwt mwt.t hh.t m mꜣꜥ n Psmṯk j ḫft pft mwt mwt.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ
10 | | n Pr-ꜥꜣ jw ḏd=k sšm m H̱r-ꜥḥꜣ nṯr.w m-ḫt=sn wṯs=k sšm r|
11 | | jm.jw-ḫt nṯr ꜥꜣ ꜥnḫ=st sḏr jw nṯr.w šmı͗=sn ḥr(.y)-tp=sn|
12 | | m ẖr ꜣḫ=sn nn wnm=sn nn sjw=sn ḥr ꜥnḫ=sn m mꜣꜥ.t jw nṯr.w jm=s|
13 | | sḏr=sn m šnw sš.t jnḥ m jšrw nn mꜣꜣ sn jr.t nb.t jr ḥr|
14 | | mꜣꜣ=w šp=f ḥr-ꜥ wn jm mjw mḥ-7 ꜥnḫ=f m tp=f hw nn tkn=f jn jr.t nb.t wp-ḥr=f|
15 | | ḏs=f mk Psḏ.t
H̱r-ꜥḥꜣ dr=sn mwt mwt.t ḏꜣy ḏꜣy.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ|
16 | | jrr hh.t m msḏr n Psmṯk j ḫft pft mwt mwt.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t jrr hh.t m tp|
17 | | m mꜣꜥ m msḏr n
Pr-ꜥꜣ m-ḏr ḏd=k jy.n=j m Sḫm mꜣꜣ.n=j ḏꜣḏꜣ(.t) nṯr.w ḥmsı͗ ḥr|
18 | | bḥd n bj(ꜣ) ꜥ.wj=sn ḥr sꜣṯ.w jw m rn=sn r ḏd rn=f m ḥm=f|
19 | | pḫ(ꜣ)=f
ꜣ.t j ḫft pft mwt
ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t jrr hh.t
mꜣꜥ m
x+XII | | |
1 | | ꜥnḫ.wj n Psmṯk ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb rḫ=k ḏd=k prı͗ Jwnw nfr nb rnp nfr rꜥ nb|
2 | | jrı͗ rmṯ.w nṯr.w m ḥꜥ.w=fj rwı͗ kkw(.t) m-ḫt ḫpr=f nb r-ḏr nswt nṯr.w ḥqꜣ|
3 | | ꜥꜣ rn=f j Ḫprj
Rꜥ dr=k mwt mwt.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t pꜣ hh.t tꜣ hh.t m tp n|
4 | | Pr-ꜥꜣ j ḫft pft mwt mwt.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t m tp m mꜣꜥ m msḏr n Pr-ꜥꜣ m-ḏr ḏd=k mꜣꜣ=j sšm|
5 | | n kꜣr štꜣ m p.t wꜣı͗ r ḫ-n-r-m ḥr tꜣ jw=f ꜣmm dwꜣ.t štꜣ.w|
6 | | ḏw jr=k mw.t mwt.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ jrr hh.t m msḏr n Pr-ꜥꜣ nn ḏw js r Psmṯk j ḫft pft|
7 | | mwt mwt.t ḏꜣ ḏꜣ.t ḥm.wt-rꜣ pꜣ hh.t tꜣ hh.t pꜣ nk snı͗ m rꜥ pꜣ sd ksks|
8 | | r ꜥnḫ.wj n Psmṯk jy r hꜣy r-r=f m grḥ m rꜥ m nw nb.t|
9 | | rwı͗.tw ḫ s:ḥrı͗.tw nn wꜣḥ=k m tp m mꜣꜥ m ꜥnḫ.wj n Pr-ꜥꜣ jw nꜣ nṯr.w nb.w|
10 | | r dı͗.t wꜣı͗=k r Pr-ꜥꜣ mj wꜣı͗ ns n msḥ r=f m ꜣw ḏ.t sp-sn ḏd
11 | | wbn=f m ꜣḫ.t=f ḥnꜥ sš nn-n nṯr.w nb.w ḥr mḥ.t n mꜣw.t jw tj(.t) ḥr jnm gs m bj.t jꜥı͗|
12 | | m ḥ(n)q.t nḏm.t swrı͗ jn sj ẖr mr m tp ẖr hh.t m ꜥnḫ.wj ḥnꜥ sš=f ḥr stp pꜣq(.t)|
13 | | jw nṯr m sšm=f gs m tp.jt ꜥn.tjw rdı͗.t wḏꜣ.wt r ḫḫ n sj jr|
14 | | snb=f gs=f m bj.t ḫꜣꜥ r mw jr tm=f snb gs wḏꜣ.wt mrḥ.t gs msḏr js|
15 | | tm m ꜥf.wt tḫb m jbr rꜥ nb ḥnꜥ sdm m ṯꜣw.t n ꜥf.wt tḫb|
16 | | bj.t ky
msḏr hh.t dny.t jmı͗ jy
r=j jsj jr
17 | | tn r sꜣ.wj bꜣ.wj prı͗ m
šrj n Rꜥ dr=tn ẖr njꜣ(.t) dd sḫm Rꜥ sḫm pn|
18 | | bjk nsbı͗ rꜣ
sd ḫt=k ḥsq=k ḏꜥm=k m jrr hh.t m msḏr n Pr-ꜥꜣ j.jr=k|
19 | | m jy r msḏr=f sḏm mdw.wt n.w Rꜥ rꜥ nb nn sw ntf Ptḥ n rꜥ pn nn sḫm=k m|
x+XIII | | |
1 | | msḏr n Psmṯk ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb m jb=f m mꜣꜥ=f m ḥꜣ.tj=f m ḥꜥ.w=f nb j.ptn ḥr ntf jnm|
2 | | prı͗ m Wsjr ꜥb.wj jm=f n Ḫḫm šn.w ḥr.j tp=f m Ḥr sꜣ ꜣs.t jw|
3 | | ꜥnḫ.wj=fj m-ẖnw wḏꜣ.t sḏm mdw.wt n.w Rꜥ m ꜣḫ.t jꜣ n.t p.t j ḫft pft mwt mwt.t|
4 | | ḥm.wt-rꜣ jrr mr tn r Psmṯk ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb m snf bꜥbꜥ m dšr.t=f gs m ṯr|
5 | | n.t ꜥmꜥ.t jrı͗.n=f m ꜥb.w nṯr.w ḏd=f sḫd=f m qs.w=f wnm=f m tbn=f wšꜥ=f m ḥꜥ.w=f nb|
6 | | jrı͗.n=f bw.t Rꜥ rdı͗.t.n=f ꜣtf r tp=f nrı͗=f jm.jw jꜣd.t=sn dgꜣ = jꜥ.t= sn dgı͗ according to: O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 188 f., n. KKnṯr.w tp-ꜥ.wj=sn|
7 | | mꜣꜣ=sn sw m-ḫt ḥmı͗ snı͗ jrr.w=f m hꜣ ḥr Pr-ꜥꜣ m jy r=f ntf Ḥr sꜣ|
8 | | ꜣs.t sꜣ ḥꜣ sꜣ jy sꜣ ḏd
qmy snf n msḏr n dꜣ šw.t bnw|
9 | | s:nwḫ ḥr mrḥ(.t) ꜥd ꜥnḫ gs sj jm ẖr hh.t sꜥq m mwt mwt.t m msḏr|
10 | | ḥnꜥ jrı͗ n=f wḫꜣḫ = ḫꜣı͗)ẖ.wt ḥnꜥ dı͗.t(w) pẖr.wt r msḏr=f ky
rꜣ hꜣ mwt jr.y msḏr n Psmṯk
11 | | bḥ smꜣ.n=j tw mt js mt wr.t hꜣ.tw=tn s:ḫ|
12 | | ꜥb.t=s r jꜣ r rs.jt mḥ.t ꜥb.t=s r jm.jw-ḫt Ḥr ꜥb.t=st|
13 | | r jꜣ jm.jw-ḫt b ꜥb.t=s r rs.jt jm.jw-ḫt Ḥr ꜥb.t=s r mḥ.tt|
14 | | jm.jw-ḫt b ḥꜣ=k wd ꜥ=f m msḏr n Psmṯk ḥwı͗.tw jb snk ḫr|
15 | | ḏd=s rn=k pwj qq=s smꜣ tw bjk ḥsq tw mjw ḥmı͗ sbj|
16 | | jmı͗=k wd ꜥb=k m msḏr n Psmṯk
wḏꜣ snb šmı͗=k s:ḫtḫt jn.n=j wr.t |
17 | | dı͗.t=s ḫt ḥr=k nb
ḏd=k r Pr-ꜥꜣ pꜣ hh.t tꜣ hh.t ḏd šn(.t)=k r=k bw.t=k |
18 | | nn jw=k
r msḏr n Pr-ꜥꜣ
mjw ḥs msḥ(.t) ḥs wmf ḥs |
19 | | pꜣq
x+XIV | | |
1 | |
mn tm tm=k ṯs
2 | |
pn ḥr jꜣ n.t t.w
3 | |
r msḏr m mnw dr m msḏr n sj
ky rꜣ s|
4 | |
jꜣw nb nṯr.w mn jb mrḥ(.t)
5 | |
Psḏ.t mj šdı͗=k Pr-ꜥꜣ
6 | |
mw.t wr.t m ḏs=s m-ḫt=s mj qq=s
7 | |
hh.t m msḏr Pr-ꜥꜣ
ky rꜣ
8 | | pḏ
1 = jꜥ.t= sn dgı͗ according to: O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 188 f., n. KK 2 = ḫꜣı͗)
x+I | | |
1 | | [///] in the head|
2 | | [///] ꜣḫ-dead|
3 | | [///] spine|
4 | | [///] [Psame]tik, live, prosperity, health|
5 | | [///] [Ps]ametik|
6 | | [///] [D]ep |
7 | | [///] his |
8 | | [///] spells/ ꜣḫ-dead|
9 | | [///] his [///] towards|
10 | | [///]|
11 | | [///] water|
12 | | [///] without |
13 | | [///] of Ra who does|
14 | | [///] bull upon|
15 | | [///]
16 | | [///] [it] of Ra; unit|
17 | | [///] Wadjet |
18 | | [///] going forth|
19 | | [///] their [777] towards |
20 | | [///] protections for|
21 | | [///] the right ear of|
22 | | [///] [hai]l to you
Ra. Oh one who makes [///]|
3 | |
raise [///] he/ his [///]
of a mḥ.t-bowl the name of Osiris while [you] say [///]
Words to recite over [///]
[///] fresh excrement of a swine, 20 [///]
[placed] at the ear. Another spell. Back, [you] [///]
abominations(?), everything that he says against the ear of [Pharaoh] [///]
Do not come against his ear. Hear [the words of Ra] in
the eastern horizon of heaven! He said [///]|
8 | |
on this day. One shall not make war [in this ear of his, in this temple of his]
in this heart of his, in all these limbs of his, because [to him belongs the] [sk]in|
9 | |
that comes forth from the body [of Osiris]. The two horns
on him belong to Khenty-Khem Lit. "Foremost One of Letopolis".. [The hair of]|
10 | |
1 Lit. "Foremost One of Letopolis".
the top of [his] head [belongs to Horus, son of].
Isis. His two ears are within the W[edjat-eye. Hear]|
11 | |
the words of Ra every day [i]n [the eastern horizon of heaven!]
Oh enemy, fiend, dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary, [and so on who make]|
12 | |
this [sickness] of his against the Pharaoh, filled with blood, [immersed]
in his red-blood, smeared with the red (blood) of [an ꜥmꜥ.t-woman].|
13 | |
He [has done] his enmity against Pharaoh [///]
[He says that] he who has come to him in [his] bones, he who feeds on his head, [he who] ch[ews] [on] his [body].|
14 | |
He [has done] the abomination of Ra. He has put on [the Atef-crown]
from before(?). He has terrorized the gods who [are in] [th]eir [mounds].|
15 | |
[who were] their [predecessors] hide from(?) him See Frg. a. when they see him. Fall back! [With draw! Pass by!]|
16 | |
1 See Frg. a.
Oh one whose nature is evil(?) See O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 54, n. WW.. Do not assail him! Do not [come against him].
1 See O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 54, n. WW.
He his Horus, son of Isis. A protection behind a protection, there comes a protection! [Words to recite over] [...]
of [the ear of] a bat [///]
a [b]nw-plant, the head of a vulture [//] brought to a boil [///]
I have/ for me [///] of the Evil One [///]
this [///] of his to [not] come [against the ear of Pharaoh]|
3 | |
their hearts are joyful. They see [///]
they [///] the gods. May th[ey] turn [him] back [from the ear of Pharaoh.] [Oh]|
4 | |
dead male, dead female. May th[ey] make [him] fall [///]
men. May they turn back [him] [from the ear of Pharaoh.] [///]|
5 | |
May they overthrow him upon(?) [///]
They [///] his bitterness against th[eir] hearts [///}|
6 | |
their abomination. [///] place
his [///] effluxes, his mucus, nose, [sm]elling|
7 | |
of ...?... of effluxes [///]
he [///] their hearts against the enemy, fiend, dead male, [dead female], [male adversary], [female adversary],|
8 | |
and so on to come for him in order to stand [///]
to come for him in order to stand in front of him. Oh [every dead male]|
9 | |
every dead female, male adversary, female adversary, and so on who
[turns ba]ck from the ear of Pharaoh. Not [///]|
10 | |
his [///] when you come for Pharaoh. [She] saves [///]
her lord. She It is unclear who "=s" means. counts for him the two testicles According to O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 62, n. GG. this phrase means: "she establishes for him the soundness of the testicles". [///]|
11 | |
1 It is unclear who "=s" means. 2 According to O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 62, n. GG. this phrase means: "she establishes for him the soundness of the testicles".
th[eir] two arms. He is united with his confederates.
He is overthrown on account of Wennefer, justified. [///]|
12 | |
the enemy, fiend, dead male, dead female, male adversary, fem[ale adversary] who does
evil against the Pharaoh. If you do not tu[rn back] [from]|
13 | |
the ear of the [Pharaoh], then you shall be turned back
its place, possessing(?) [///] against their multitude. Words to recite
14 | |
over flax, sft-oil, laudanum, ḥḏr.t The determinative is lost and so the meaning is unsure. [///]
1 The determinative is lost and so the meaning is unsure.
ground finely together (and) filtered through cloth (and) placed at the ear. Another|
15 | |
spell. Oh Ra, one who has authority over Maat, who administers justice,
Bull in Heliopolis, come, may [you] save [Pharaoh/ Psametik] [from]|
16 | |
the dead male, dead female, and so on. Oh Osiris Heqadjet,
come, may you save Psametik from [///] |
17 | |
[///] He will not produce an heir. He will [not] [///]
the entire [land(?)]. He lives on [///] He has [///]|
3 | |
He has robbed the office of [his] father [///]
He has [robbed] bread from the hungry, [water from]|
4 | |
the thirsty, the clothing of the naked, [///]
of the ꜣḫ-dead. Oh Isis, [great] goddess [///]|
5 | |
eldest, daughter of Nut. Come, [you may save]
[Ps]ametik from his enemy like [you] saved|
6 | |
[him] from the furious one, (and) him from the confederates. [///]
Overpower the dead male, dead female, male enemy, female enemy of [Pharaoh].|
7 | |
[Oh] gods of the South, the North, the West, the [East who]
[govern] through-out the land, who delight the heart of [///]|
8 | |
[///] who govern within the shrine [who]
[govern]throughout the land. Come [///]|
9 | |
may you make every limb of Psametik. [///] [Give]
to him his jb-heart in its place, his ḥꜣ.tj-heart in [its place]|
10 | |
so that he will not go astray. He will not wonder. [He] will not found. [Oh enemy],
fiend, dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary, and so on [///]|
11 | |
[///] come against his multitudes. [He] shall not deviate [///]
[///] A dead male, a dead female shall not see it. A dead male, [a dead female shall] not pass [///]|
12 | |
His two legs should [not] be seized while going forth his hand establishing [///]
As for any [man], any woman, any commoner, any of the Sun-people, and so on who proceed [///] |
13 | |
[///] who make their [forms] in the necropolis [///]
influence in Egypt as they go forth from the [necro]polis|
14 | |
who govern throughout the land. Place
your [two arms] behind Psametik. May you protect [him].|
15 | |
May you save him from doom(?), him from the epi[demic] of
this year, from every fiendish being, from [every] fever|
16 | |
[from] every [d]oom(?) that comes forth from the mouth of the god who floods [///]
the entire land. Oh Great Ennead, oh [Small] Ennead|
17 | |
who administer justice in the presence of Ra. Come
you may [administer] justice for Psametik. May [you] save|
18 | |
[h]im from the rebels [///] established [///]
concealed; be good [///] placed [///]
royal linen, repeated as ꜥnfy The meaning is uncertain due to the lacunae.|
3 | |
1 The meaning is uncertain due to the lacunae.
seven knots which are placed at the head of a man while [///]
[da]y. Another spell. Hail to you, gj.w-plant,|
4 | |
the gj.w-plant that comes forth [///]
upon the first(?) teeth [///]|
5 | |
Osiris to drive away a dead male, dead female, [///],
male adversary, female adversary who are [///]
who tremble in his limbs [///]
the [gn]y.t-part of the ear of this head
this [///] of his of a gj.w-plant.
I came into being in Heliopolis
this. I am in the West [///] come into being [///]
of my body which you [///]
throughout [my] limbs which [///]
him. H[ail] to you g[j.w]-plant(?) [///]
Words recited four times. The remedies given to him
a worm ground finely with a thread [///]
(and) placed at the ear. A book-roll for
a dead male, dead female from the ear of one who is suffering [///]
compilations of prescriptions of
the [rebe]ls (when) th[ey] are [///] [Oh]
one numerous of forms, who has overpower [over] them.
his body from his secrets. Oh one who separates [///]
his two arms. Oh one who does
what is right in the barque|
15 | |
of Millions. Oh one who opens his eye, who makes [///]
- found destroyed - great first born in the two arms.
who provides for his own needs. Oh robber [///]
Oh ...?... O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 90 with n. X translates "long-faced one", but then, it would be expected: ꜣw ḥr. whose
1 O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 90 with n. X translates "long-faced one", but then, it would be expected: ꜣw ḥr.
ꜣḫ.t-power does not exist(?).|
17 | |
Oh time of overflowing of the harpoons See the comment by O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 94 f., n. BB. [///]
1 See the comment by O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 94 f., n. BB.
Oh head[s] whose names are numerous,|
18 | |
who conceals his secret name. Oh [///]
of (his) father. Oh one whose Bas are great
together with [his] secrets|
x+VI | | |
1 | | [///] occasion [///] which comes forth from [his] body [///]|
2 | | [///] his name. Oh possessor of [///] who has made his name concealed. [Oh one]|
3 | | [for whom] he heaven [shakes]. Oh one for whom the earth shakes. Oh [///] [heav]en. Oh one who prepares the crew (and) who does [///]|
4 | | Oh one who appeases the Two Companions in the barque [///] himself. He is not known. Oh children [///]|
5 | | Oh one who lives on the Sun-folk, he [///] removing himself to heaven. Oh [///]|
6 | | he is [not] [kno]wn. Oh amulets whose flames are numerous [///] cutter; whose heart is powerful. Oh one who is strong [///]|
7 | | hearts. Oh one who brings the land into order, who made her name [///] that she does/ who does it. Oh one who establishes Maat in the fore [///]|
8 | | [///] made her protection, (who) made death there. Oh forms [///] one great of terror. Oh one whose heart is powerful [///],|
9 | | who opened her mother. Oh one whose forms are numerous. [///] Oh occasion (when) she was enraged. Oh one whose heart is powerful,|
10 | | Wadjet. Oh one who did what is right, child of Nut [///] for the heart of her Lord. Oh one who goes (and) comes [///]|
11 | | Oh one who makes the night, (whose) name is Osiris [///] heaven in her following. Oh [///]|
12 | | Oh one who made rage. Oh one who goes (and) comes [///] with her. Oh one who made her name clothing in her two arms.|
13 | | Hail to you together with your names. They dwell in heaven; they eat on earth, their uraei in heaven,|
14 | | their Bas on earth, their mummies in the necropolis, their names concealed from their children,|
15 | | their bodies changed according to their appearances. The limits of their lifetime are not known, sealed|
16 | | [///] whose forms are numerous. You affix your heads to your necks. They have been made for an eternity - twice. You live|
17 | | [on the hearts] of the Sun-people. You feed on the hearts of the Common-people, making a slaughter against [your] enemie[s]|
18 | | [///] They eat the rebels daily [///], when Apophis rages again. Your majesty|
19 | | (and) your terror are what is in your two arms. [May you come] to drive away the enemy, the fiend, the dead male, the dead female, the male adversary, the female adversary,|
x+VII | | |
1 | | and so on [///] [for]ever (and) ever [///]|
2 | | he has seen that you are hidden [///] you [///] in the presence of Ra (and) Ptah in the morning [///] by Thoth.|
3 | | Horus exists See line 2., the son of Osiris, guiding the name (?) [///] the head of the evil one, of Osiris, of Nephthys [///] they act against him.|
4 | | Cause indeed that the Lord be brought [///] every [///] from them, with a burnt-offering to(?) [///] Horus-who-is-in-šnw.t|
5 | | upon an altar of the one who does what is right [///] mixed in it, that which is in the following [///] of the great Ennead the sacred crew|
6 | | who is in his following, he has known his forms found [///] he [///] his concealed secret|
7 | | in Rosetau. He has known what is in [///] he knows what is in it. I gave [///] therein, by giving clothing of the clothing|
8 | | given to him. Praise in front of the sun-disk [///] give your heart to yourself - found [destroyed] - in the presence of Ra, Ptah, Khepry (and) Isdes.|
9 | | One should say this spell in order to recite [///] this [book-roll] in front of [one suffering from] sickness. Say the recitation [///] the spell and make|
10 | | an image of Ra, a sun-disk upon his head, an image of Khepry, [///] a female statue of Sakhmet, an image of Thoth [with] a Wadjet-eye beside him, an image of
the one who has done what is right
11 | | the face of Khepry, nine images with the face of [///] (and) the two feet of a god, nine images with the face of a man seated with w-r-ꜥ|
12 | | seated, four ꜣḫ-deads standing with an image [with] the face of a man, drawn on a strip of fine linen, placed at the neck of a man while|
13 | | reciting this book-roll and bringing this man who is weak, in whose hand amulets are placed (and) at whose neck are those who have already been given. If the man who is weak places|
14 | | his hand upon his head himself and he says with his voice raised: "It is from Bousiris that I have come forth. It is in Abydos that I have slept,|
15 | | while searching for my father Osiris. I found the strength of the book-roll come to pass. I am Horus, avenger of his father and draw|
16 | | the head of a dun-colored
According to: WbMT, 885.
ass, anointed with myrrh, placed in front of one who is suffering from sickness. Recite the book-roll
17 | | [///] white [///] painted with [///] embellished with fine linen, a staff of Horus in the right hand with [///] of the moringa-tree in|
18 | | the left hand. Recite [this] spell in [voice] raised. If your strength does not come into being, then you shall say it with the voice raised.|
19 | | It is a great protection See line 18.from the House of Writing. As for [///] precisely what is in writing in [///] of a man
1 See line 2. 2 According to: WbMT, 885. 3 See line 18.
x+VIII | | |
1 | | [///] with truly effective millions of times. Another [spell] [///] flame which(?) I extinguished. [///] [Fire]|
2 | | is given [to me] I have [///] Fire is given {to me} (and) I have punished him who caused them to come into being. I am Isis|
3 | | who fights [///] her. I will not give the son Horus to the fire. These effective remedies will save him for me, while|
4 | | coming forth [///] of Ra, coming forth from his body. I am the one who [drives away] the influence of a god, goddess, dead male, dead female, and so on who make|
5 | | heat [in the head, in the temple] in the ear of Psametik, live, prosperity and health. To recite over 8 reed plants, a knot|
6 | | of [///] to conjure the ear therewith together with the ḏꜣjs-plant, to be ground finely with laudanum, to be placed at the ear. Another|
7 | | spell. A [warning] for a [dead male], a warning for a dead female, a warning [for] one who does not listen to the words, a warning for them.|
8 | | The fishes upon the water (and) birds in their flight belong to(?) the two brothers who possess one mother,|
9 | | coming upon the net catcher. Their hands pointing out the appointed time to seal the mouth of the dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary|
10 | | who make heat in the ear of Psametik, life, prosperity and health. To recite over a barque of Ra drawn on a|
11 | | new papyrus (scroll), placed at the throat of a man, in whose ear is heat. Another spell before the eye of Horus (and) its torment(er).|
12 | | Your rage against it (and) it rages against you. May the enemy be devoured so that the sšd-binding is in heaven, the wḥꜣ-eye-disease|
13 | | (and) swelling See O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 132 f., n. H.are on earth. Fire comes forth upon the left side of Isis and again upon that of Nephthys. Drive away the fiend as|
14 | | the Seth-animal, vice-versa. The gods have made their malice turn back the one who comes with a message. To be recited over|
15 | | an image of Horus (and) an image of the Evil One drawn upon the ear of a man. Another spell. Upon your face, dead male. The Lord of the Tribunal of 30, the excellent ram|
16 | | with a harpoon of fire, the binder with the sinew(?) of the bull of the Lord of the Tribunal of 30. You shall not inform against|
17 | | me as Horus. You shall not rebel against me as the Evil One. Flee the excellent ram (or) be killed by a mꜥbꜣ-spear. You are fallen |
18 | | upon the ground, branded upon the left side. Upon your face, dead male. Dry up. To be recited four times. Another spell|
19 | | to conjure the heat of [///] time. Hail to you, Ra, Lord of [///] Horus the Elder who is|
x+IX | | |
1 | | in Heliopolis, ꜥḫm-demon of [///] you make fall every male enemy, every [female enem]y, every dead male, every dead female, [every] male adversary,|
2 | | every female adversary, every kꜣp-demon, every jmn-demon who makes every form of his unrecognizable, who makes heat in the ear of Pharaoh, life, prosperity and health,|
3 | | in his flesh, in his temple, in all his body, in all these limbs of his, who gives it in sleep, in wakefulness.|
4 | | Remind him(?) of his evil in the necropolis. It is the father of Psametik, the bull in Heliopolis,|
5 | | who will cause to fall every dead male, every dead female, every male adversary, every female adversary (and) every heat that makes a disturbance therein. Another|
6 | | spell. Flow out, dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary, you who come in the darkness to make heat in the ear of|
7 | | Pharaoh. Then Ra will rise in heaven (and) then Osiris will rest [in] the necropolis. Other spells for furnigating|
8 | | the ear, driving away heat, turning back a dead male, a dead female from the ear. Oh Ra! Oh Atum! Oh Khepri! Oh Shu!|
9 | | Oh Tefnut! Oh Geb! Oh Nut! Oh Osiris! Oh Horus! Oh Seth! Oh Isis! Oh Nephthys! Oh Hu!|
10 | | Oh Sia! Oh Wepwawet! Oh Anubis! Oh [I]sdes! Oh he who shakes the heaven! Oh he who shakes|
11 | | the earth! Oh god of seeing! Oh god of hearing! Oh Thoth! Oh Gods of the South! Oh Gods of the North! Oh Gods|
12 | | of the West! Oh Gods of the East! Oh Great Ennead which is in heaven! Oh Great Ennead which is in earth! Oh|
13 | | Great Ennead which is in the necropolis! Oh Four Great Falcons who sit|
14 | | in the prow of the barque of Ra when he rises in the eastern horizon of heaven, when he rests in the western horizon of heaven!|
15 | | Oh Four Great Uraei who are in the entourage of the barque of Ra! Oh Great Cat|
16 | | who guards over the mskt.t-barque of Ra when he rises in the eastern horizon of heaven! Oh all the gods,|
17 | | numerous faces (and) uraei! Oh Four Great protectors who sit in the presence of their Lord!|
18 | | Oh [///] all [///] eternity, those who do [///] eternity. Oh sacred [gods] whose faces are secret.
1 See O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 132 f., n. H.
x+X | |
1 | | Oh millions of gods whose names are not known in heaven, on earth, (or) in the Duat! Oh all the gods and goddess! Oh|
2 | | you whose names are pronounced! Come! May you drive away a dead male, a dead female, heat from the ear of Psametik, life, prosperity and health. He shall not make|
3 | | his slaughter in him. He shall not hurl his lead against him. He shall not make his heart forgetful. He shall not make|
4 | | his heart bitter. He shall not make an itching in his body, not make a holding back when he goes forth. He shall not make a trembling in his body.|
5 | | He shall not eat from his flesh. He shall not take away his mouth. He shall not seize his words. He shall not blind his eyes. He shall not deafen|
6 | | his two ears. Get back you, enemy, fiend, dead male, dead female, and so on who makes heat in the ear of Psametik. You are come forth. You lead|
7 | | the sšm-images of the great gods to me, so that you may let everyone and everything know them, by their Lord, great respect,|
8 | | numerous powers, powerful names in all periods of time, secret forms in the hidden place.|
9 | | You are arisen. You see everything. There is nothing concealed in it. When you look, indeed, your two eyes are blinded because of these things that you see. You rise up|
10 | | to the land therein. You see the gods. You guide heaven. You descend {earth} to the Duat (so that) you may know what is in it, so that you may report|
11 | | on a sšm-image of Osiris Wennefer in the necropolis which is not known. The gods who are in the West See O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 162 f., n. AH. who came into being|
12 | | on the first occasion curse you. Oh enemy, fiend, dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary, and so on, male heat, female heat|
13 | | who are in the ear of Psametik, life, prosperity and health. Do you not remember the statement that you made. See god so and so in the secret place|
14 | | like the southern heaven, his face is a Ba, his two eyes are fire, his two arms are a cat, his mouth is|
15 | | fire. Oh enemy, fiend, dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary, and so on who are in the ear of Pharaoh. You say: “I see the sšm-image in|
16 | | the eastern horizon of heaven.” You say: “I uncover its noble ꜥfn.t-cloth. I see the head of Hathor,|
17 | | in the secret, hidden sšm-image. Oh enemy, fiend, dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary, and so on who make fire in the ear|
18 | | [of] Pharaoh, life, prosperity [and] health. You say: “It means I have come from Rosetau while following the paths [///] [coming in] the night when|
19 | | Anubis [came] from Bousiris. [He] embalmed [///] Osiris in this place of purification. [///] Indeed,|
x+XI | |
1 | | Osiris (and) Isis sleeping upon their bellies, while protecting Wennenfer. Fall, indeed, after the moment you say it. Oh enemy, [f]iend|
2 | | dead male, dead female who make this illness in the ear of Psametik. You say: “I see what has been done to Osiris by [///]|
3 | | Indeed, every eye which sees them is blind immediately. Likewise, you tell the secrets(?) when the sunlight is taken from you (and) [Hapi]|
4 | | enters from the necropolis. He has plundered the things that are in it. Oh enemy, fiend, dead male, dead female who are in the head, in the two ears of Pharaoh,|
5 | | you are fighting against the Two Companions, the Two Brothers. Is Geb, the prince of the gods, against utterance of truth? You say that|
6 | | the enemy of Ra is sleeping See line 5. in Letopolis. All the gods are in their shrines. The Ennead is in fear(?),|
7 | | upon their faces. Likewise, you speak about the four gods who descend from heaven, their faces are those of a falcon, their two arms|
8 | | are those of a lion. [Th]ey speak (and) they go forth united. They enter into the tent in Letopolis|
9 | | driving away the dead male, [dead female], heat from the temple of Psametik. Oh enemy, fiend, dead male, dead female, and so on [who are] in the ear|
10 | | of Pharaoh. You speak of the sšm-images on Kheraha (and) the gods who are in their following. You carry the sšm-images to the outside|
11 | | who are in the following of the Great God. They are alive, (but) sleeping, while the gods - they proceed, their chiefs O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 170, n. CX. are|
12 | | in possession of their ꜥḫ-powers. They do not eat; they do not drink because they live in truth. The gods who are in it,|
13 | | they sleep in the ring of fire, surrounded by Asheru. No eye shall see them. If there is one whom|
14 | | they see, he is blinded immediately. There exists there a cat of seven cubits; he lives with its head. The hw-serpent, it shall [not] be approached by anyone except him|
15 | | himself. Behold the Ennead of Kheraha. They drive away the dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary, and so on who|
16 | | make heat in the ear of Psametik. Oh enemy, fiend, dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary who make heat in the head,|
17 | | in the temple, in the ear of Pharaoh since you say: “I have come from Letopolis. I have seen the Divine Tribunal sitting upon|
18 | | the thrones of metal [///] their two arms upon the ground [///]. In their names to say his name when he does not know|
19 | | his opening through [///] moment. Oh enemy, fiend, dead male, [dead female], male adversary, female adversary who make heat in the head, [in the temple],
1 See O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 162 f., n. AH. 2 See line 5. 3 O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 170, n. CX.
x+XII | |
1 | | in the ears of Psametik, life, prosperity and health. You know (and) you say that beautiful Iunu comes forth, Lord of renewing beauty every day, |
2 | | who made men and gods from his body, who turns away the darkness after he comes into being, who is Lord of all, king of the gods,|
3 | | great ruler is his name. Oh Khepry, Ra, may you drive away the dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary, the male heat, the female heat who are in the head of|
4 | | Pharaoh. Oh enemy, fiend, dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary who are in the head, in the temple, in the ear of Pharaoh after the moment you say: “I see the sšm-image|
5 | | of the secret shrine in heaven, being far from ḫ-n-r-m(?) upon earth. He grasps hold of the secret Duat.|
6 | | Evil against you, dead male, dead female, and so on who make heat in the ear of Pharaoh – indeed, there is no evil against Psametik. Oh enemy, fiend,|
7 | | dead male, dead female, male adversary, female adversary, and so on, male heat, female heat, the one who copulates who transgresses by day, the “tail” that dances|
8 | | against the two ears of Psametik, who comes to descend against him by night, by day and at any time. You are turned away,|
9 | | you are repelled, you are fallen, you are driven off. You will not endure in the head, in the temple, in the two ears of Pharaoh. All of the gods|
10 | | will cause you to be far from Pharaoh like the tongue of the crocodile is far from him, for the length of eternity, twice. To be recited when Ra|
11 | | rises in his horizon and draw all of these gods upon a new mḥ.t-bowl, a tj.t-image in color smeared with honey. Wash|
12 | | with sweet beer. To be drunk by a man who is suffering illness in his head, who is suffering heat in his two ears, and he draws upon a strip of fine linen |
13 | | - a god is in his sšm-image. Smear with fine oil, myrrh, place amulets at the throat of a man. If|
14 | | he is [h]ealthy, he is smeared with honey added to water. If he is not healthy, smear the amulets with fat (and) smear the ear. Lo|
15 | | not with the ꜥft-plant, immersed in laudanum every day, and paint his two eyes with a part of the ꜥft-plant, [im]mersed|
16 | | in honey likewise. Another spell for driving away heat from the ear. Heat! Roar! Do not come against me. Go, you, indeed,|
17 | | against the Twins, the Two Bas who came forth (from) the nostril of Ra. May you drive away the one possessing evil by placing a sšm-image of Ra, this image|
18 | | of a [falcon], licking the mouth, your stick has been broken, you behead your ḏꜥm-scepter. Do not make heat in the ear of Pharaoh, indeed.|
19 | | Do not come against his ear. [Listen] to the words of Ra every day. [///] will not him. He is Ptah on this day. You will not gain power in|
x+XIII | |
1 | | the ear of Psametik, life, prosperity (and) health, in his jb-heart, in his temple, in his ḥꜣ.tj-heart, in all this body of his because to him belongs the skin|
2 | | that comes forth from Osiris, the two horns on him of Khenti-Khem, the hair on his head is from Horus, the son of Isis.|
3 | | His two ears are within the Wḏꜣ.t-Eye. Hear the words of Ra in the eastern horizon of heaven. Oh enemy, fiend, dead male, dead female,|
4 | | and so on, who makes this sickness against Psametik, life, prosperity (and) health, in blood, immersed in his red-blood, smeared with the blood|
5 | | of an ꜥmꜥ.t-woman, he has acted with the enmity of the gods. He who says that he will go down into his bones, he will feed upon his head, he will chew on all his body,|
6 | | he has done the abomination of Ra. He has placed the Atef-crown upon his head. He terrorizes those who are in their primeval mounds. The gods who were their predecessors hide|
7 | | when they see him. (Fall) back! Retreat! Pass by! Oh one whose nature is evil! See note of col II, 16. Do not attack Pharaoh! Do not come against him! He is Horus, the son of|
8 | | Isis. A protection behind a protection, there comes a protection. To be recited over the blood of a dun-colored ass, blood of the ear of a bat, the feather of a phoenix|
9 | | brought to a boil with mrḥ.t-oil and goat fat. Smear a man therewith who is suffering from heat that is caused to enter by a dead male, a dead female into the ear,|
10 | | and make for him an examination within Lit. "examination of the bellies".and all remedies are placed at this ear. Another spell. Oh dead man, belonging to the ear of Psametik.|
11 | | You are cut up. I have slain you. Behold, indeed, she is come. Behold the Great One, she is come near you. You shall let|
12 | | her horn pass first to the West, the East, to the South, the North, her horn to the West (and) those who are in the following of Horus, her horn|
13 | | to the East (and) those who are in the following of the Evil One, her horn to the South (and) those who are in the following of Horus, her horn to the North|
14 | | (and) those who are in the following of the Evil One. Back you, who would place his influence in the ear of Psametik. The greedy Evil One See O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 197, n. T and struck, [///]|
15 | | she shall say this name of yours you whom she will devour. The falcon has slain you. The cat has decapitated you. Retreat, rebel.|
16 | | Do not place your horn in the ear of Psametik, [life, prosperity] (and) health. If you are proceeding, turn back. I will bring the Great One [///]|
17 | | so that she puts fire upon each of you when you speak against Pharaoh. Oh male heat! Oh female heat! Your (own) spell is said against you and against your abomination|
18 | | You shall not come [against] the ear of [Pharaoh] [///]. [To] recite over honey, [feces of a] [ca]t, feces of a crocodile, feces [///] feces|
19 | | fine linen. [Another] spell|
x+XIV | |
1 | | [///] You shall not [///] barque [///]|
2 | | [///] One shall recite this spell over ...?... of bread [///]|
3 | | [///] against the ear daily dispelling from the ear of a man [///] [Another] spell [///]|
4 | | [///] praises the Lord of the gods god so-and-so; jb-heart(?) ...?... mrḥ.t-oil [///]|
5 | | [///] Ennead ...?.... Come may you rescue Pharaoh from [///] ear [///] Recite [///]|
6 | | [///] great mother in ...?... herself in her following, likewise she eats [///] dead male, dead female [///]|
7 | | [///] heat in the ear [of Pharaoh]. To recite ...?... times. Another spell. [///]|
8 | | [///] cense(?) Transliteration and Translation according to: O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015).
1 See note of col II, 16. 2 Lit. "examination of the bellies". 3 See O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015), 197, n. T and V. 4 Transliteration and Translation according to: O'Rourke, A Royal Book (2015).
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