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Pap. New York, Brooklyn Museum 16.580.227a-b

TEI-XML-File: https://p612399.webspaceconfig.de/xml/elephantine_erc_db_318090.tei.xml



Inventory Number Pap. New York, Brooklyn Museum 16.580.227a-b
Current Location New York, Brooklyn Museum
Comments on Inventory Gift of Evangeline Wilbour Blashfield, Theodora Wilbour, and Victor Wilbour honoring the wishes of their mother, Charlotte Beebe Wilbour, as a memorial to their father, Charles Edwin Wilbour 12/19/2003: There is a note in the Registrar's Accession sheets for 35.1327 - 35.1444 that these numbers for these amulets were cancelled by Mr. Cooney in January 1942 and the objects were assigned the accession numbers 16.580mn. It is impossible to match the cancelled accession number with the accession number in 16.580mn. (S.Leverock, Registrar).
Publication Permission Status permission for publication upon enquiry only
Publication Status unpublished

Origin / Provenance

Ancient Provenance Site Elephantine (Ꜣbw; Yb; YbꜢ; YbꜤ; Ἐλεφαντίνη, יב , ⲉⲓⲏⲃ) [Trismegistos]
Certainty: high
Ancient Provenance Details ‘Elephantine, Feb. 1890’ marked on container.
Ancient Provenance District Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos]
Type of Discovery find or purchase
Certainty: high
Finder (= First Purchaser) Wilbour, Charles Edwin
Certainty: high
Location of Find / Purchase in Egypt unknown
District of Find / Purchase in Egypt Upper Egypt, 1st nome (Ombites) [Trismegistos]
Type of Acquisition for the Intitution donation
Transferor (Seller, Previous Owner) Wilbour, Charles Edwin
Certainty: high
Buyer (Currently Housing Institution) (not relevant)
Certainty: high


Object Type papyrus
Range of Preservation incomplete
Mounting (unknown)

Text Basic Information

Localization of Text on Object recto
Script-Fiber-Relation (for Payri) parallel (recto)
Inks and Pigments carbon ink monochrome black
Range of Preservation (Text) incomplete
State of Preservation (Text) Mass of papyrus fragments inscribed in Hieratic, red and black. Only one fragments of any size (inscribed in clear hand, recto and verso). All other pieces small.
Script, Primary Hieratic
Language, Primary Middle Egyptian
Comments on Handwriting Mass of papyrus fragments inscribed in Hieratic, red and black. Inscribed in clear hand, recto and verso.


Text Content

Modern Title papyrus fragments of unclear content
Ancient Archives (Uncertain)
Ancient Author of Text (Unknown)
Text Types
  • documentary
Summary of Content Papyrus fragments of unclear content due to their fragmentary condition.
Location of Composition unknown unknown Egypt (Certainty: high)
Multilingualism Monolingual Script = Language
Religion Polytheism (Egyptian)




RulerID Regnal Year MonthID Day Date of the Text Gregorian Date dating_comment
Middle Kingdom -1938 BCE -1630 BCE XII-XIII dynastie; paleographical dating;



Reserved Copyright
Reserved Copyright




DatasetID 318090
last Change 29.07.2022
Author Verena Lepper; Daniela C. Härtel
Dataset License Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Data set citation Data set 318090 (= Pap. New York, Brooklyn Museum 16.580.227a-b), ERC-Project ELEPHANTINE: Verena Lepper; Daniela C. Härtel.