TEI-XML-File: https://p612399.webspaceconfig.de/xml/elephantine_erc_db_313634.tei.xml
Collection | Cairo, Egyptian Museum |
Inventory Number | Vessel Cairo EM Publ. No. 88/605 |
Publication Number | 88/605 |
Current Location | Cairo, Egyptian Museum |
Publication Permission Status | permission for publication upon enquiry only |
Publication Status | published |
Ancient Provenance Site | Quebbet el-Hawa () [Trismegistos] Certainty: high |
Ancient Provenance District | Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos] |
Type of Discovery | archaeological excavation Certainty: high |
Finder (= First Purchaser) | (unknown) Certainty: high |
Location of Find / Purchase in Egypt | Quebbet el-Hawa |
District of Find / Purchase in Egypt | Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos] |
Type of Acquisition for the Intitution | excavation finds |
Buyer (Currently Housing Institution) | Simon, James Certainty: high |
Object Type | vessel |
Range of Preservation | (undecidable) |
Localization of Text on Object | convex (outside) | |
Text-Localization, Addendum | vertical. | |
Range of Preservation (Text) | complete | |
Script, Primary | Old Hieratic | |
Language, Primary | Old Egyptian | |
recto | verso | |
Quantity of Columns | 1 |
Modern Title | Vessel inscription containing owner |
Ancient Archives | (Uncertain) |
Ancient Scribe(s) of Text | |
Text Types |
Summary of Content | Personal name. Same personal name on objects 88/554-88/563. |
Location of Composition | unknown unknown Egypt (Certainty: high) |
Multilingualism | Monolingual Script = Language |
Gender | Woman |
Religion | Polytheism (Egyptian) |
ID | gender | en normiert | original | Language | Functions | in Texts |
20655 | woman | Merisi | Mr(j)s(j) | Old Egyptian |
RulerID | Regnal Year | MonthID | Day Date of the Text | Gregorian Date | dating_comment |
Pepi II | Tomb: archeological evidences.; |
DatasetID | 313634 |
last Change | 29.07.2022 |
Author | Martina Grünhagen, Emil Joubert, Zoltan Takacs; Verena Lepper; Daniela C. Härtel |
Dataset License | Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA) |
Data set citation | Data set 313634 (= Vessel Cairo EM Publ. No. 88/605), ERC-Project ELEPHANTINE: Martina Grünhagen, Emil Joubert, Zoltan Takacs; Verena Lepper; Daniela C. Härtel. |