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Ostr. Paris, AIBL CIS Clermont-Ganneau no. 280

TEI-XML-File: https://p612399.webspaceconfig.de/xml/elephantine_erc_db_313164.tei.xml



Inventory Number Ostr. Paris, AIBL CIS Clermont-Ganneau no. 280
Publication Number Mémoires 35 no. 280
Current Location Paris, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
Publication Status published

Origin / Provenance

Ancient Provenance Site Elephantine (Ꜣbw; Yb; YbꜢ; YbꜤ; Ἐλεφαντίνη, יב , ⲉⲓⲏⲃ) [Trismegistos]
Ancient Provenance District Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos]
Type of Discovery archaeological excavation
Finder (= First Purchaser) Clermont-Ganneau, Charles
Location of Find / Purchase in Egypt Elephantine
District of Find / Purchase in Egypt Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos]


Object Type ostracon
Range of Preservation complete
Mounting (unknown)
Comments on Object Mesurements and remarks from publication. Lozachmeur: cv: 7.5YR7/2 ; cc: 2.5YR6/4.

Text Basic Information

Localization of Text on Object concave/convex (inside/outside)
Text-Localization, Addendum cc parallel.
Script, Primary Aramaic, Imperial
Language, Primary Aramaic, Imperial
Comments on Handwriting Lozachmeur hand Ib.
  recto verso
Quantity of Lines 6 6
Height of Line / Letter


Text Content

Modern Title Inscription on Sherd
Summary of Content Missive. Content obscure. Perhaps justification of goods lost in a sunken boat?



Transcription Translation Pictures
1HL: CC 1. [...]סתריה שלחי 2. יקרוה אפ חזי 3. פתוה בני 4. אצריא 5. מטבל 6. שח◦רל cv 1. הושרת קפירא מלא 2. עקנ אפ קפתא בה 𐡜 3. כענ קפתא זי הושר 4. תמ בה לחמ 5. א הא 6. על
1סתריה שלחי
2יקחוה אפ חז י ו 2The final letter appears to be ו made with two strokes and no pen-lift. Compare the י which is written with two strokes and one pen-lift.
3פתוה בני

1 HL: CC 1. [...]סתריה שלחי 2. יקרוה אפ חזי 3. פתוה בני 4. אצריא 5. מטבל 6. שח◦רל cv 1. הושרת קפירא מלא 2. עקנ אפ קפתא בה 𐡜 3. כענ קפתא זי הושר 4. תמ בה לחמ 5. א הא 6. על
2 The final letter appears to be ו made with two strokes and no pen-lift. Compare the י which is written with two strokes and one pen-lift.

vso 1הושרת קפירא מלא
vso 2עקנ אפ קפתא בה 20
vso 3כענ קפתא זי הושר
vso 4תמ בה לחמ
vso 5א הא
vso 6על
1Send (f.s) Setaryah
2they shall take her. Moreover, look (f.s)/they looked at
3–4(her) PTW (with) the treasurers (lit. sons of the ones who store up).
5dip/sank 1HL parses from פתא C-stem (aphel) “to be large” (index) but translates “son étendue? / ils l'ont?” D-S. (via HL) translates “morcelez-la”
1I sent the full pot
2with wood. Moreover--the basket, in it is 20 (measures).
3Now, (as for) the basket which I sent
4–5them, in it the bread was indeed
6on top!

1 HL parses from פתא C-stem (aphel) “to be large” (index) but translates “son étendue? / ils l'ont?” D-S. (via HL) translates “morcelez-la”
Places (read out from edition)


People mentioned in Text

ID gender en normiert original Language Functions in Texts
32970 woman Setaryah / Sithryah סתריה Aramaic, Imperial







DatasetID 313164
last Change 29.07.2022
Author James D. Moore
Dataset License Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Data set citation Data set 313164 (= Ostr. Paris, AIBL CIS Clermont-Ganneau no. 280), ERC-Project ELEPHANTINE: James D. Moore.